Reading is part of the children’s homework so they should read each school night for about 15 -20 minutes or a minimum of 4 nights. They should journal after they have read and write a summary to help them with their quiz. We have practised in school reading for 15 minutes and read quite a lot. Please sign the children’s books when they read each night for 15 minutes.
- Spelling will be placed on Seesaw each Monday and tested on Friday. Please practise the spellings. A couple a night is better than all in one go.
- Seesaw Homework will consist of Reading, Grammar, Arithmetic, KEYs work and times tables. It will be published on Seesaw every Wednesday. This needs to be completed electronically by the following Monday. If the children do not manage to complete the homework by Wednesday, they will be allowed access to an IPAD during break time on Thursday to complete it, so that they have the same chance as the other pupils to consolidate their learning and bridge gaps.