In EYFS children will learn about themselves and their families and begin recognise similarities and differences within their lives and their friends in many situations such as homes, customs and family make up. They think about changes within in their life learning about how they have grown and comparing past with present. They begin to make sense and think about their place in the wider world, learning about the uniqueness of individuals through discussing other faiths, religions, cultures and countries.
They will begin to learn about history through participation of traditions and specific days such as Saints days, Remembrance Day and Bonfire Night. They will find out about historical figures through books, both fiction and non fiction and they will begin to learn about things that happened before they were born and using family members as sources.
Children will be encouraged to use common time related words when retelling their news enabling them to begin to sequence events they have experienced, as well as pictures or events from stories. They will experiences many traditional tales and Nursey Rhymes, learning that these have been retold over many years.
Using their natural curiosity of dinosaurs as a basis, children will learn about pre history , learning about the role of archaeologists in our knowledge and interpretation of the past.