Summer 1 Blog
Early Years and Key Stage 1
This week we learnt all about a new minibeast in Spanish!
We read the story about how the cockroach lost one of it's legs when he stepped in an ant colony.
We listened to the famous song, 'La cucuracha,' and watched the dancing cockroach. Jose and Elena danced too.


We learnt our own simple version of the song.

This week we practised our numbers in Spanish, by counting the minibeasts we have learnt the names of.
4.5.23 This week, we listened to a bilingual story about a ladybird called Maria.
Maria the Mariquita.
This half term our topic is Minibeasts. Today we learnt how to say the names of 3 minibeasts, using actions to help us remember them.
la mariposa la mariquita el abejorro
(butterfly) (ladybird) (bumblebee)
We put all the names together in the song, Mariposa, Mariquita, Abejorro.
Mariposa, Mariquita, Abejorro

Year 3
La Fruta
This week, we read the story of The Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish, La Oruga Muy Hambrienta. First, we looked at the strange word order of the title, then we looked at the main nouns in the story.
We read the story a few times and joined in with the repetitive phrases.
Then we made zig zag books of our own story of the caterpillar, using the days of the week and the pattern of fruits.
This week, we learnt how to say whether we like certain fruits or not.
This week, we used our fruit nouns to help us to understand how to express plural nouns in Spanish.
This week, we used our fruit vocabulary to help us understand the two different words in Spanish that mean a.
We looked at them alongside the words we learnt last week for 'the'.
This half term we are learning more about nouns, through our topic Fruit.
We discovered that the word 'el' is used when we are talking about masculine nouns, and the word 'la' is used to refer to feminine nouns. The word 'the' is known as the definite article.
Year 4
Parts of the Body
This week, we listened to a story about a horrible, green monster in Spanish. We had to listen out really carefully for the parts of the body we have learnt and the colours used to describe them.
Today, we began by practising some of the phrases we have already learnt to express how we are feeling. We played Quiz Quiz Trade to practise the question and responses.
Then, we learnt how to say that different parts (singular and plural) of the body are hurting us.
This week, we have been describing some strange aliens. We used our, 'How to... ' sheet to help us with the word order.
This week, we learnt how to give instructions to move the body, adding the words left and right that we already know.
Levanta la pierna izquierda - Lift up your left leg
Levanta la cabeza - lift up your head.

Today we began learning about the parts of the body. We found out that the word for foot in Spanish looks the same as our English word for pie, but is pronounced very differently. We practised recognising the names with the game, Espalda con Espalda. (Back to Back) Working with a partner, we had to listen out for each body part in Spanish and put the parts together.
Espalda con Espalda
(back to back)
brazo con brazo
(arm to arm)
rodilla con rodilla
(knee to knee)
pie con pie
(foot to foot)
Year 5
At the Market
This week we practised our key questions by rolling the dice, questioning and responding with a partner.
We looked back at the vegetables we learnt last week and also practised the articles.
Then we practised some short conversations that we might have at the market.
I would like 5 tomatoes please.

Our topic this term is about buying things at a market. We started by looking back at the names of fruits that we have already learned and practising their different articles.
Then we learnt the names of 6 different vegetables. We also learnt their plural forms, in case we are buying more than one.
Year 6
Parts of a House - Prepositions
Today we listened to a story about an Easter Egg Hunt. We had to listen out for the prepositions to work out the order of the story.
We played a Spanish game of Who Wants to be Millionaire?, to see how many prepositions we could remember.
Today we used the prepositions we have learnt this half term to describe our bedrooms. We also added adjectives to our descriptions.
This week, we learnt some prepositions in Spanish so that we could describe in more detail where Wally was.
We followed the instructions and put Wally in the correct positions.
detrás de la silla al lado de la mesa encima de la mesa
behind the chair next to the table above the table
Today we learnt the names of the main rooms in a house. We practised the names by playing, Where's Wally?
¿Dónde está Wally?
Year 3 - Summer 1
La fruta (fruit)
This half term we have been exploring the 2 different words for 'the' in Spanish by looking at fruit nouns.
We discovered that the word 'el' is used when we are talking about masculine nouns, and the word 'la' is used to refer to feminine nouns. The word 'the' is known as the definite article.
We learnt how to say the names of some fruit and separated them into masculine and feminine lists.
Today we looked at the connection between the word 'a' (indefinite article) and 'the' (definite article). We used our fruit nouns again to help us.
This week we looked at how to make each fruit into a plural noun. We noticed how the word 'the' (the definite article) also has a plural form which can be masculine or feminine. Four different words for 'the'!
Today we read the story, La Oruga Muy Hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). Before we read the story, we practised some of the main nouns.
Now we are writing own books in Spanish.
Year 4 2022
Las partes del cuerpo
(Parts of the body)
This half term we have been learning how to say the parts of the body in Spanish. After we had learned to say the main parts, we then learnt how to say which parts are hurting us.
Year 5 2022
El mercado
(The Market)
This half term we have been thinking about a conversation that might happen at a Spanish market. We started by looking at euro coins and notes.
Then we practised some simple conversations to buy fruit in Spanish.
Market role play

market role play

Then we tried to write our own conversation to practise with a partner.
Finally, we made some fruit kebabs, to practise the definite and indefinite articles.
Year 6 2022
Summer 1
Parts of the House
Today we used the bilingual dictionaries to find out the names of the main rooms in the house.
Then we researched the names of different items that can be found in each room.
Finally we learnt some prepositions to describe exactly where Wally was in the house.
¿Dónde está Wally? (Where's Wally)

¿Dónde está Wally?

Year 5
Cognates in the City
Today in Spanish we were language detectives, trying to deduce the meaning of some new words connected to the city. We listened to the words first before we read them. Some were easy to guess because they are cognates or near cognates (the same or almost the same as English words). Then we used the bilingual dictionary to find other places in the city.
Zog the robot is looking for the cake shop as he wants a chocolate cake. We labelled a map to help him, and learnt how to describe the position of the buildings.
We learnt how to make a contraction when using these phrases with a masculine noun.
El supermercado está al lado de la panadería. The supermarket is next to the bakery.

La cafetería está al lado del mercado. The cafe is next to the market.

Today we learnt how to ask and answer the question, "Where are you going?"
I'm going to the cafe. I'm going to the football stadium.

I'm going to the museum. I'm going to the cafe.

I'm going to the zoo. I'm going to the cafe.

We sang a song using the question and different answers.
Then we learnt how to put together the verb ir (to go), and say where different groups of people are going.
This is the...
Today we learnt that in Spanish there are 2 different words for, 'this'.
Éste (for a masculine noun)
Ésta (for a feminine noun)
Today we wrote and practised a short role play, buying entrance tickets for a place in the city.
May I have a theatre ticket please?

Two museum tickets please...

Three cinema tickets please...

The Weather
Today we learnt how to say different types of weather in Spanish. We matched the cards then practised answering and asking the question, ¿Qué tiempo hace? (what's the weather like?) with a partner.
¿Qué tiempo hace?

¿Qué tiempo hace?

Today we made a rap about the weather.
It's foggy, it's stormy.

It's sunny, it's windy.

It's raining, it's snowing

It's cold, it's hot.

We learnt the names of some clothes, and looked at the different words in Spanish for a, the and some.
We also learnt some new adjectives to describe clothes with.
We built some sentences describing the clothes we wear in different weather.
When it's hot I wear sun glasses

When it's stormy I wear a coat.

When it's raining I wear boots.

When it's hot I wear a cap.

Today we searched through our books to find vocabulary containing Key Sounds in Spanish. We added some of them to our display.
Year 3
Today we have been learning about fruit. We sorted fruit into masculine and feminine nouns, using the definite article 'the'.
Then we looked at how the word 'a' and 'the' is different in Spanish, with masculine and feminine nouns.
Some masculine fruits.

Some feminine fruits.

Today we looked at the plural form of each fruit. For most we added 's', but for the nouns ending in 'n' we added 'es'. We also looked at how the word 'the' is different in Spanish for masculine and feminine plural nouns. We learned how to say we like or dislike certain fruits.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Today we read the Spanish version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We learnt some of the vocabulary in the story.

We made our own books of the story, using the fruit nouns we have learnt.
іVamos de Picnic!
(Let's go on a picnic)
Today we read a story about going on a picnic. We described each place in the story with a colour and learnt the names of some picnic foods.
Key Sounds
Today we looked back through our books for words with the Spanish key sounds in them and added some to our display.