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Year 6

Please use the link below to see all the fantastic work completed in our Spanish Lessons.

Week ending: Friday 7th February 2025


This week we have worked really hard. It's been great to have Josh, an ex-pupil, with us on work experience.


We have been busy completing some maths assessments this week - the children have made great progress. Aside from that, we have been continuing with our work on algebra and have completed two step equations. The children were brilliant at these!


In English, we have begun to plan and write our flashback narrative based around 'Story like the Wind'. The children have started brilliantly and Mrs Gillies and I are very excited to read the final pieces.


Our book in WCSR, Other words for Home, is a brilliant one and is such an easy one to just keep reading and reading. It's a page turner, but not in the thriller way. It's just the type of story where you want to know more and more. We've enjoyed reading this and have explored, talked and answered some questions around the text.


In Science, we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of different types of fuel. In History, we looked at Maya culture, focusing on festivals, priests and sports. We're looking forward to creating pages about Maya culture next week. 


In DT, we decorated our memory boxes and the children did a superb job with this. We will be finishing them next week!


With lots of other things going on, we really have had a crazy week! Luckily, we've managed to work hard in between.


A huge well done to our Futsal team who were brilliant at this week's competition.


Have a great weekend. 


Mr Tunstall

Banghra dancing - Girls v Boys!

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Here’s the girls’ effort! Well done girls.

The boys!

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Here is the boys’ efforts! Very good!

Practice from the girls...

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Some practice from the girls!

Week ending: Friday 31st January


What a busy week! It’s been so good to see the children making great progress with their arithmetic skills and scores… a number of new members to the 40 club!


We also started algebra this week. The children have shown real skill and resilience as they’ve worked through this. New learning can be tricky to pick up but the children have taken it in their stride!


In English, we’ve taken time to write and edit our flashback paragraphs and are looking forward to applying these into our writing in the coming weeks. We’ve also had a large grammar focus this week, focusing on correctly punctuated sentences. 

The chats we have had from our new book - Other words for Home - have been brilliant. We are really enjoying reading it!


In history, we learned about bloodletting. It’s rather gruesome! Ask the children to retell you the story of the Maya Lady Xook. It’s not a nice one!! The children enjoyed looking at Maya beliefs and Maya gods. 

With Wednesday being Chinese New Year, we also spent some time looking at this and had a good chance to investigate which years we were born in, as well as our family members and teachers. The children were overjoyed to be able write “Mr Tunstall is a rat” in their book… they may laugh but we year of the rat folk did win the great race! We also made Chinese paper lanterns for you to put up in your own homes.


Well done this week Y6.


Mr Tunstall



Week ending: Friday 24th January 2025


A huge well done to all of the children this week - we have been so impressed with your work ethic! 


Above this message you will find some important statutory information regarding the end of KS2 tests that your children will be taking. A hard copy will be sent home next week.


In maths this week, we continued our work on ratio and proportion. We have spent time looking at scale factors, looking at proportion and looking at recipes and how to use ratio to help us scale up or scale down the amount of ingredients we might need. The children really impressed with this!


In English, we have written setting descriptions based on our new text. The children were tasked with creating a really tense and stormy atmosphere, describing the setting of being out at sea during a raging storm. The children were brilliant at choosing words that created a war-like or battle-like atmosphere that really made the boat seemed vulnerable, and the storm seem strong. We can't wait for you to read some on parents' evening!


In reading, we FINALLY finished Malamander. It was a brilliant ending to the book and, in the end, we were sad to see it end. It's been great to see a number of children eager to read the follow up novels too! We began out new text, Other words for Home, which has already captured our attention.


A huge thank you to Mrs Gillies (miracle worker) who helped us to move forwards with our memory boxes in DT. We are now all at the decorating stage... the product is almost finished! The children have worked really hard on these.


In History, we have been exploring the Mayans and looking on maps at where they lived, and identifying which modern day countries their cities were in. We're looking forward to getting properly into the topic over the next weeks!


A reminder that homework is set on SATs Companion and there are some due in for Monday.


A separate reminder regarding Robinwood... please could all payments be made by the end of Spring term.


A final thank you for all of your kindness on my birthday! It was great to celebrate with the children. I may have snuck some donuts into class for our end of the day party... 


Have a lovely weekend,


Mr Tunstall

Week ending: Friday 17th January


Wow! How has it been two weeks of spring term already? We hope you all

had a wonderful Christmas. 

Mrs Gillies commented how hard working the children were in our first week back - and they certainly kept it up second week back. We are so proud!


During the first week of term, we enjoyed a science week with all sorts of fun science activities going on. We learned so much from all of our visitors! We also enjoyed a pantomime at the end of the week, which was a lovely way to finish the week off. 

This week, in maths, we’ve started to look at ratio and the children have picked it up so well. this is brand new learning that they have taken in their stride. We will be continuing next week!


In English, we’ve began our new topic writing flashback narratives, based on our stimulus text “A story like the wind”. We’ve enjoyed getting into the text, exploring vocabulary and making some predictions. 

In reading, we have very much been focused around Malamander and trying to finish it! We are so close. We’ve had lots of weird and wonderful moments, as well as lots of laughs, as we’ve read this brilliant book. We’re very excited to find out how it finishes next week!


We’ve also spent time this week doing PE - volleyball and dance are our topics for this half term. We also began our new topic in RE on the Exodus - the children had amazing questions and were really invested in the learning. So good to see!


Our Christian value for this half term is Creativity and we’re hoping to see lots of that this half term. 

Well done on a great first two weeks of spring term Year 6!

Week ending: Friday 20th December


Merry Christmas! A huge well done to all of the children for a fantastic half term. You’ve worked so hard and we are really proud of you. 

We’ve had a fantastic last week - lots of fun and chaos! 

Thank you to all parents and children for your kindness and generosity; it’s so appreciated. 

Have a wonderful Christmas, 


Mr Tunstall and Mrs Gillies

Sneak peak from our talent show entry! A Christmas mashup.

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Expert Glockenspiel playing from Mariah herself!

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Star piano player!

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Week ending: 29th November 2024


This week we completed our autumn assessments - well done to all children who really gave them their best efforts. They’re not easy but many children showed real resilience. We are really proud of you! 

This week we have also continued our learning in English, with the children planning and beginning to write their discovery narratives. 

A special mention to all of those involved in the indoor athletics competition. You did such a fantastic job! Well done on your second placed finish. 

Have a great weekend!


Week ending: Friday 22nd November 


Well done to everyone in Y6 over the last couple of weeks, you have really been brilliant!


In maths, we have been learning all about fractions. We’ve been practising adding and subtracting fractions, including mixed numbers. Finding the common denominator to make the denominators the same has been fun! You’ve really worked hard and it’s been great to see your confidence increasing - well done!


In English, we’ve been reading our vehicle text: Darwin - Origin of Species and writing a discovery narrative based on Darwin’s experiences on his travels. We’ve enjoyed writing a setting description and thinking about how we can convey character in speech. We also put some work into researching our chosen discovery animal and immersed ourselves in jungle life with the help of David Attenborough. This will help our writing to be more real to us! 

In reading, we have continued reading Malamander and things are all starting to make sense… apart from the mystery of the who or what the malamander is. We are looking forward to catching up with Herbert Lemon next week!


In DT, we designed our own memory boxes to scale, getting ready for the making process in the coming weeks. In Geography, we explored natural resources and where these are found in the world. In Science, linking with our English work, we looked at inheritance and inherited characteristics. We’ve also enjoyed PE, PSHE and Spanish this week. 

Last but not the least, a visit from Mr Soutter is always a highlight for the children and we were overjoyed when he taught us today. The children were learning about the world of work and took away some valuable lessons… they also laughed a lot!


Well done this week everybody.  

Week Ending: Friday 15th November


Thank you to all of the children for their efforts with our Ukraine appeal. Your support is so appreciated!

Some great attempts by this young man!

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IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Friday 25th October 2024


What a fantastic trip - a really great learning experience for all of the children! Happy half term ☺️


WHAT A SHOW! Y6 Btales - Tuesday 22nd October 2024


What a fantastic show. Great teamwork on show all day and a really enjoyable performance. Thank you to all who came to support us.