Spring 1
This week in Nursery we practised our numbers 1, 2, 3 by singing a new song called Chocolate.
The Spanish word for chocolate looks the same as the English word, but it is pronounced differently.

Today in Nursery we learnt how to say the numbers from 1-3 in Spanish. We learnt some actions to help us remember each number.
uno dos tres
Counting to 3 in Spanish

Today in Nursery, we learnt how to say the colour green. Now we know how to say 4 colours.
Then we sang a song about the 4 colours.
Los Colores - The Colours

Autumn 2
This week in Nursery, we learned how to say the colour Yellow.
We practised saying the word and then had to find something in Nursery that is yellow.
Today in Nursery, we have been learning how to say blue and red in Spanish.
azul (blue) rojo (red)
We had to listen very carefully to the colour Mrs. Kimmins said in Spanish, and find an object in Nursery of that colour.
My name is...
Today in Nursery we learnt how to say, My name is... Jose and Elena told us their names.
We also learnt to say how we are feeling.
(I'm well) (I'm really well.)
We learnt a song that uses these phrases.
Buenos días. ¿Cómo estás? Good morning, how are you?

Autumn 1
This week we put the family member names into a finger rhyme.
This week we have been learning how to say the names of some family members in Spanish.
Today we met Elena - she is Jose's friend. We learnt the word for friend in Spanish - Amigo.
Adios Amigos - Goodbye Friends

Today we talked about the different words that people in Spain use.
Rosie is Spanish, and she teaches Andy how to say Spanish words. Today, she helped us all to say Hello in Spanish.
Hola Hola Hola (it means Hello)

We met Jose and all said hello to him.
Hola Jose