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Cronton Church of England Primary School

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25th Jan

This week it is rectangle ( oblong)  week. Can you remember how it is the same as a square and how it is different than a square ? 

We have been learning how to make repeating patterns and I have loved seeing all the different ones you have made. 

We have been trying to hear the initial sounds in words and playing I spy. Can you think of a word that starts with t? 

We have read a Bible story , David and Goliath. We learnt a song and it too. It is on seesaw if you would like to sing it again at home. 

Our traditional tale this week has been the Ugly Ducking. We have found out all about how mummies and their young are not always similar through reading Monkey Puzzle. We found out all about eggs and the different animals that hatch out of eggs. Lots of children were surprised to discover that snakes came out of eggs. 








