British Values
At Cronton CE Primary School our KEYS Curriculum is built around the National Curriculum, enriched to reflect the children and community we teach in. As a church school our Christian ethos and school values are the heart of everything we do.
We believe every child can be their BEST with our Vision statement reflecting this.
“I can do everything through God who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

We love learning about our British Values and we had a super opportunity to learn about more about democracy and the process of becoming an MP when local MP Marie Rimmer visited school after being invited by a member of our own elected council. She told us about how she became an MP, what she hoped to achieve as an MP and what the role involves. She answered lots of our questions, including some about Government policies!
At Cronton Ce Primary School we celebrate the fact that we live in a diverse society and therefore our curriculum and life with in school reflects this. Our mission in to provide a happy nurturing environment which develops the necessary skills for all our children to enjoy learning irrespective of race, colour, creed and impairment.
Our ethos is to encourage all children and adults to respect and support each other at all times. Children are expected to show thoughtfulness and care for each other. We believe our Christian Values underpins the ethos of caring for each other and to support everybody living in our community whether this be local, modern multi -cultural Britain and as a Global Citizens of the future.
At Cronton CE primary we promote the fundamental British values throughout our curriculum and in particular our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship programme.
We aim to continually weave the threads of social, cultural, moral and spiritual values for our pupils throughout whole school life. We encourage the children to understand the importance of looking after each other, through focus weeks on anti- bullying and local and global community activities as an International School. We promote our feeling of belonging through developing a growing understanding of the importance of always respecting the rights of everyone in our School Community and beyond. We ensure children are kept up to date with current affairs and links with the British Values each week through our Picture News Assemblies.
What British Values look like at Cronton
Promoting British Values at Cronton
At Cronton C of E Primary School we value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families and undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate these. We have found this approach to be enriching for all parties as it teaches tolerance and respect for the differences in our community and the wider world. Underpinning all of this is a range of curriculum topics, which have strong links to the British Empire.
At Cronton these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:
Democracy is rife within the school. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council and Pupil questionnaires. The elections of school councillors take place and are a democratic vote. The children give speeches and the class vote using a box and form to choose their candidate.
The Rule of Law:
The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school collective worship. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service etc. are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.
Individual Liberty:
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safety, through of provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advise how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons. Whether it be through choice of challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices.
Mutual Respect:
Part of our school ethos and behaviour policy has revolved around Core Values such as ‘Respect’, and pupils have been part of discussions and assemblies related to what this means and how it is shown. Art around the school promote respect for others and this is reiterated through our classroom and learning rules, as well as our behaviour policy.
Our school prayer which was developed by the children states
Dear God
Bless our school
Help us to play together
Learn together
And share our love with one another
We ask in your name
This prayer also shows our children learn to respect and love one another for the following focus.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:
This is achieved through enhancing pupils understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying have been followed and supported by learning in RE and PSHE. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.
Picture News
The school uses Picture News on a weekly basis to look at topical news stories that make the children think about their life and how their voice is important. It focuses on the British Values and how they link with current stories in the news. We also look at the protected characteristics and discuss what these mean. The children discuss and we record their answers in a scrapbook or display.
Our KS2 children took part in a webinar about our British Values and our protected Characteristics. It was extremely interesting an the school received their certificate.
Connecting Classrooms
Please take a look at our Connecting Classroom webpage. This is to show when our class teachers went to visit our partner school Arise in Tanzania. It was such an amazing experience and it was very positive for both school.
Read the diaries and information from the teachers. Lots of pictures about our work from the British Council on their Sustainable development Goals of Zero Hunger and Gender Equality.
Learning more about Democracy
We love learning about our British Values and we had a super opportunity to learn about more about Democracy and the process of becoming an MP when local MP Marie Rimmer visited school after being invited by a member of our own elected council. She told us about how she became an MP, what she hoped to achieve as an MP and what the role involves. She answered lots of our questions, including some about Government policies!