Personal Development
“I can do everything through God who gives me strength”
Philippians 4:13
Our Christian Vision reflects the school’s ambition for every child to achieve both academically and personally. A child’s personal development is fundamental to their well-being. It is the development of their character, resilience and ability to become a member of a modern-day society that will determine, along with their academic outcomes, how ready they will be for the next stage of their learning journey.
At Cronton CE there are a wide range of opportunities that support pupils in their personal development.
Christian Values
We believe that whilst being at Cronton CE, our children will receive a wide range of experiences to enhance their learning and to become well-rounded individuals. Their happiness and their futures are at the heart of Cronton’s eighteen carefully chosen Christian Values which are Generosity, Justice, Wisdom, Compassion, Forgiveness, Trust, Service, Humility, Friendship, Responsibility, Resilience, Perseverance, Courage, Creativity, Hope, Respect, Truthfulness and Peace. These are taught on a three-year cycle with six values in each cycle. Many values have similar principles which allows repetition and embedding of these values over the three years.
Our Christian Values, are an integral part of the life and work of the school and its community. We focus on one value each half term. At the end of each half term, the children in each class vote for who they feel has shown this Christian value the most over the half term. These awards are presented at a special half termly worship.
Faith is our Cronton Cat - she represents our school beliefs and values. These values are intertwined though her coat and represents how our Christian values are interwoven through our lives. The "Keys" upon her coat represent our school curriculum, Knowledge and skills, Empower You to Succeed. The doors on her paws show how our keys learning is unlocked through our learning attitudes of curiosity, perseverance, responsibility, independence and teamwork. The individual patterns working together as one reflect the uniqueness and individuality of every member of the Cronton community.
Children across all classes worked together on her design and decoration as part of the Knowsley Borough of Culture Owl and the Pussy Cat trail.

Each Year, Our back wall is displayed with the children's work based on the six Christian Values for that year.
Children’s University
All children have the opportunity to take part in the Children’s University award scheme. This recognises and rewards all learning that takes place outside the classroom including clubs, trips and other activities which are an accredited learning destination for children’s university. This is an embedded part of our curriculum and culminates in a celebration event at Liverpool Hope University each year. Even Lockdown could not stop us.

Children in KS 2 have the opportunity to take part in a residential which is carefully planned to complement our “KEYS” curriculum.
Year 5 attend a 2-night residential as part of the geography curriculum comparing our own locality to that of a seaside town - Llandudno.
Year 6 attend a 2 night outdoor pursuit residential at Robinwood. The focus of this activity is problem solving in a range of out door situations and helps children to build resilience, preparing them for the next stage of their academic journey as they transition to high school.
In 22-23 we will be resuming our lower Key stage 2 residentials. These are 1 night stays and are very often the first time a child may stay away from home overnight. These are carefully selected to support the curriculum.
We are able to offer a range of extra-curricular club. These include football, multi-skills, fun jitsu, critters club, choir, music ensemble. There is usually a nominal cost to provide these. However, all Pupil Premium children are supported in payment for these clubs by the school. Children are also able to take part in sporting competitions and musical performances.

School Council
Each year the school votes on 2 school council members to represent their class from Year2 – Year 6. The school council meets on a regular basis to take part in discussion and activities linked to our school and the locality. These include supporting with interviews for posts in school, making suggestions for improvements (eg toasty Tuesdays) and taking part in local initiatives such as consultation on improvements in the Cronton pasture.
All school councillors take their roles very seriously and are proactive in supporting the continued development of our school.

Year 6 children undertake a range of prefect duties to support our school. This includes acting as ambassadors on Opening evenings and Parent’s evenings, escorting visitors around our school and supporting younger children in acting as role models for behaviour.
Each week they award “Prefect awards” which recognises younger children for their good behaviour around our school. Our Library Prefects monitor the Library and support children at lunch time to choose and enjoy nooks. They also reward good behaviour.
Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors are children who support others on the school yard to resolve friendship issues and act as mediators and role models for behaviour. Children have to apply to be a Peer Mentor during Year 5. There is an interview process and children are selected for training in this role.
Gardeners & Seedlings
Our gardeners and seedlings programme is an embedded part of our school life. Children in Year 5 and Year 6 each mentor a child in Reception and Year 1 respectively. This is a two year programme and children take part in a range of activities together including church services, curriculum activities and field trips.
Our Year 6 Gardeners with their Year 1 Seedlings
Reception and Year Five Gardeners and Seedlings
BEST Awards
Our school motto is Believe, Enjoy, Succeed, Together. Children embrace these attributes as part of our school curriculum.
Each year teachers nominate a child to receive a special award in each of the categories. There is a special ceremony at the end of the year when nominated children receive their BEST award. Other awards are also given for year 6 in recognition of music, technology and good citizenship.
British Values
At Cronton CE primary we promote the fundamental British values throughout our curriculum and in particular our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship programme.
We aim to continually weave the threads of social, cultural, moral and spiritual values for our pupils throughout whole school life. We encourage the children to understand the importance of looking after each other, through focus weeks on anti- bullying and local and global community activities as an International School. We promote our feeling of belonging through developing a growing understanding of the importance of always respecting the rights of everyone in our School Community and beyond. We ensure children are kept up to date with current affairs and links with the British Values each week through our Picture News Assemblies.
International School’s Award
Our International work is very important to us. It forms part of our intent to ensure all our children are provided with a bespoke, unique and exciting curriculum that is tailor-made to suit our children, their learning and their futures.
Every child is unique and important. They are at the centre of their learning; starting as part of a class, whole school, the local community and then on to their future role in modern Britain and as a future global citizen.
Purpose of the Award
The International School Award (ISA) acknowledges school collaboration internationally and provides a framework for recognising schools that:
- champion international work and collaboration with partners to build and develop lasting relationships
- benchmark best practice and share professional development in teaching and learning
- engage young people in both the global economy and global citizenship and develop their skills for life and work
- support whole-school projects that contribute towards school improvement
- enrich education through international work.
We have been an accredited International School from 2010. We have continued to form relationships with schools across the globe such as Spain, Australia and Tanzania. We were accredited again in 2019 and John Rolfe, from the British Council, came to our school in order to personally deliver and present the award to us.
We are very proud of our international work and know the children enjoy it and learn a great deal from this aspect of our curriculum.
British Legion
We have supported the British Legion in many commemorative ceremonies. We always support the Legion in selling poppies.
Music Events
Music is an important part of school life for children who attend Cronton CE Primary School. In year 4 each child has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument through the wider opportunities scheme. There are also a range of peripatetic musical lessons that children can take part in. Choir club runs weekly and through this the children can attend a number of performances including concerts at the Liverpool and Manchester arenas.
Cronton CE as part of a community.
Children who attend Cronton CE Primary School become part of the Cronton community. As such, they are invited to represent our school at a number of annual community events. These include the Cronton Gala and the Ecumenical Carol Service. Children gain a sense of pride and achievement in representing our school in such prestigious community events.
Each year the children have the opportunity to take part in a class trip. Class trips are an important way to bring learning to life for children. These are always linked to the curriculum that your child is following. The trips are carefully planned to ensure maximum safety whilst also being fun and interactive.
Money management
Children in Year 5 and Year 6 have the opportunity to follow a money management programme. This helps them to understand how to better manage money, the world of work and the impact that debt can have on an individual or family. Mr Souter has many years of experience in dealing with financial matters and children always participate in the lessons with interest and enthusiasm.
Sporting competitions
We are the proud recipients of the School Games Platinum award in 2020. This recognises our commitment to sports and competitive games. We endeavour to ensure that all children across the school has the opportunity to take part in these sporting activities and represent our school.