Welcome to Reception
This is the home of Mrs Jones and Miss Wilson.
We make learning fun in our class and always try to enjoy our work and play and be helpful and kind to each other. We are always very busy learning how to be a part of the school community and making friends across the school.
Useful Tips
- Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school.
- Please place all school books (Home/School Books and Busy Books)/Reading books are in the clear Reading Packets along with any letters for us - these are what the children bring into the classroom and what we check every day - not the book bags.
- Please place Reading books are in the clear Reading Packets EVERY DAY.
- Busy Books will be updated weekly on a Friday and should be returned to school on Wednesdays. This gives us a chance to share and show.
- P.E. this half term is on a Monday. Please can you check your child has their name in everything and also that they have the right uniform on when they get home! We try our best to make sure everyone goes home in their own clothes but it can be difficult keeping track of thirty shirts.
- The Christian Value this half term is Wisdom and we will be looking at how we can show this in our everyday lives.
Enjoy looking through our photographs and blog to show what life is like in our class.
Kind regards,
Mrs Jones and Miss Wilson