Here are more children who have earned their 15 - 100% to choose a book.

Well done for receiving a gift book for earning 15 lots of 100% quizzes. Well done a super achievement.
Our new Whole Class book is "The Girl Who Stole An Elephant" by Nizrana Farook
The class have already made their predictions about what the story is about and are looking forward to reading the book.
Well done to our Ninja readers.

The Unforgotten Coat

In Summer term we will be reading "The Unforgotten Coat". It is a fictional story of two refugee brothers from Mongolia who arrive in a school in Liverpool. Based in Bootle the brothers meet Julie who becomes their "Good Guide". The children are really enjoying the book and the humour. The story will help as we begin to write our own stories with a dilemma.
The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe.

In Spring, we read the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. We are using this novel as a link to our writing of fantasy stories. The children are really enjoying the book.

Our class novel for Autumn 1 is the Iron Man. We have been reading the
story written by Ted Hughes to help with our comprehension. We complete
some vocabulary work on each chapter and answer a variety of comprehension
style questions. The children did some predicting before the start of the book and
had some really good ideas. The children used the story to create a newspaper report based on the story of the Iron Man saving the world.
Home Reading
- The children are expected to read at home at least 3 - 5 times a week and more if they want to. They should read for at least 15 minutes. Once the book is finished and the children have journaled, they can quiz about it every Tuesday to Friday. In year 4, I like to emphasise it is the children's responsibility to make sure that their reading journal is signed by a parent/guardian/grandparent (either every time they read or once a week), so that they can get awarded Ninja belts for every 25 reads. Please click here to read more about how to fill in the Reading Journal and how the process of assigning your child with a reading level work.
- Their Reading Journals will be checked and signatures counted every Thursday. If the children forget to get it signed that week, I will not be counting their entries at the back of the RJ that week. Once they manage to get it signed, the next time I am checking the RJ, I will be able to count these towards the Ninja belts.
- The children need to bring their Reading Journal and book every day to school. Due to current circumstances, they will not be able to get a spare book out during the time allocated to AR. If they forget their book or RJ, they will be given other work to complete during this time.
- Children will spend 20 minutes, four days a week reading in school. They will then journal what they have read and continue this until they have finished the book. You do not need to re-read what they have read in school so their home reading record should not follow all the pages in the book in order as they will have read some in school. Please read at home for at least 15 minutes for the minimum of 3 times a week. The children have a bookmark with Vocabulary Infer Predict Explain Retrieve questions on for you to discuss with the children as they read.