School Uniform Information
UNIFORM - We have a range of pre-loved uniform at Reception which Parents may take as required.
Uniform for all children Rec - Year 6 from September 2024
There will be no set summer / winter uniform. Parents can decide whether to choose for a cooler option when the weather is warmer – this can be at any point throughout the year.
White polo shirt; (No tie)
Grey trousers / shorts / skirt / pinafore,
Royal blue cardigan / V Neck sweatshirt or V Neck Knitted jumper with or without the school logo,
Grey socks or grey tights
Black shoes (no trainers please)
Blue gingham dress (with white socks)
Black/Navy sandals are acceptable in warmer weather but please make sure that your child's feet are adequately supported.
Please note, trainers and white sandals / shoes are not part of the school uniform.
Coat – children should wear a sensible and weather appropriate coat – there is no specified colour.
From September there will be a no jewellery policy. Children will be allowed to wear a wrist watch only. This should not be a smart watch – it should not be able to record or link to the internet.
If your child has their ears pierced, their earrings should be removed before school each day. This is for the safety of all children. If you are considering having your child’s ears pierced, it would be beneficial to have this done at the start of the 6 weeks holidays in July. This will allow a full six weeks for them to heal and settle before the return to school in September.
In order to take part in PE lesson the children must have the correct PE kit.
PE Uniform
Indoor PE
White T-shirt
Royal blue shorts (Not black shorts)
Black pumps
No trainers
Outdoor PE
Royal blue sweatshirt or hoodie with or without the school logo. (Children can wear their school jumper or cardigan.)
Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms
Black pump
No trainers please
The school does not sell uniform, but this can be purchased from
Boydells Kits4all Laser Schoolwear
17 – 19 Victoria Road 115 Albert Road, 56 Victoria Road
Widnes Widnes Widnes
Telephone: 0151 424 3527 Telephone 0151 420 7504 Telephone 0151 345 4867