Class Blog
Week 37 (11/07/22 - 15/07/22)
Penultimate week of the year in Y5.
We spent the first part of the week taking part in the KS2 production. Well done to all children for a fantastic effort and for producing a really entertaining show!
In English we finished our dramatic conventions unit by producing a whole class shared write with each group getting a scene to write.
Our science topic finished by looking at why our heart rate increases during exercise and measuring this with our pulse rates.
Finally, we spent sometime on Friday finishing our music topic and learning to sing and perform Dancing in the street.
Week 36 (04/07/22 - 08/07/22)
A fantastic week in Year 5 as we finished our summer term assessments! We’ve spent parts of the week practicing the end of year KS2 production - we all can’t wait to see the final show next week!
We've continued with our water cycles topic in Geography and also spent some time in Science discussing how life choices can both benefit and harm the circulatory system.
It was also Sports Day!! 🏃♂️ ⚽️ 🎾. It was a joy to see all the parents back supporting and a proper sports day after 3 long years. Well done to Yellow team on their famous victory 🥇
Week 35 (27/06/22 - 01/07/22)
Year 5 began their end of year assessments this week, well done to all children for their fantastic effort so far!
We've still continued with our curriculum throughout the week. In English we spent some time looking at dramatic conventions and this included acting out the fantastic play Bombs and Blackberries.
We started our new RE topic looking at the expression of Christian faith through art. Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio proved to be very popular with Y5!
Week 34 (20/06/22 - 24/06/22)
Year 5 finished their swimming lessons this week which have been really enjoyable.
In maths, we have continued with geometry and started to look at coordinated and translations. We started a new topic in English as we look forward to learning more about dramatic conventions.
It was great fun to help Reception with their class worship too!
For our DT lesson this week we tasted and evaluated soups in preparation for making our own healthy soups.
Week 33 (13/06/22 - 17/06/22)
Year 5 have returned from half term with lots of learning and new topics.
We finished our art pieces in the style of William Morris which we started before half term. We also began swimming lessons this week which we’ve all really enjoyed.
Mr Souttar from money management visited again on Thursday which was as always very fun and informative.
Finally, we have spent time this week looking at neuro-diversity and what makes us all unique. This involved writing our names and our own superpowers on umbrellas which will be displayed in school.
Week 32 (23/05/22 - 27/05/22)
The end of another half term in Year 5!
It’s been a fantastic final week as we’ve spent time finishing some of our summer 1 topics such as plants in science.
On Thursday, as a school we celebrated the upcoming Platinum Jubilee. We all had lots of fun looking back at Queen Elizabeth’s reign 🇬🇧 👑
We also had some parents join us for our assembly about our residential trip to Llandudno earlier on in this half term. Thanks to all the parents who took time to join us!
I hope everyone has a wonderful half term break and see you all on the 13th June for the final half term of Year 5….
Week 31 (16/05/22 - 20/05/22)
Another wonder week in Year 5!
We spent time using protractors in maths for the first time to measure angles. We also started our new English topic focusing on Film Narratives.
We came to the end of our final History topic for the year as we all thoroughly enjoyed learning about crossing the Mersey.
Finally, on Friday we had a look around our local community (the school) as we continued with the Archbishop award.
Week 30 (09/05/22 - 13/05/22)
Well done to all children this week for their impeccable behaviour whilst Year 6 completed their SATS!
We still managed to have a fantastic week with lots of learning including looking at alternative ways we have crossed the Mersey throughout the years and also how a plant cell is made up!
The week finished with a fantastic game of Quidditch and Mr Bell being crowned best golden snitch 🥇
Week 29 (02/05/22 - 06/05/22)
As the dust settled on our fantastic residential trip to Llandudno, we spent the week reminiscing and discussing all the wonderful things we learnt. This links to our English topic which is recounts. As a class we produced a fantastic presentation using Keynote and then deliver it to KS2. The children were engaging and produced a lovely presentation.
Week 28 (25/04/22 - 29/04/22)
What a brilliant start to Summer term for Y5! This week was all about Llandudno. Have a look at all our wonderful pictures on the following link.
Week 27 (4/4/22 - 8/4/22)
Spring term has been and gone in Year 5 and what a brilliant term it was.
This week included a fantastic trip to Bridge Chappel for an Easter experience. This was a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed by all the children.
The week finished with our Easter bonnet parade, well done to all children for their fantastic effort.
I hope everyone has a lovely Easter and see you for another wonderful term of learning in the summer.
Week 26 (28/3/22 - 1/4/22)
Busy week in Year 5!
Special shout-out to both Esmee and Anais from our class who organised the whole school fun run in aid of Ukraine. They managed to raise a massive £620! Well done girls 👏 🇺🇦
Lots of the children have also taken part in bikeability this week. They’ve learnt the importance of safety and travelled through our local community showing great maturity.
In lessons, we finished our older literature English topic and also our Llandudno geography topic. We can’t wait for our residential trip now!
Week 25 (21/03/22 - 25/03/22)
A busy week in Year 5 as we spent some time completing our Spring assessments. All the children have worked so hard in all the assessments.
We still found time for an amazing trip to Knowsley Safari Park. We were learning about the important message of conservation with a focus on tigers. We had a chance to see lots of other animals and link to this very important topic.
Also in PSHE the children learnt the very important recovery position and how to keep calm and composed in times of emergency.
Week 24 (14/03/22 - 18/03/22)
Another excellent week packed with lots of learning in Year 5!
Firstly, we began the week by using OS maps to have a look at the North Wales region and specifically Llandudno in preparation for our residential after Easter.
We got to spend some more time with our seedlings and helped them with a Penguin dance.
In science we learnt how by reusing, recycling and reducing we can help with preventing climate change.
Finally, we ended the week by understanding the tactical nuances of curling in PE.
Week 23 (07/03/22 - 11/03/22)
Fantastic week in Year 5!
We’ve been working hard in maths trying to understand decimals and how they relate to fractions.
We also continued with our class reader Secret Garden which wasn’t the most popular to begin with but is now engaging us all with it’s wonderful description techniques.
We continued with our science and geography topics.
Finally, we had an engaging visit from Merseyside Police to talk about the importance of internet safety and how to stay safe.
Week 22 (28/02/22 - 04/03/22)
Year 5 have settled back into the swing of things after half term.
This week began with a trip to Edge Hill University which was very informative. It included a tour of the state of the art campus. Our main focus was around endangered animals and particularly tigers. This fed into an online session on Wednesday with Knowsley Safari Park.
We also had World Book Day this week and all the children looked fantastic as we maintain our current buzz towards reading.
In what was a very exciting week for Year 5, we also got to meet our seedlings from Reception. This was such a joyful experience for all children.
Week 21 (14/02/22 - 18/02/22)
The end to a fantastic half term in Year 5.
We came to an end of many of Spring 1 topics this week. This included space which has been a wonderful topic to learn about.
We also made our own Viking longships through collage.
In English we wrote our own version of the poem The Highwayman from the perspective of the landlord’s daughter. These will now be used for a display in our classroom.
Well done to all children on a fantastic half term.
Week 20 (07/02/22 - 11/02/22)
Another packed week of learning in Year 5!
We led a whole school assembly all about computer safety for Safer Internet Day. We then completed some activities in the afternoon linked to this. We also looked at mental health and well-being at the end of the week.
We had a fascinating hour with the author Rashmi Sirdeshpande on Tuesday, learning about how she became an author and her inspirations.
In maths, we’ve been adding and subtracting fractions including mixed numbers. Sadly we have finished our Vikings topic in History. It has been fascinating learning about Vikings Britain.
Finally, we have also reached the end of our space topic in Science. Again, this has been a fascinating topic to learn about.
Week 19 (31/01/22 - 04/02/22)
Action packed week in Year 5!
We have started a new reading and literacy focus around narrative poetry. We have enjoyed beginning to look at the mysterious Highwayman.
We celebrated Chinese New Year by making some cards and completing a reading comprehension about it.
In art we’ve began planning our own Viking longship and looked at what painting techniques we can use when doing this.
We also filmed some fantastic explanations of binary numbers.
Well done to all children for persevering throughout this week!
Week 18 (24/01/22 - 28/01/22)
In Year 5 this week we’ve continued with many of our topics. In maths, we have developed our fractions knowledge and the children have worked particularly hard at this. In English, the focus has been on writing our own story from another culture.
Sadly, we have now finished Warrior Boy. This was a fantastic book that had Year 5 on the edge of their seats throughout. We can’t wait for our next class reader.
Science focused on eclipses today and we did some modelling of how these occur.
We have also began our Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award which will take place throughout the Spring and Summer term.
Week 17 (17/1/22 - 21/1/22)
Another week in Year 5. In English, we have enjoyed an independent write about the fascinating Dia de low Muertos which linked to our topic stories from other cultures. We have also finished our maths topic and began to focus on fractions for the next few weeks.
In history, our Vikings topic has continued. We even had a visit to our large timeline to try and understand the chronology of the period better. In science, a focus on the moon has engaged all the children and we have all been looking out for it every night to see what phase of the lunar month we are currently at.
Finally, in RE we tried to link our understanding of the beliefs in Jesus’ teaching to our school Christian values and British values.
Week 16 (10/1/22 - 14/1/22)
Another fantastic week in Year 5!
We have been working especially hard at maths this week as we used column method for up to 4 digit X 2 digit. This took a lot of concentration, effort and most importantly perseverance which all the children showed.
In science, we made our own solar system by using different sized fruits to try and show the difference in size between all the planets.
We continued learning in all our other subjects and have much knowledge to share!
Week 15 (4/1/22 - 7/1/22)
Happy new year to everyone! We have settled back into the swing of things in Year 5.
It’s been new topics across the curriculum for spring term. We look forward to learning about the Vikings, Jesus the teacher, Viking collage art, Space, Our dreams and goals and much much more across a range of subjects.
We’ve also spent some time thinking about all our learning attitudes this week and why they’re so important. This was alongside examining our Christian value of creativity.
Well done to all children for settling back in so well. Here’s to a fantastic 2022!
Week 14 (13/12/21 - 17/12/21)
Well we’ve made it to the end of Autumn term. It’s been a fantastic week with lots to celebrate. All the children have made a fantastic start to Year 5 and we can’t wait to continue learning through next year.
We hope all families have a fantastic Christmas, see you all in 2022.
Week 13 (6/12/21 - 10/12/21)
Just one more week left of our term now!
A fantastic week in Year 5, where do we possibly begin?
Sadly, we finished our class reader Who let the gods out, and what a fantastic story it has been. Lots of laughs and interest along the way. I anticipate Maz Evans’ books maybe added to some Christmas lists.
We also finished our science topic Geology of the Earth. We applied our knowledge through an experiment that also linked to our previous topic.
We also began our new English topic on Free verse poetry. I particularly enjoyed watching some of the children perform some of this poetry.
Outside of our curriculum we also took part in a Santa Dash and enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch.
Still plenty of learning to be had in our final week as many of our topics will come to a close.
Week 12 (29/11/21 - 3/12/21)
Assessment week in Year 5, the children worked incredibly hard throughout!
We still continued with many of our curriculum subjects. We explored volcanoes in Science and also how our Christmas celebrations are influenced by the gospels of Matthew and Luke in RE.
We took an in-depth look at Texas in our Geography topic and all agreed it would be a lovely place to visit.
In PSHE and computing we explored different ways to safe safe and how to problem solve in situations when we don’t.
Finally, a huge well done to all the children who represented the school in sports this week! We won the curling and athletics competitions with plenty of Year 5 children taking part. Most importantly, we played both tournaments with a great competitive spirit.
Week 11 (22/11/21 - 26/11/21)
Another fascinating week in Year 5…
The children impressed by writing their own legend set in Ancient Egypt. We tried to loosely link this to our class reader Who Let the Gods out? It was a brilliant effort by all and they all tried their best!
In maths, we moved back to looking at multiplication and division. This was done through multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000.
Our science topic saw us looking at earthquakes and the real life study of the 2011 Japanese earthquake. Whilst we continued to look at North America in Geography.
Finally, in DT we managed to have a first attempt at creating a shape through nets. We all discussed what we can then improve upon when we create our sarcophagus.
Week 10 (15/11/21 - 19/11/21)
Exciting week in Year 5! We completed a magnificent collective worship video all about friendship. The children worked so hard and applied all of our values to a brilliant video. The video is on our class worship section on our year group page.
Despite all the hard work on the video, we’ve still continued with our Autumn topics. We completed an exciting paired write for our English topic of Legends. We look forward to finishing the unit with our own write now.
Our geography topic has moved onto looking at the continent of North America. Last week we looked at immigration into the USA and the diversity in population.
Week 9 (8/11/21 - 12/11/21)
A fascinating week in Year 5.
Firstly, we have continued with our legends topic in English. This included performing some legends in small groups for the class. King Midas and the golden touch was a particularly popular choice. In maths, we have tried to apply our learning of addition and subtraction to line graphs and bar charts.
We started our new Geography topic by looking at the tricky concept of lines of longitude and latitude. We look forward to moving onto learning about North America next.
There was also a new topic in computing focusing upon online safety. The new topics didn’t stop there as we also started learning about sarcophagus’ in DT and celebrating differences in PSHE.
Well done to all children for taking part in the England Rocks TimesTableRockStars competition.
Week 8 (1/11/21 - 5/11/21)
After a restful half-term, it was back to business as usual in Year 5 with another action packed, educational week.
This week we visited the World Museum in Liverpool. This was a fantastic experience for the children with lots of learning. The two workshops in the planetarium and on Ancient Egypt were excellent and thoroughly captivated the children.
The excitement didn’t stop there as we also finished decorating our fantastic canonic jars. We also started a new English topic focusing on Legends and finished our PSHE topic by looking at team work.
Week 7 (18/10/21 - 21/10/21)
Well we’ve made it, what a fantastic first half term in Y5!
This week has been another action packed week with lots of learning.
We’ve completed our English topic on instructional texts. The children enjoyed creating the Teacher Pleaser but enjoyed inventing their own gadgets even more and then writing an instructional text on how to use them.
In History, we looked at Black History Month with an emphasis on Nelson Mandela. His amazing and courageous life inspired us all and we loved creating some fantastic fact files on him.
Perhaps the highlight of the week was creating our canonic jars in art. We can’t wait to add decoration to them after half term.
We look forward to a deserved weeks break now and can’t wait to see what else Year Five brings.
Week 6 (11/10/21 -15/10/21)
Another fun week in Year 5!
We can only start with our famous TTRockstars victory against Year 6! All the children pulled their weight and can celebrate a great win.
Highlight of the week was undoubtedly the visit from Mr Souttar to talk about money management. This was such an engaging morning for the children and was expertly delivered.
We’ve continued to work hard in all our topics. Sadly, we have now came to an end of our Ancient Egyptians and Chemistry topics. They’ve been full of learning and intriguing new topics! We look forward to learning about Nelson Mandela in next week’s History.
We’ve also completed the analyse stage of our English topic on instructions. We look forward to writing our own set of instructions next week.
Week 5 (4/10/21 - 8/10/21)
Another fantastic week in Year Five!
Where do we begin?
In maths and English we have started new topics. In maths, we’ve moved onto addition and subtraction with a focus on column methods learnt in Year Four. Whilst in English, the focus has switched to instructional texts as our first non-fiction unit. The children followed along with a variety of instructions to try and play some card games.
Today was also a chance for us to reflect on our mental well-being. We completed a self care plan, meditation and enjoyed visiting the outdoor classroom to collect bulbs that we will allow to flourish.
We’re also nearing the end of our Ancient Egyptian topic in History which we’ve thoroughly enjoyed!
In RE we took part in a lesson using the Bible as a reference to address modern day issues. The children showed amazing maturity in discussing the subjects.
PSHE brought us into the hall this week. We were using balls to represent worries a refugee may have and it became apparent that these worries can become tough to handle and was a good representation for the children.
In music we used the glockenspiel for the first time this year and it was played beautifully by the class to the tune of Bon Jovi’s Livin on a prayer.
Finally, in science we compared materials and their properties such as transparency, flexibility and permeability.
Well done to Ollie, Joe and Riley for representing the class superbly in football.
Over half the class represented the school in cross country and they all did us proud!
Week 4 (27/9/21 - 1/10/21)
An action packed week in Year 5! Can you believe September has been and gone.
We’re nearing the end of our maths topic on place value and have just finished a fantastic write in English, done in the style of Michael Morpurgo.
We had a fascinating visit from Mrs Whitehouse in RE. She spoke passionately about the Bible and how important it is for her life. The children were thoroughly entertained and asked some thought provoking questions.
Another week, another science investigation. This time we looked at irreversible changes, and despite our disgust at what we created with curdled milk and vinegar, we enjoyed learning about irreversible changes.
We also started our music topic, learning Livin on a prayer by Bon Jovi 🎤🎼
Well done to Jack, Emily E and Charlie who were this weeks STAR badge winners.
Week 3 (20/9/21 - 24/9/21)
Another fantastic, busy week in Y5!
Friday was European Day of languages and Y5 learnt a little about Italy. We tried some local delicacies and came dressed in the colours of Italy. Some children took their costume to the next level!
We completed a great science investigation looking at how we can separate mixtures which got a little messy at times!
In English, we completed a shared write. The children worked hard creating ideas for a story in the style of Michael Morourgo. We can’t wait to write our own next week!
Mrs Hill has finished an imaginative, excellent history display for the Ancient Egyptians. Much better than anything Mr Bell could produce!
Week 2 (10/9/21 - 17/9/21)
Another excellent week in Year Five complete!
In maths, we have been continuing our place value topic and are now looking at numbers into our millions.
In English, we’ve continued analysing stories written by Michael Morpurgo. We also completed an interesting independent write. Images below of some of our proud children showing their work, the whole class worked well and have completed a fascinating mystery write. We’ve also updated our wall display to include our grammar chants. We also continued reading Kensuke’s Kingdom and in related reading news, we managed to beat Year 6 in our word count challenge. Well done Y5!
We’ve continued our Ancient Egyptians topic by looking at how the Egyptians went about their everyday life. Another science investigation is also underway, focusing on the rate of evaporation and whether certain independent variables can change the rate. In RE, we looked at the Bible and how it’s been translated overtime. The children even got to listen to Mr Bell’s attempt to read a passage in many languages!
Excitingly, sports clubs have also returned with a number of Y5 children taking part.
Well done to Gabriella, Aiden and Esmee for being awarded this week’s STAR badges.
Keep up the good work Year Five.
Week 1 (6/9/21 - 10/9/21)
Week 1 complete! What a fantastic first full week it has been in Year Five. The children have settled fantastically and settled into their new year group, hitting the ground running.
In English, we have been looking at stories written by Michael Morpurgo (significant author) during our immerse stage. We have enjoyed reading some of his stories, including our new class reader Kensuke's Kingdom.
We have also been practising our grammar chants (video below). Hopefully it doesn't stick in your head as much as it has for our children and staff in the classroom!
In maths, we have been looking at place value and moved onto six-digit numbers. Our maths has also included a recap of the four operations in preparation for the year ahead.
We have started our topics in R.E (The Bible and why Christians read the bible), History (Ancient Egyptians), Art (Canopic jars), PSHE (Being me in my world), PE (invasion games) and also science (Chemicals and physical changes). Some pictures from our exciting science experiment looking at whether different substances were soluble or insoluble are included below.
Well done to Anais, Lucas and Ethan who were this week's STAR badge winners (I could have chosen any of the 30 children again!)