Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
This is the home of Mrs Duffy and Mrs Myler.
We make learning fun in our class and always try to enjoy our work and be helpful and kind to each other. This year we are focusing on being independent and responsible whilst in and out of the class room. Our Christian Value this half term is Responsibility.
This term, spellings are sent out every Monday and we have our spelling test on a Friday. We have two lots of homework each week. Homework will generally be a piece of English and a piece of Maths. English homework will be sent out on a Tuesday to be returned on a Friday, and Maths homework will be sent out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. We will be working hard on our times tables also. This will be done in school and at home as part of the Maths homework.
We also ask that children read five times per week if possible. Now that children are in Year 4, reading up to 60 minutes per day can significantly improve their fluency and comprehension. Please record your child's reading in their reading journals as they can receive reading ninja certificates every 25 times they read. Children are also to write a book synopsis in their journals every time they read; this will allow children the opportunity to show their understanding. The children are very good readers and comprehension is extremely important now.
The children need to keep practising all of their times tables and division facts; with a main focus on 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12.
Our P.E lessons this half term will be on a Monday morning with Mr Noblett and on a Thursday afternoon with me and Miss Morris. However, it is important to have our P.E kit in school every day.
In Year 4, we will be having clarinet lessons every Thursday morning. Children are responsible for bringing their clarinets in every Thursday morning and taking them home on a Thursday night to practise throughout the week.
Kind regards Mrs Duffy and Mrs Myler.