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Cronton Church of England Primary School

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Y5 Class Worship

class worship Humility


Class Worship!


After hard work from the children and support from all of you, we have put together as a class our Class Worship about Humility!


The children saw it today (Monday 16th November) and it will premiere on Thursday afternoon on our class page. They cannot wait for you to see it and I am super proud of them, because their work ethic, dedication and behaviour were fabulous and this has allowed us to continue our learning as well as have a little project and a bit of fun with the worship! 


A few notes:

  • The video will be embedded as a Youtube video on here. I will also share the direct link to it on Seesaw for easier sharing, however, you can just signpost your family and friends to our class page.  
  • The video is uploaded as an 'unlisted' video on Youtube. What does it mean? Unlisted videos are invisible in search results, subscriber feeds, suggestions, and user video tabs. Only people with the link can see and share your video. The reason behind it being uploaded on Youtube is that it is way too large to be uploaded as a video file on our school website, but I wanted you to be able to share it with your families, grandparents and friends who would otherwise come to our class worship in school! If you have any questions about this, please, do not hesitate to contact me. 
  • The worship is best to be watched on TV if you can mirror your screen to it, or laptop, or through connecting your phone to a speaker. This is because the videos were filmed on an ipad and unfortunately, the microphone on it is not of the best quality. The children tried their hardest to be loud (as did I in post production playing with the volume!), but this is the best we could do. I hope you will understand that!
  • Let us know through 'Contact the school' form what you thought! I am sure both the children and I would love to hear what you liked and instead of chatting to you after the class worship, we will at least be able to do it virtually!

Thank you again for your support and I cannot wait to hear from the children and you what you thought! 

All the best,


Mrs Musil



