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Year 6

Here are some games that you can play to practise your Spanish vocabulary.  See if you can beat the computer at noughts and crosses!  Visit the educandy website and type in one of the codes below.

Summer 2

Food and Drink



Today we learnt how it is said that Tapas came about.




Then, we learnt how to order different tapas.

I would like an anchovy tapa please.

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Summer 1

Las Partes de la Casa

(Parts of the house)


Today we played Who Wants to be a Millionaire? to see how many of the prepositions we could remember.







This week, we used the prepositions we have learnt to describe our bedrooms.



This week, we learnt some prepositions to help us to describe exactly where Wally was.











This week, we used the bi-lingual dictionary to find the names of  different rooms in a house.







¿Dónde está Wally? Where’s Wally?

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¿Dónde está Wally? Where’s Wally?

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Easter in Spain

Today we looked at the fantastic parades that take place in Spain to celebrate Easter.  



Spring 2

El deporte - sport


This week, we have been using adjectives to give reasons for our sports preferences. 



We put all the parts of the sentence together that we have been working on over the last few weeks.






Fabulous work Year 6 - you produced lots of fantastic sentences!

Odio hacer natación porque es difícil. I hate swimming because it's difficult.

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Me gusta jugar al baloncesto porque es enérgico. I like to play basket ball because it's energetic.

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This week, we have been learning how to express simple opinions about sport.  We looked back at some opinion phrases we have met before, and the actions to represent them.



Next, we added the opinion phrases to the sports we have already learnt to say.

Me encanta hacer natación. – I love swimming.

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Me encanta jugar al fútbol. I love to play football.

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Odio jugar al rugby. I hate playing rugby.

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This week, we looked at the verbs used to express playing sport in more detail.



We practised making different sentences.



Today, we started a new topic about Playing Sport.



In pairs, we practised asking each other which sport we play.

¿Qué deporte juegas? Which sport do you play?

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¿Qué deporte juegas? Which sport do you play?

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Spring 1


Today, we looked more closely at the verb ser (to be) and how to use it.







This week, we began by finding adjectives in the dictionary that describe personal attributes needed for different professions.


Then we wrote some sentences, saying what we would like to be, using the adjectives to give a reason why.


Quiero ser investigadora de la escena del crimen porque soy valiente, independiente, inteligente y aventurera. I want to be a crime scene investigator because I'm brave, independent, intelligent and adventurous. .

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¿Qué quieres ser? – What do you want to be?

This week, we thought about possible professions  we would like to do when we are older.  We researched how to say them in Spanish using the bilingual dictionary and google translate.

¿Qué quieres ser? – What do you want to be?

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Quiero ser... I want to be...


Today, we had lots of different professions to sort.  We put them in groups, according to their spelling patterns.


Professions with the same spelling patterns.



Las Profesiones

Today we were detectives, figuring out what our new topic is about.


This was easy, as a lot of profession nouns in Spanish are    so they are the same or similar to English words.


Today we looked at a group of nouns whose endings change to match the gender of the person.


Autumn 2


This week, we have been learning about a tradition celebrated in Spain, called El día de los Inocentes.







This week, we read a Christmas story.  We had to try and spot the ordinal numbers.


First, we looked at the main vocabulary in the story.  Then we read the story several times before answering some questions.






This week, we learnt how to say what time we do our morning routines.

Me despierto a las siete - I wake up at 7 o'clock.

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Me levanto a las siete y cuarto. I get up at a quarter past 7.

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Me ducho a las siete y media. I have a shower at half past 7.

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Me pongo la ropa a las ocho menos cuarto. I get dressed at a quarter to 8.

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Today, we had to deduce the meaning of a strange text.



Reflexive verbs

We practised actions alongside the verbs to help us to remember them.


Me despierto - I wake up                              Me levanto - I get up                 Me ducho  - I have a shower  



me pongo la ropa - I get dressed        Desayuno  -  I have breakfast             Me cepillo los dientes

                                                                                                                        I brush my teeth



Me voy a la escuela - I go to school 






¿Qué hora es?   What time is it?

This week we have been learning how to say the times quarter to and quarter past in Spanish.



The words quarter and 4 are very similar in Spanish.

We practised saying some quarter to and quarter past times.





Autumn 1


Today, we started with one of our favourite songs.

Hola, Hola, Hola Amigo

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Then we had another song about some skeletons.  We had to listen carefully and try to work out what they were doing and at what time.


This week, we started with a rap to practise some of the feelings phrases we have been learning.


¿Cómo estás?

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We used a simple sentence builder.

We experimented making different sentences, and found that we could change the pattern of the sentence by starting with the word when (cuando).  We also tried using 2 feelings or weather phrases in the same sentence.





This week, we described different ways of feeling, using the verb estar with an adjective.

We explored how the endings of the adjectives change in Spanish to agree (match) with the person/people they are describing.




Fabulous listening today Year 6!  This was tricky, but you did a great job.


5.10.23                                                  Estar - to be


Today, we looked at the verb estar  which can also be used to describe how we are feeling.




We practised putting the verb together in the special pattern or paradigm.


Estar conjugation song

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This week, we used the different parts of the verb tener to write sentences.  



Then, we had to listen to some sentences, and identify who was feeling how.



Tener (verb - to have)

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This week, we have been learning to say how we feel in more detail, using the verb tener (to have)




Two of our phrases contain the letter d.





We made a collection of words we have met so far that contain this sound.


We played Quiz Quiz Trade to practise saying the different phrases.






How are you?

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Next, we looked more closely at the verb tener.


We practised saying the verb to the beat of the song, We Will Rock You.

We Will Rock You

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This week, we played A or B?  We had to listen to the numbers and identify which one was being read out.



Then we explored how to use the multiples of 100 when describing groups of nouns.  We discovered that the end of the numbers change, depending on whether they are describing a masculine or feminine noun.






Bienvenidos de nuevo - Welcome back


In our first week back, we have been learning how to count up to 1,000 in multiples of 100.


We looked carefully at the spellings, patterns and pronunciation.






