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Cronton Church of England Primary School

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Homework Expectations



Reading is part of the children’s homework so they should read each school night for about 15 -20 minutes or a minimum of 4 nights. They should journal after they have read and write a summary to help them with their quiz.  Please sign the children’s books when they read each night for 15 minutes.


Homework will be set on Seesaw each Friday and should be completed on Seesaw by the following Wednesday. Seesaw Homework will consist of either Reading, Grammar, Arithmetic, Maths, English or KEYs work linked to the foundation subjects and times tables.


Spellings will be placed on Seesaw on the Monday and will be tested each Friday.

Times tables should also be practised through TTRS or other websites.


Please feel free to record how your child has done on their homework as this will help with future planning.

