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Year 6

Spring 1




This week, we started to look at the names of different jobs in Spanish.  We could guess most of them because their names are cognates (the same or similar to English)


Some  professions have endings that change, depending on the gender of the person they are describing.

Then we learned how to use the jobs in a simple sentence.



Autumn 2



The Day of the Innocents  El Día de los Inocentes

This week, we have been learning about a celebration in Spain that takes place on the 28th. December.  It is held in order to remember the innocent baby boys that were killed by King Herod.  People like to play practical jokes on each other.


Today, we added times to the daily routines we learnt last week.


This week, we had to be language detectives.  We were given a short text and had to look for clues to help us deduce the meaning. 


Using the clues and a little help from the dictionary, we discovered that the mystery text was a list of daily routines before going to school.




We learnt how to say and recognise the routine phrases, using actions to help us.



Today in Spanish, we have been learning how to tell the time.  We concentrated on quarter to  the hour and quarter past  the hour times.






Today, we learnt how to use different adjectives with the verb estar  to describe how different groups of people are feeling.









We extended our sentences using the word cuando (when), and described how the weather makes us feel.




This week, we learnt how to express how we are feeling with a new verb, estar.




Estar song

Still image for this video

We conjugated the verb by putting the all the pieces in the correct pattern.







Autumn 1



This week, we started with a new song to practise greetings for different times of the day.

Learn Spanish Greetings - Hola Amigo - with BASHO - Trim.mp4

Still image for this video

Then, we learnt some new phrases to express different feelings.

To use these phrases, we need the Spanish verb tener (to have).








Today in Spanish, we wrote another  letter to our pen pals in Spain.  We sent them photographs of the different parts of the school.  We hope to get our replies very soon and find out what the Spanish school in Madrid  is like.





This week, we practised using the multiples of 100 to count groups of objects.  We noticed that sometimes the ends of the numbers changed to match the gender of the nouns we were counting.





Today in Spanish, we counted in multiples of 100 up to 1,000.




