Re-opening Information
Dear Parents
I hope you and your families are well and enjoying the Whit holiday.
I am writing to just give you a brief update regarding the re-opening plans here at Cronton.
Throughout the Whit holiday we have been able to continue our childcare facility for Key Worker families and vulnerable children. I would like to thank all staff for giving up their time to be able to do this.
On 8th and 9th June we will be closing school to all children in order to be able to make final preparations for the re-opening.
We are hoping to have a gradual re-opening from 10th June. This will be done gradually over a number of days. I will write to you with more details and to confirm the gradual re-opening dates and times. I will not be able to do this until our Risk Assessment and re-opening plan has gone through appropriate consultations this week.
In the interim, Mrs Hooks will be contacting all families who have requested either key worker childcare or a place in one of the priority year groups PODs to confirm your child's place.
Please keep safe and I will write to you again as soon as I have confirmed opening days and times for each of the groups and PODs.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Sylvia Thomson