In Maths, we have moved onto our multiplication and division topic. We started to look at our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and finished the week with a lesson about grouping and sharing. We practically looked at ways to group and shared and then did the same activity using counters before we removed them too!
In English, we have started to explore our new vehicle text called 'Fox'. We started by looking at different vocabulary from the text. We used a dictionary to find the definitions and practised using the words in context within a sentence.
In Science, we have been conducting an experiment to identify what objects are opaque, transparent and translucent.
In English, we have started our new book. We looked around the room for clues to predict what our new story will be about.
Take a look at some of our routines that we have been creating in Gymnastics.
We have been extremely lucky to have HMRC in school today. They delivered a lesson informing us all about the tax we play when we are older and where the money goes.
Week ending 15.11.24
We have finally finished our addition and subtraction topic. We will still need to practise the column method regularly so we don't forget it! We finished the week looking at estimating and using the inverse to check our answers.
In English, we have been writing a detailed plan for the town mayor so we can capture the Iron Man. This will stop him from causing mayhem in the town! Take a peek at some of our writing:
We have been learning a routine in dance this week.
In History, we have finished our Stone Age topic by exploring the Iron Age. We created posters to present to the rest of the class.
Week ending 8.11.24
What a fantastic week Year 3 have had!
In Maths, we have continued with the column method. We finished by looking at column subtraction and exchanging in both columns before we move on to estimating next week.
In Science, we have started to look at our light topic and investigate which materials are reflective.
We have been looking at gymnastics in our P.E. lessons. Take a peek at some of our amazing balances!
In D.T., we have finally created our puppets! Here are some photos along the way!
Week ending 25.10.24
What a brilliant end to the half-term! The children have worked immensely hard and should certainly be proud of themselves!
In English, we have started to analyse our Example Text and we have gained ideas to stop the Iron Man. We explored different vocabulary.
In Maths, we have started to look at column addition and subtraction. This is incredibly difficult and we have shown lots of resilience here.
Our water resistance experiment!
Our elections for Student Council and our new councillors!
We have been exploring the Stone Age in Tatton Park. We looked at shelter making, using wattle and daub to create walls and even making our own fires!
More from Tatton Park!
In Computing, we have been on a scavenger hunt to find out where the digital devices are in school.
We have been creating boats ready for our Science experiment!
Take a peek at some of our fantastic writing!
Week ending 11.10.24
We have certainly had a busy week! The children have been adding and subtracting across the 10 and 100. This has been extremely tricky but we have relished the challenge!
In English, we have started our 'threat' narratives. Take a peek at some of our work!
World Mental Health Day!
We have been looking at air resistance in Science!
Week ending 4.10.24
In Maths, we have started our new topic of addition and subtraction. We have started with a three-digit number and we have used adding and subtracting of ones, tens and hundreds.
In English, we have started to explore language and grammatical features in our Example Text which will help us when we come to our writing next week. We have started to gather ideas before we write our plan for our threat narrative.
We have enjoyed learning about the discovery of Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands in Scotland.
In D.T., we have been creating the design for our puppets.
We have been continuing looking at football in P.E. The rain won't stop us!
Book Club!
Week ending 27.9.24
In Maths, we have started to finish our place value topic. We have been learning to count in 50s and continuing to look at number lines to 1000. Then, we compared numbers to each other.
In English, we have continued with the Iron Man and started to look at key vocabulary for our future writing.
Then, we started to experiment with conjunctions and the placement of them. This was extremely tricky but we had a fantastic go!
Happy International Day! We have loved learning about Switzerland today.
In D.T., we have been sewing using a running stitch and an over stitch.
What a brilliant week Year 3 has had! We have started to learn about Harvest and why it is so important for Christians, We have also started practising for our Harvest Worship by learning lines and songs to share with you all.
In English, we have continued learning about the Iron Man. We started to write our own kennings!
We have also had a big focus or recognising and using conjunctions in our sentences to make our writing more interesting.
Maths was tricky this week as we started to use flexible partitioning to split our whole number up!
In History, we have been creating our own version of cave art paintings!
Year 3 have been busy working on their basketball skills in P.E.
Well done to Year 3 for their first full week in school! We have started discussing our class charter and created rules for our classroom. The children created their own pictures to sign that they have agreed with our rules. See if you can spot who is who!
In English, we have started looking at our new vehicle text called the Iron Man. We had our immerse lesson where we explored different objects and clues.
We measured the size of his head in the hall as it was as big as a bedroom!
In Maths, we have started looking at numbers up to 1,000. We have begun partitioning these numbers using different representations such as a part-whole model.
We have started some of our Maths lessons with a warm up by counting to 100.
We have been working on our dribbling skills in football!
Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to our new class blog for 2024 - 2025. We cannot wait to have so many wonderful times together learning new things.
With our Christian Vision “I can do everything through God who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13 I know we will all strive to do our BEST.
All the information your child needs will be given on their return in September.
Enjoy the summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you in September.