Connecting Classrooms - Tanzania
Arise Link 2022
We continue our strong link with the school in Arise.
We have had the opportunity to zoom each other. Each class got to ask and answer questions to and from the children of Arise.
We spoke to their Headteacher Frank and some of the children who talked about their life at Arise. They sang a song and talked about all their animals that make them self sufficient. The school has really come a long way from the start with only one classroom. We are proud ot be part of their journey as we continue to learn together a s a global community

Two of our Year 6 children wrote a blog piece for the Arise school about their experience of the zoom meeting.
ACE Blog
Last week, we had the pleasure of taking part in an amazing Zoom meeting with the children at the Arise School in Tanzania. We were first introduced to Frank, who is the Head of their school and Mrs Thomson (our head) also spoke to them.
We had the privilege to have an insight into their culture and routine of their school day. Each class took it in turn to answer and ask a question that the schools wanted to learn about each other.
We started each of our questions by saying “jambo” followed by our names and year group. We were fascinated by the fact that they had school pets such as rabbits, cows and goats. They looked after them in school. We shared that we sometimes have a pet at home such as one or two rabbits but not hundreds.
They told us all about their favourite school subjects which are maths, science and English and we shared ours. We were overwhelmed by their excellent English speaking skills as they were very fluent.
We were very proud to be able to discuss together different aspects of our school and learn all about theirs. They sang their school song to us and it was very evident that they have so much love and pride for their school. They showed so much appreciation and it was very moving to listen to them.
Thanks to technology we will be able to see them more often. We look forward to talking to them again soon.

KS2 Harvest 2022 - Tanzania
This year we supported our link school in Tanzania.
They shared with us all about their ability to be self sufficient with all their plants and animals and even homes they are helping to support the community.
Sue and Ron (founders) came along to share their appreciation and talk to everyone about the Arise School.

Arise Newsletter April 2021
Arise Newsletter November 2020
Connecting Classrooms-Tanzania
Cronton C of E Primary School has had a strong link with the ACE charity ( and as a school, we have raised money for ACE with the ongoing support of their Headteacher, staff, families and the local church congregation. In October 2017, Mrs Thomson visited the official opening of Arise Community Primary (, a school, which is maintained and developed by ACE.
We are extremely excited to announce that this longstanding, joint working has now taken a very exciting step further. Recently, we have been successful at applying for an enriching, fantastic programme called 'Connecting Classrooms', which is run by the British Council ( This international programme supports teaching and learning about global issues. It enables pupils to learn and work together on the big issues that face the world today.
The two selected global learning themes that the both schools will focus on, are: Zero Hunger and Gender Equality.
Furthermore, “Connecting Classrooms” will also allow for an exchange of teachers between
Cronton and Arise Schools with so many potential benefits for pupil learning, teachers and the schools as a whole. Miss Rogers (Y5) and Mrs Simm (Nursery) will have a chance to go to Tanzania in February and share their knowledge and skills with the teachers there while passing on all the learning that has taken place in Cronton. In the summer term, we should welcome the headteacher and another teacher from Arise to do the same in Cronton.
What an exciting, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the students and staff at both schools!
Keep checking our Connecting classrooms Blog for updates and the newest learning!