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Year 2

Please use the link below to see all the wonderful work completed in our KS1 Spanish lessons.

Week Ending Friday 12th July 2024

What a great day we had on Thursday with Mrs Williams, learning all about Matisse and fauvism. We completed line drawings, experimental mark making and completed our own self portraits in the style of the artist. We had SUCH a fabulous time. Well done on all your fabulous art work Year Two!

In maths we have continued our learning about statistics by learning about block diagrams and pictograms.

We learned how to change data collected using tally charts into these different ways of representing what we had found out.

In English we started our stories about the inventors and their inventions. We had some great ideas: flying carpets, invisibility pants, incredibly fast growing plants; the ideas were amazing. I can't wait to read your finished stories!

In our DT we completed our unit by adding a line of running stitch to frame our art work. The children have amazed us with how quickly and independently they picked this up! Great work Year Two!

Week Ending Friday 5th July 2024

What a fabulous time we had with Year Five at Liverpool Cathedral for The Big Sing Concert. Thank you to everyone who came to support us! We hope you enjoyed listening as much as we did singing!

The Big Sing

Still image for this video

In maths this week we have been looking at different ways of representing data and finding information. We have looked at tally charts and tables so far. Next week we will be looking at pictograms and block charts.

In English this week we have been looking at an example of an invention story and investigating what elements of writing make a good one. We can't wait to write our own invention stories!

In DT we have learned and practiced sewing running stitch. We were all very good at it!

In Computing we used the i-pads to decide if pictures would be better in landscape or portrait and investigated some of the editing features we could use. We investigated what each element of a healthy plate does for our brains and bodies in our science lesson. 

What another great week we have had in Year Two!

Week Ending Friday 28th June 2024

This week in our maths we have continued learning about time by looking at telling the time to and from the hour to the five minutes. We worked out it was a bit like our 5 times tables! We found telling the time to the hour a bit trickier as you have to count backwards from 12 in fives! We have also been practising our times tables.

In our English, we have started our final text for the year. We began by making some predictions about the character and the story. Who is Rosie? What is she doing? Can you child tell you their predictions and tell you about the story so far? What do they think is going to happen next?

In our DT we made our own versions of Australian Aboriginal Dot Art. We used colours similar the ochre colours and pigments and I think you will agree - we did an amazing job! They are all ready for us to add some further detail later on using needles and thread. We just need to have a bit of practice first!

Well done to everyone for competing so well on our Sport's Day! We had such a great time! Everyone worked hard to get as many points for their teams. Thank you to all our mums, dads, nans, grandads, uncles, aunties and everyone who came along to cheer us on!

Happy Father’s Day to all our dads, stepdads, grandads, uncles and all the important men in our lives! We had a fabulous time with you at our coffee morning! 😀❤️

Weeks Ending 14th and 21st June 2024

Welcome back for our final half term of the year! Over the last two weeks in our maths we have finished off our unit on measuring by looking a temperature and moved onto time. We started with revising o'clock and half past times before moving onto quarter past and quarter to the hour. We will be moving onto five minute intervals next week.

In English we have planned and written our own stories where a king or queen banned something that should definitely not be banned. Some of the children even had their king or queen ban school! What a crazy idea! 

It's a good job their characters changed their minds at the end of the story! 

We have finished off our collages and evaluated them in art and design. They all looked amazing! Well done Year Two!

In geography we have started our unit learning about Australia by comparing it to the UK and by trying to learn the different territories of the continent. We learned some good facts about each country. We have also revised human and physical features and found land marks in each territory. We were able to sort them into the two categories. Can your child tell you about some of the similarities and differences we found between the two countries? can they tell you if each landmark is human or physical?

In PE we have started learning about cricket, what a wicket is and how you score a run. It's going to take us a little bit of practice I think - although one or two of us were smashing the ball a good distance!

We had a visit this week from the nurses to help us learn all about cleaning our teeth properly and eating healthily! We had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Thank you nurses! 

A Sneaky Preview of our Big Sing

Still image for this video

Week Ending Friday 24th May 2024

This week we have continued with our measuring work - working with centimetres and then solving measurement problems and comparing and ordering lengths. We then moved onto investigating and learning about mass.

In our English this week we have been analysing the story about the Queen who banned silence and investigating What a Good One Looks Like ( WAGOLL). We are getting ready to plan and write our own banning stories when we come back after the holiday.

In history we finished our learning on the Tudors by completing a quiz and seeing how many facts we could remember about King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. 

How many facts can your child tell you about them?

In art we started to make our final pieces of collage using our plans to help us. I can't wait to see the finished pieces!

We have planted some seeds in our science and are wondering what will have happened to them when we return! 

Another great half term Year Two! Have a lovely holiday everyone.

Week Ending Friday 17th May 2024

This week in our maths we have started learning about measuring length and height. We have measured things in centimetres and metres and compared different lengths and heights. We had a lot of fun. We learned some facts about the measures we use. Can your child tell you which is larger? Centimetres or metres? How many centimetres are in 1 metre? Can you find and measure some things at home? Which would be best to measure a book? Which would be best to measure across a room?

In English we have been revising how to use conjunctions in our sentences. Then we read another story where something is banned! This week a queen banned silence across her lands. The children thought at first that this would be brilliant because they could talk and chat to their friends all the time but then they started to think about how tired they would get. Just like the people in the story. Can your child tell you how the people got the rule reversed?

In art this week, we planned and designed our flower collages that will be our finished pieces for the unit.

In computing we used our maps for the beebots to 'debug' our instructions to navigate our way around. Our history learning this week was all about Henry VIII and the start of the church of England. We learned that you had to be very careful to follow the same religion as the king or there were horrible things that could happen to you! We also learned that we are still following the church that he started and it is in our school name! 

Another great week in Year Two!

Week Ending Friday 10th May 2024

This week we have been very busy doing lots of reading comprehension and maths calculations and reasoning.

In science this week we investigated how plants grow from bulbs and compared the stages to plants that grow from seeds. Can your child explain the cycle to you?

In English we wrote a persuasive letter to the king from our story to try to convince him to stop the ban on the dark! I wonder if we will convince him?

In PE we continued with our tennis learning - this week we worked in pairs to play doubles 'Winner stays on'. We learned that you can position yourself with a partner to help you cover more of the court.

In computing we used the beebots on our own designed maps, using position and direction commands to get to different places on the grid. We had added obstacles to the grids to make it even more challenging!

Week Ending Friday 3rd May 2024

This week in our maths we have been learning about unit and non unit fractions. We have also been looking at the equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4. We also put fractions in order of size: 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3. We found this hard because the largest denominator did not mean the largest fraction. See if you can practice this at home next time you have a cake to cut!

This week in our English we have been thinking about the ban on the dark made by the king in our story and have been planning a persuasive letter to try to convince him to change his mind. We came up with several reasons why a ban on the dark might not be such a good idea. Can your child talk to you about them?

We worked inside for our PE this week and had a lot of fun competing in different races to help us practice for sport's day. Some were easier events than others! We learned about relay races and how to pass the baton most effectively. In computing we have designed our own grids for the beebots to move around on next week. 

In art we learned about shading and colour when we added colour to our still life drawings from last week.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend everyone and let's hope the weather is kind!

A massive thank you to the Friends of Cronton PTFA for our fabulous disco! There were some great moves on show and we loved our hotdog snacks and ice pops! 

Week Ending Friday 26th April 2024

This week in our maths we have been continuing our learning about fractions by finding thirds and finding the whole when we are given a fraction of an amount. Can your child tell you how to find a third? can they tell you how to find the whole from a fraction?

In our English we have been re-reading our great vehicle text: The King Who Banned the Dark. We have been sequencing the events of story and writing our own summaries. Can your child put these events in the right order and tell you a summary of the story?

In Art this week we tried our hands at drawing from real life by sketching daffodils and using colour. We looked at ways of adding depth by shading and texture and will be using what we have learned in our next lesson.

In PE we carried on with our tennis lessons and had a go at a game of stay in. We had to serve and return the ball when it was our turn on. The rest of our team had to try and defeat the server by returning the ball so they couldn't hit it. We had to stay in the court lines - which was harder than it looked! 

In computing we carried on our learning about programming robots by using more complicated instructions.

Week Ending 22nd April 2024

This week in maths we have been continuing our learning on fractions by learning about quarters and thirds.

Can your child tell you what they are? How many EQUAL parts do you need to make quarters? How many for thirds? How many quarters make the same as a half? You could have a go at this next time you are making sandwiches or cutting dinner up!

In our English we have been predicting what our new story will be about. Can you discuss your child's predictions with them? I wonder what will happen in the story? Read the blurb from the back. I wonder what the title of the book could be?

We had an AMAZING adventure this week going on the Jerusalem Journey to learn about all the events that make up the Easter Story. We had a map to follow and met many interesting people along the way: one of the disciples told us about The Last Supper, we went to the Garden of Gethsemane, attended the trial of Jesus and met Pontius Pilate and visited the crucifixion and the tomb where Jesus rose from the dead! Thank you to Mrs Whitehouse and friends for helping us learn about the importance of Easter in such a spectacular way!

We had fun in computing programming the beebots to get to a specific destination on a map and had a fabulous music lesson with Liverpool Cathedral teachers! In PE, we further developed our tennis skills hitting the balls over the nets to our partners! What a great week!

Week Ending Friday 12th April 2024

Welcome back everyone to the start of our summer term. This week in maths we have been looking at fractions - starting with halves. We have been identifying halves and finding halves of shapes and amounts.

In English this week we have been writing our non-chronological reports on an animal of our choice from Grandad's Island. We have found out lots of interesting facts and information about them and considered how to best present our findings.

In geography we have continued our learning on hot and cold places by looking at the UK and the climate and weather we have. We learned that even though the UK is quite a small country, there are still small climate differences in different parts of the country. Can you match the weather and climate to the different parts of the UK?

In computing we started our learning on algorithms by trying to give instructions to our 'robot' friends. It turns out that giving very specific instructions to a robot to move around is quite difficult! We also tried to make a drawing based on instructions without having a picture to reference! We ended up with quite a few different variations! 

In science we have learned about habitats and micro habitats. Can your child tell you which ones these pictures are? Are they habitats or micro habitats? what might live in a micro habitat?

Week Ending Friday 29th March 2024

What a fabulous end to the half term! Just look at our amazing Easter bonnets! A great Easter Egg hunt as well! Year Two, you have worked so hard this term and I am very proud of you all. Have a very Happy Easter and I told the Easter Bunny that you all deserve lots of eggs and he delivered! 

Week Ending Friday 22nd March 2024

What a great week we have had in Year Two this week! We spent a day with B Tales writing an assembly all about the true meaning of Easter which we performed for our parents in the afternoon. We had such a lot of fun and learned an important message as well.

We had a great Times Table Rock Star day on Friday. We spent the day practising our times tables ready for going on TTRS in the afternoon. Check out our rocking and rolling while we work out the answers to mixed two, five and ten times table questions! 

The Two Times Table Song

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Rocking’ and Rollin’ While We Are Workin’ 😀

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We had a great time in geography using the atlases to find The Equator, the North Pole, the South Pole and the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. We then found countries above, on and below The Equator. 

In DT we made and tested our final roly polys before evaluating them. They looked amazing and worked brilliantly! 

Week Ending Friday 15th March 2024

Science Week!

What an amazing week we have had in Year Two learning lots more about Science. We started off with practical workshops with a science teacher from OCA, one of our local high schools.

There were experiments around making circuits and testing different materials to see if they were conductors or insulators, microscopes to examine different cell samples, quadrat surveys, colour exploration and fingerprinting: were we whorls, loops or arches? We had an amazing time.

Next up was a workshop where we learned all about carbon monoxide and keeping safe in our houses with Safety Seymour and his friends. We wrote and performed a drama all about what we had learned.  We all got a little Safety Seymour to make at home and a carbon monoxide alarm for our houses. 

We had a great Mad Science assembly where we got to see lots of amazing science in action! 

We undertook a STEM activity to build an elastic band powered car in groups. We had to use lots of perseverance and testing to get these going as the construction was tricky! 

Finally we learned a little bit more about animals and their habitats with our friends from Hackback CIC. Anita brought in Murray and Mango to help! They are both owls but live in very different habitats and have very different skills. One of them is a very good runner. Can you guess which one? Look at their legs to help you figure it out! 

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to Green Team! 

Week Ending Friday 8th March

Happy Mother’s Day to all our fabulous mums, stepmums, nans and aunties! We hope you have a fabulous day! We certainly had a lovely time making your cards and spending time with you at our coffee morning! 

We have had a fabulous Book Week this week. Drop Everything and Read, Mystery Readers popping in to tell us a story and of course World Book Day where we read the story of The Rainbow Bird, an aboriginal traditional tale and learned some facts about Australia.

In maths, we have been looking at the 2 times table and how the times tables relate to each other e.g. 2 X 4 is the same as 4 X 2. We have been practising our 2 times table with our 2 Times Table ( google Justin Timberlake) song and doing lots of speed games on the board.

In PE we have been working with a partner to throw and catch a ball and aiming to bounce the ball so it reaches our partner! 🎾🎾 In DT we have been busy drawing our final designs for our roly polys. In science we looked at different types of animals and their different characteristics and body parts.

WHAT a week we have had! Science week next week and we CAN’T WAIT!

Week Ending Friday 1st March 2024

Happy St. David's Day! Yellow team came in their team colours to celebrate!

In maths we have continued with our block on multiplication and division by looking at grouping and making groups. We have learned how these relate to multiplication and used arrays to help us understand that there are two multiplication sentences we can make for each array. We then looked at the division sign and how division is the opposite of multiplication and how they work together in families.

In English this week we have been looking at recounts and what needs to be included to write a good one. We then wrote our own fabulous recounts of our trip to the Blue Planet Aquarium last week.

In P.E. we had a great time learning about attacking and defending using the small balls. In DT we made faces for our roly polys and then looked at how the tubes could roll without the wheels attached. 

We have been learning tis week about Fair Trade in our International work this week and finding out how important it is to help farmers across the world get enough money for their crops so they can send their children to school and improve their homes and villages.

Week Ending Friday 23rd February 2024

What a fantastic trip to The Blue Planet Aquarium we had on Friday! We had two great workshops: on eon plastics in the ocean environment and one on habitats - both of which linked with our science learning this year. We saw some amazing fish, watched the divers feed the stingrays and had a brilliant time! Luckily we didn't really get eaten by any sharks!

In maths this week, we have started our block of learning on multiplication and division. We began by looking at equal and unequal groups, then making equal groups, then adding equal groups before using the multiplication sign. Keep practising those times tables Year Two! 

In English this week we have been looking at instructions to prepare for writing our own instructions for making a habitat for our magical creatures next week. Can your child tell you what order the different parts of the instructions should go in? Can they tell you all the things instructions should include?

We have finished our history unit by comparing rooms in our houses today with rooms in houses in Victorian times. In DT we have been investigating different joining techniques for our roly polys and evaluating which is the most secure and most effective. Another great week Year Two! We started our new block of Living Things and habitats in science this week by investigating and sorting things into three groups: alive, never been alive and dead. We had some very interesting discussions around chocolate cake! Has it ever been alive or is it dead because it is made of things that were once alive? Food for thought indeed!

Week Ending Friday 9th February 2024

We started Children's Mental Health Week with a whole school assembly on Your Voice Matters.

We read a story called 'Speak Up' by Nathan Bryan and Dapa Adeola about  a little girl who stated a campaign to save her library. We thought about how we can use our voices to talk about how we are feeling, help other people and helping to make changes to things we care about. We then learned about the five ways to keep our brains healthy in class. We made our own posters about our learning.

In maths, we finished off our block on money by looking at reasoning and solving two step problems and had some times table fun.

In English we wrote our own finding stories based on the magical creatures we had invented! We really enjoyed writing these!

In History we learned about a Victorian wash day and thought about how it was very different to how we wash our clothes and bedding now. Can your child tell you what all these items are and how they were used?

We completed an end of unit quiz on forces in our science and started our next unit in DT on Roly Polys.

In R.E. we continued to learn about how Jesus was friends with everyone by learning about the miracle of The Paralysed Man.

Have a fabulous half term Year Two! You have worked really hard this half term!

Week Ending Friday 2nd February 2024

This week we have been exploring making a pound using different coins and calculating with money. We also learned expanded column addition and also learned the importance of keeping the tens and ones columns clear! Well done Year Two! We'll soon have this method nailed!

In our English this week we have been looking at the example text and analysing it for vocabulary and features ready for writing our own finding stories. We put everything we found on our working wall. We designed our own class creature and then designed our own individual ones. We had a lot of fun! I can't wait to read the stories about all these different creatures!

In dance this week we had to create our own dance to 'I'm a Barbie Girl'. The children had to create start positions, sequences of movements including a cascade and a finishing position. We then performed our pieces for each other. There were plenty of WOW moments!

In science, we explored how magnets can attract and repel each other. We loved how you could feel the forces but not actually see it! 

In art, we finished our work on Maeve Wright by completing our finished pieces and learned about a famous Victorian Liverpudlian in history, who saved many people from cholera through her generosity. She helped the council set up the very first public wash houses and you can go and visit her grave in the city. Who was this

amazing woman? Ask your children to tell you all about her! We also learned a little bit more about Victorian house work! What is this object and how was it used?

Week Ending Friday 26th January 2024

This week in our maths we have been continuing our work on money. We have been counting in pounds, matching amounts and choosing notes and coins to make amounts. The concept of being able to make an amount in many different ways using our currency needs lots of exploring! Why not have a go at home?

In English we have been exploring the character of The Bog Baby and his appearance. We have written some list poems about him. We have also explored The Bog Baby's feelings at different parts of the story and using conjunctions to help us justify and expand our thinking. 

In R.E. we are thinking about friendship and how Jesus was friends with everyone. We learned the story of how he cured the ten lepers this week and thought about what we would say to him if we were one of the lepers writing a thank letter.

In science we have been exploring magnets and magnetism. We explored different items to see if they were magnetic and learned the words attract and repel. We learned about the north and south poles of magnets.

In art and design we have been using photocopies of our observational house sketches to explore different media - paints on wet and dry paper and chalk and oil pastels.

Week Ending Friday 19th January 2024

Another busy week in year Two! This week in our maths we have been introducing our new topic of money. We have been exploring the different coins and practising counting them. Money is sometimes a difficult thing for children to understand because one thing represents many things and we are becoming a cashless society!

You can help your child by getting out your loose change and counting up amounts - play shop! Or let them use some of their pocket money to spend themselves in a real shop!  

In our English this week we have started our new unit  based on The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.

We have been making predictions before reading the story.

What is a bog? What is in it? And what is this strange creature? What is going to happen in the story and what are those two girls doing?

We have been writing setting descriptions using conjunctions.

In our history this week we have started a new topic: Changes in homes since the Victorian times.

We learned about Queen Victoria. What can your child tell you about her?

In Computing we have been looking at the difference between drawn pictures and photographs. We have drawn portraits of our friends and then taken photos of them on the i-pads.

In our science we continued investigating forces by finding out if different forces: pushes, pulls and twists could alter the speed, direction or shape of different items.

We had a lot of fun!

Week Ending Friday 12th January 2024

Happy New Year to everyone! 
We have had a great first week back in school! We started our week with Funday Monday. We revised our knowledge of compasses and the four main directions. We took some compasses outside onto our yard and found North, South, East and West and then sketched what we could see in each direction.

We practised what we preached in our science by re-using plastic and other waste materials to make a super underwater collage.

In the afternoon we were lucky enough to have a fabulous pantomime to watch! A very entertaining performance of Cinderella.

In our maths we have been exploring 3D shapes and their properties. We have counted faces, edges and vertices and sorted out shapes into different sets.

In our art and design we were outside again with our sketching clipboards. This time we were sketching houses we could see ready to explore different media, such as pastels and paints, as part of our preparation for a final piece based on the contemporary work of Maeve Wright. 
We have started our new PE block of dance and had fun making a honey bee dance sequence.

We also finished our Continents and Oceans geography unit by deciding which continent we would like to live on and thinking of the reasons why we would like to live there.

Week Ending Friday 22nd December 2023

Merry Christmas everyone! We have had a fabulous last week of term with our Great Big Autumn Term quiz, finishing our cards, a talent show, a party and breakfast with a VERY special visitor! 🎅🏼 We finished the term with a celebration assembly for our fabulous high attendees and the Twelve Days of Christmas. Thank you to all the children and parents for making this term so great and thank you for all your lovely gifts. You are all very kind. We felt very blessed indeed. Have a fabulous Christmas and a great New Year!

Week Ending Friday 15th December 2023

We have had another great week in Year Two. We had lots of fun at the Santa Dash on Thursday despite the weather's best efforts and the children were so full of energy - Miss Wilson and I couldn't keep up!

In maths this week we have been learning about symmetry and where we can find lines of symmetry in different shapes. Then we had a go at completing shapes using lines of symmetry to help. Some shapes were trickier than others!

In English this week, we have been thinking about the main character William from our vehicle text and wondering what he would write in his diary if he had one. We have been exploring how you write a diary and what features it has: written in the first person and in the past tense. We will be writing a diary as William for our next writing task.

In science this week, we linked to our unit on Plastics in the environment and looked at how we can reduce, re-use or recycle. We decided to investigate how we can change polystyrene blocks into something completely different! We can't show you our finished result because they are a surprise to bring home!

In geography the children had to use all their skills to match key facts and pictures of main landmarks for each continent to the correct continent using only the shapes of each one! We were amazing at this - I bet all the children can recognise the continents if you tested them at home using a world map! We then also learned about human and physical features of the world and sorted them into the two groups.

Stand Back! Year Two are doing Science!

Still image for this video

Week Ending Friday 8th December 2023

What a fabulous time we had on Sunday performing our Nativity play in church for all our families!

The Very Hopeless Camel was far from hopeless. We are so proud of all of our Key Stage One children. They worked hard to learn all the songs and actions. Year Two were especially amazing. They learned the parts and remembered all the songs and all the stage directions! FANTASTIC! 

In our maths this week we have started our unit on shape by revising the names of all the 2D and 3d shapes and making sure we can recognise them all. We have counted sides and made sure we were watching out for any shapes that were trying to play tricks on us! We also learned that quadrilaterals, hexagons and pentagons can look very different to the regular ones we are used to seeing!  

In our English we have planned and written a setting description for a chosen illustration from The Night Gardener by the Fan Brothers. We have thought about similes we can use and noun phrases. We have thought about how you describe setting - starting with the background and then moving closer.

We had a fabulous Christmas Games Day on Tuesday where we went in and had lots of fun playing games on stalls that were brilliantly run by Year Six.

In art and design we have started to learn about the artist Maeve Wright and the type of pictures she produces. Can your child tell you anything about her and her work? 

We had our last road safety session this week with the team from Knowsley and made them some Keeping Safe on the Road posters to show that we had listened really well and would remember how to stay safe near the roads.

Another very busy week in Year Two!

Week Ending Friday 1st December 2023

This week Blue Team celebrated Saint Andrew's Day and we started our work with Knowsley Road Safety team. This very important learning teaches us about traffic and roads. We started out by learning that we need to walk along the pavement away from the kerb and to stand back from the kerb when we are getting ready to cross. We also learned that we need to look both ways and look again before we cross and how to choose a safe place to cross.

In our maths we have been finishing our addition and subtraction unit by looking and mixed addition and subtraction, comparing number sentences and finding missing numbers in number sentences. 

In Design Technology we have been very busy making, tasting and evaluating our sandwiches.

We had a lovely afternoon and some very delicious food as well!

We have also been very busy rehearsing our Nativity play and thinking about the Christmas story. we have thought about good news and times in our lives when we have received good news. We also learned about the messengers that God sent to spread his good news about the birth of Jesus.

Week Ending Friday 17th November 2023

This week has been anti bullying week in school. We started off with Odd Sock Day, wrapped ribbons around the tree and read Odd Dog out by Rob Biddulph which included a draw along online with the author.

In maths this week we have been adding and subtracting tens, adding two 2 digit numbers together and subtracting a 2 digit number from another 2 digit number. See if your child can remember any of the strategies we have started to learn.

In our English we have read the story of The Night Gardener and have started to look at how to describe a setting from the story. There are so many fantastic illustrations in the story - it's going to be hard to pick one to use. We have learned about adverbs and similes this week as well and how they add extra detail to help the reader really see and feel the setting. Can your child tell you about adverbs and similes?

In PE we have continued to explore the apparatus and refine our jumps, rolls and ways of travelling. 

In DT we have been busy using all our tasting sessions to design our own healthy sandwiches. 

Week Ending Friday 10th November 2023

This week we learned all about Diwali and how it is celebrated. We learned the story of Rama and Sita and why Diwali is called the Festival of Lights.


This week in our maths we have been looking mainly at subtraction and the strategies we can use to use help us subtract across a ten, subtract from a ten, subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number and then looking at ten more and ten less than a number. It's been a lot of subtracting!

In our English we have been exploring clues about our new text we will be reading this term. We have used picture clues and some illustration clues. What do you think our story might be about? What do you think the title might be? Can you talk about your ideas with your child? Can they talk about their ideas with you?

We had a lot of fun in our PE this week exploring all the apparatus. We thought about different ways of travelling, different ways of dismounting and shapes and balances we could do.

In DT we tested out lots of lovely ingredients for our sandwiches so that we could design our own.

We also started our Geography unit this week on continents and oceans. We started by looking at compasses and compass points and then looking at a world map to find our country and countries that are north, south, east and west of us. Another fun week in Year Two!

Week Ending Friday 27th October 2023

This week in our maths we have been looking at strategies to help us with our addition. We have been partitioning numbers to help us get to the nearest ten to make it easier. This is why we need to know all our number bonds to 10 so well! We have added three one digit numbers together and learned to check if there is a pair that makes a 10 to start. This makes it a whole lot easier!

In our English this week, we finished our work on A River by writing our letters to Tom, the boy on the boat, telling him about the possible dangers he would face on his voyage and what steps he could take to keep himself safe. The children have really enjoyed reading this story and looking at the fabulous illustrations. I wonder what we will be reading next?

We have had a lot of fun doing our tasting of different types of bread to get ready to design our super sandwiches! Everyone was very impressed with the flatbreads!

In PE we have continued to play games involving attacking and defending and working together in teams. There was definitely some good strategies on show from some of the teams!

In our science we continued to learn about plastics and what is good and bad about them. we read a very good book called A Planet Full of Plastic and How You Can Help by Neal Layton. We learned a very shocking fact about how much plastic there is floating around in our oceans and seas as well as really starting to think about how we can help!

Week Ending Friday 20th October 2023

This week in our maths we have been adding and subtracting. We have looked at our number bonds to 10, then to 20 and then to 100. We have looked at how there are 'families' of related addition and subtraction facts.

have a go at these with your child.

In English this week we have been looking at writing a letter back to Tom, the little boy on the boat and analysing a 'What a Good One Looks Like' (WAGOLL). can you and your child find examples of all the different sentences, phrases and words? We are ready to get planning our own now to write next week.

In science this week, we have started our new unit on Environmental Science by looking particularly at plastic: what things are made from plastic, how it is made and the advantages and disadvantages of it.

In D.T. we started our sandwich unit by looking at the healthy eating pyramid. It's a good job we all like so many fruits and vegetables!

In computing we looked at how we use information technology and how we need to make sure we use it safely and responsibly. We made our own posters to help us remember the rules!

Another busy week!

Week Ending Friday 13th October 2023

This week in our maths we have been looking at counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.

We have looked at how some numbers come up in more than one pattern and counted forwards and backwards using these ssteps.

We have also been singing our two times table song a lot and practising our two times table.

In English we were very surprised to open a letter Mrs Jones had found in the stream when she was out walking her dogs. It was a bit muddy and soggy! It was from Tom - the boy in the boat in our story! he was asking for our help!

We have been thinking of what we will need to write back to him to help him and good vocabulary we might use.

We have also been learning about different sentence types: Quentin Question, Belinda Bossy Boots (Command), Stan Statement and Ella Exclamation. Can your child tell about these and give you examples?

In history this week we have started a new unit of learning about Wartime Nursing. We learned about a very determined lady who went on her own to help soldiers in the Crimea. It wasn't Florence Nightingale - I wonder if the children can tell you who she is and what she did?

In our art we made our finished pieces of weaving and they all looked fabulous!

This week we also held our school council elections. We held our hustings and sent our top four candidates forward. After confidential voting we are happy to have elected Anais and Eloise! 

Week Ending Friday 6th October 2023

Very well done to you Year Two for leading our EYFS and KS1 Harvest Festival Service on Friday afternoon for all your  mums, dads, nans and grandads. You were amazing and spoke so clearly and confidently. Great singing and actions too! We would like to say a huge thank you to all the families who donated harvest gifts for this year's charity: Food Bank.

In maths this week we have been comparing and ordering groups of objects and numbers. We have been placing them in order from greatest to smallest and vice versa and using the <, > and = symbols in our number sentences as well.

In English this week we planned and wrote our own circular stories based on the stories we have read. We used lots of great text features such as: good openers, noun phrases to describe, repeated phrases and even some questions to keep the reader interested!  

As well as rehearsing for our Harvest Festival, we have been very busy across the curriculum. In science we concluded our Materials unit with an investigation into which material would make the best umbrella. Despite the large quantities of water involved - we managed to find a winning material without too much flooding. Can your child tell you which one it was and why it was the most suitable?

In history we learned about the re-building of areas of London and the new rules that were put in place. Can your child tell you who this man is and what connection he has to the buildings shown?

In art, we planned our final piece of weaving and which materials we would use.

What a great week!

Week Ending Friday 29th September 2023

This week in our maths we have been exploring numbers and where they go on different number lines. This has been a little bit tricky so here are our top tips for finding the places of numbers.

Look at the first number on the the number line

Look at the last number on the number line.

Look at the steps on the number line. How many are there? What are they counting in?

Put on the half way number.

Place your numbers!

In our English we have been reading our example text that is linked to the main text of A River. we will be planning and writing our own circular stories soon so we have been analysing the story to see how it is done!

here is the one we started together before the children completed their own. can you find any of our text features with your child?

We had a great afternoon learning about Sweden for European Day of languages. 

See what facts your child can remember!

In computing we had a think about how much information technology is all around us - both inside and when we are out and about.

In art we explored looms and weaving with natural found materials. I think you will agree we did very well!

Another great week in Year Two!

Week Ending Friday 22nd September

This week in our maths, we have been continuing to explore how we can partition numbers and how we can record this. The more we do the better we get! Here are some examples of what we have been exploring using our dienes equipment. Some of us even worked out a system for exploring all the different ways!

In our English, we have continued to read and explore our vehicle text, A river.

We have learned about noun phrases and how we use them to describe things and add detail and interest to our sentences.

Can you and your child use some noun phrases to finish off my sentence by looking at the illustration?

We have had a busy week in our other curriculum areas as well!

In Science we investigated which materials could be made to change their shape. Some were much easier to manipulate than others! We learned some new words to describe the materials as well!

In P.E. we played sending and receiving games in pairs using the larger balls.

In history we learned about a gentleman who gave us lots of eyewitness information about The Great Fire of London. Can your child tell you who he is and what he did that gave us so much detailed information. Can they tell you what he buried in his garden to keep it safe?

In art and design we started to explore weaving using paper. We learned about the weft and warp and how to weave going under and over. 

What a great week! 

Week Ending Friday 15th September 2023

This week in our maths work we have been investigating place value and partitioning two digit numbers into tens and ones. We have been using place value charts to help us with our investigating and learning. We used lots of tens and ones practical equipment (concrete resources) to support us. You could do this at home with 10p pieces and 1p pieces. Can you make 21p? 36p? How many tens have you got? How many ones have you got? 


In English we have read our first text 'A River' by Marc Martin after using our clues to predict what the story might be about last week! It is a beautiful book with fabulous illustrations that are good for discussions. What can they see? What might live in these places? Which place did they like or dislike best and why? We have written some great setting descriptions based on the place they liked the best.

In Art this week we have been investigating fabrics before we start our work on weaving. We looked at lots of different fabrics and pulled the threads apart to see if we could see how they were made.

In P.E. we have been practising our throwing and catching with smaller balls and seeing if we can move around spaces while bouncing and catching them. All good basic skills ready for team games.

In history we investigated what London would have looked like in 1666 and what conditions helped the fire spread so widely and quickly. We had a go at fire fighting with equipment from 1666 and came to the conclusion that bucket chains were not really very effective if you are dealing with a large fire!

Can your child identify the items in the picture or tell you why the streets helped the fire spread?

All this as well as revising our Spanish greetings for times throughout the day and starting to learn the words for weather types! Its been a busy week in Year two!

Week Ending Friday 8th September 2023

What a lovely first week we have had! it is so nice to see the children again and work with them after having them in Reception. They have certainly grown a lot in height and learned a lot in Year One!

We started off our maths learning with investigating place value and revising some of what we know already before moving on to new things. Have a look at some of the learning we have been up to!

In our English we have started to make some predictions about what our new story is going to be about. We are very excited to read it next week! Have a look and see if you can make your own predictions! Share them with each other and then you can see who makes the closest ones!

We started our science unit on materials this week by investigating different objects and trying to decide what material they were made from and whether they were natural or man made materials. We had lots of discussion over things like wool! We can't just cut the wool off the sheep and wear it so there was some debate over which category it fitted into! What objects can you find in your house that are made from different materials? Are the materials natural or man made?

We investigated paper as a material in our art lesson and found out that we could fold it in lots of different ways and make lots of interesting effects. I wonder what next week will bring?

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to our new class blog for 2023 - 2024. This is the home of Year Two with Mrs Jones and Miss Wilson. We are really looking forward to sharing our learning with you over the coming year and keeping you updated with what is going on in our class every week. Watch this space! It will be updated at the end of each week.


