Class Blog
Week ending 15.7.22
The week has arrived. The final preparations for our Junior Production “The Greatest Show”. The children have worked so hard and created an amazing show. Well done everyone. You were all amazing 🤩🤩

We have also had bikeability this week. So busy!
Week ending 8.7.22
This week the children spent two days at their new secondary schools. We missed them in class but we were busy creating props and getting ready for our production.
Wednesday was our sports day and the children had lots of fun racing and completing challenges for their colour team. We linked it to the commonwealth games so they represented the country. After a fabulous day the winning team was 🥁🥁 the Yellow Team. Well done. 👏👏👏
Week ending 1.7.22
This week, we have continued with our production practise in between lots of amazing independent writing. We watched the film Alma and wrote some excellent descriptive stories explaining what happened. Well done.
We didn’t quite get enough reading in our AR this week so we need to try and get the trophy back next week. Keep reading Y6.
This week we did win the attendance trophy. This is great news so let’s try and keep this next week.
We did get a lovely surprise package this week. Our children are now published authors with their stories in print. How amazing!
Week ending 24.6.22
This week we did lots of learning in maths. We looked at volume and used our fluency to help with reasoning and problems. The children did amazing of course and were able to use their understanding to work them out. In science we began our topic on reproduction and life cycles. We started by looking at the difference between a mammal and amphibians life cycle. We looked at the vocabulary we would use and the children completed the different life cycles then explained their understanding. In PE, the children have started to practise their fielding games. They hope to win the teachers in the annual game of rounders. In history, all the children completed their presentation on a special place in Liverpool. The children really researched their chosen part nad presented it to class. Well done.

We have now well and truly began our production practise as the stage is up and ready. Mrs Jones has made a start on the scenery and everyone is excited to show their many talents.
Over the last couple of weeks. we have been looking at what makes our brains work differently. Identifying that some peoples brain works differently and we each have our own super power. We wrote on umbrellas our super power ready for display.

Week ending 17.6.22
another busy week in Year 6. We completed our science on reproduction of plants. We also had a lovely time at Children’s University. All children received an award this year, amazing. We had another visit from Mr Souter from money management. The sessions are always fun but very important. We ended the week with the start of our production practise.
The children have also started their bike ability lessons. Two groups have already completed the tasks to learn how to ride safely on the roads. The children also sent the food they had collected for our local charity - the Widnes Food Bank.

A lovely afternoon at the Anglican Cathedral for our Year 6 Leaver's service. It is lovely to be back together with the other schools to say goodbye from the church to our children. We sang songs and danced and watched the story of Moses leading the Israelites to freedom. The children really enjoyed the afternoon. Our school council representatives carried our School banner with pride.

Week ending 27.5.22
Our last week of Summer 1. Another full week of learning and fun. On Monday we took part in the Knowsley Youth Summit. The children had the opportunity to talk and ask big questions about our planet. We learnt about the importance of bees and how to help save our planet. We looked at growing our own food and reusing plastics to create art.
Some of our children took part in the Musical Summer Concert. They showed their amazing talents such as singing, keyboard or trombone skills.

The children have been working hard to create their Batik. They have designed and created amazing pieces. Look at their amazing work.
The children had a great day celebrating the Queens Jubilee. We had a crown competition and the celebration continued with a party. Lots of fun was had by all.
The children received a certificate from Young Writers for the short monster story. All children who applied have been accepted. Amazing young authors. Others have continued to read at home and gained higher reading belts. Keep it up 👍
Well done to the children chosen by their peers to receive the Respect Christian Value certificate.

Week ending 20.5.22
WOW! What a busy but fun week. We had a great time at Robinwood ( make sure you look at the Robinwood pictures in the file) and the children showed once again their resilience and amazing personalities. They were excellent role model and continuously told by the Robinwood team how well behaved they were showing their listening and teamwork skills. Once again making me very proud.
we ended the week with auditions for our class productions. We have some amazing actors and they are all eager to be part of the Greatest Show!
Week ending 13.5.22
What a busy week we have had. This week the children completed their SATs. I am very proud of all the children and how they have approached them. They have enjoyed the morning breakfast club and been so relaxed and ready to be their BEST. We could not have asked for more.
What delicious cakes made by Felicity and Kiera. We shared them during our last revision club. Thank you both so much.
Once the tests were over the children and I celebrated with a conga. They had a fun afternoon to relax and enjoy their hard work.
On Friday, we had a great day learning abour production and playing Quidditch. A great day was had by all.
Week Ending 6.5.22
The children have returned from their Easter break and are working so hard and I am very proud of all the hard work.
In our WCSR, we have started our new book "Wonder" by RJ Palacio.
The children are loving the story of August " Auggie" as he navigates school for the first time.
"In a world where you can be anything Be Kind" which is something we fully support in Year 6.
We are looking at "Ideas about God" in Re and we have looked at Celtic symbols and the Trinity.
In History, We are looking at Liverpool and all about it being a Part of the Transatlantic Slave trade.
For maths, We have been working on lots of different aspects of shape from angles to area and work from statistics to nets of shapes. We used the magnetic shapes to support our understanding of nets. The children are confident in their fluency and reasoning. Well done Everyone.

In Art, we are beginning our topic on Batik. The children are beginning to design their artwork in preparation for their final piece.
Finally, Next week is an important week for Year 6 as the children take part in the National Assessment Test. They are ready and prepared and Mrs Gillies, Mrs Jackson and I could not be any more proud of the children. They have worked hard and shown resilience and determination. Well done Year 6.
Week ending 8.4.22
Our last week of the Spring term and the children have continued to work hard. We have completed our genre work on play scripts transferring their favourite stories into scripts.
in maths, we have been looking at proportion as well as our arithmetic and reasoning. The children continue to work hard in their preparation for their SATs.
in science, we completed our assessments on our understanding and completed an enquiry task by completing a fair test using levers.
We finished our geography by looking closely at Northern Ireland. In DT the children have completed their motorised cars. The concentration while working was only surpassed by their joy when they worked.
The children had a great time at the Friends of Cronton disco. The children had a great time.
It was lovely to see the children join in the Easter bonnet parade.

Week ending 1.4.22
This week the children have continued to work on ratio and have been using the concrete materials to help before moving on to pictorial. They are really grasping their understanding.
in English they completed a diary entry as Jude our main character in our Whole Class Shared reading book. We are beginning to immerse and analyse play scripts.
in science we learned about pitch and frequency and had some interesting work with the shakers and a homemade guitar.
In DT, the children are excited about their moving vehicle and knew about circuits from our science learning. Our Keys curriculum supports knowledge retention. Well done Guys.
The children completed some excellent art work when creating their Easter cross to explain the link between the incarnation and the Salvation.

On April the 1st we had some fun but also raised a lot of money for those suffering in the Ukraine with our fun run. Thank you all for your support.

Week ending 28.3.22
This week has been a very busy week completing our Spring assessments. We used the opportunity to show off all the hard work we have been doing. As always the children have made me very proud.
We continued with our KEYS curriculum and completed some science work on energy and looked at the refraction of light through a prism. In Geography, we have looked at migration and learnt about historical migration.
In DT , the children are excitedly created their moving vehicles.
It was lovely to have all the mothers and grandmothers during our afternoon. We hope you liked your gifts from the children
Happy Mother's Day
Week ending 21.3.22
This week has been the final week of our fundraising for Comic Relief. I am so proud of all the children who have worked hard over the last few weeks by providing, creating and giving their time to raise the money. We have managed to raise £505 for the charity.

We have been working hard on area and perimeter which the children are confident with. We moved onto volume and used our cubes to understand the volume of cuboid.

In science, we have been looking at light and how it travels in a straight line. We looked at how it reflects in a mirror which can change direction depending on the angle.

Our green team celebrated St Patrick’s Day by wearing green.
In computing, we are looking at coding and how computers are an important part of the future.

Week ending 11.3.22
Another very busy week in Y6. The children are continuing to work hard on their maths. We have been focusing on area and looking at rectilinear shapes. In English, we looked at diaries and immersed ourselves in a variety of writing.
In RE, we have looked at the Easter story and how Jesus was seen in each part of Easter week. In DT, the children have looked at building a controllable vehicle. This is exciting and the children researched different vehicles to start.
In Pe, The children have continued to develop their gymnastics and dodgeball skills.
Our charity fundraising is going well and the children are amazing and coming into school early to sell the different prizes. We once again sold cakes and they really went down well. The children even brought some homemade cakes from home to sell.
Week Ending 4.3.22
This week we started our charity work. The children have been amazing and are so generous. They have been working hard on making the cakes and donating prizes. We have had an amazing start to the event.
This wee, we have been busy learning about algebra and the children have grasped the concept very well. Super mathematicians.
In English we wrote our persuasive writing and the children chose some interesting arguments to try and persuade the reader.
In RE, we have started to look at the Easter Story and the question " Who was Jesus".
In PE, we are working on our gymnastic skills and Dodgeball.

With World Book Day being a favourite day to dress up as our favourite characters or in the colours of the Brazilian flag, we had lots of fun. We got a chance to drop everything and read and also spend sometime reading with our seedlings. We looked at the country of Brazil and focused on the Great Kapok Tree story about the endangered Rainforest.
In PSHE. We are focusing on Healthy ME. We used our calm me technique to get us ready for learning.

Happy St David's Day to our Yellow team.
Week ending 18.2.22
our last week of half term and we are concluding a lot of our topics. In RE we had Reverend Bob come into class to complete our learning on the Eucharist. He shared with us all the symbols and vocabulary of the service. We tasted the wafer that is shared and the children enjoyed his visit.
We also displayed our fabulous Mayan art in a Fresco Frieze.

Lots of fun in PE. The class continued to complete basketball and showed a lot of skill.

In history, we finished our work on the Mayan’s by writing a comparison between the differences and similarities of the Mayan’s and another era they have studied.
We have finished our writing on balanced arguments and looking at persuasive writing. The children have enjoyed looking at whether Bradley was a bully or not. The children’s work is displayed with pride.
We also enjoyed a visit from the author Tom Palmer who talked about how he became an author and we looked at some of his books.

Well done to our star badger winners and ninja readers. We have been working hard on our reading and enjoying reading in school and for pleasure. We won the reading trophy again. Well done year 6.

Week ending 11.2.22
Another week of fun and learning. We have been working hard on our art work this week and completed our Fresco art work. The children worked so hard and we are hoping to have them on display soon.
in maths we have continued to look at fractions, decimals and percentages. Our children are great at sharing their learning and showing how they answer the mathematical question.

We were able to listen to the author Rashmi Sirdeshpande as part of the Liverpool Children’s Reading Festival. She told us how she became an author and all about her book Good News. The children listened carefully and we talked about the importance of celebrating good things. This is especially important for our mental health during #mentalhealthawareness week.

Online Safety
To start the day, Mr Bell and year 5 delivered a really important message about staying safe online. They shared some important information about enjoying the internet but staying safe. We then read some stories based on real life situations such as gaming and buying in app purchases. It made the children think about privacy settings and passwords and how important they are. We watched some clips and made posters for different year groups to place around the school.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is Growing Together. We discussed how we can help ourselves grow and become aware of our worries and concerns and that these feelings are normal. We then thought of things that help us and calm us and make us happy. We have created a Good News board linked to our author visit, to celebrate all the good news we have and in the world. We have started to fill it with our special things. We also listened to our favourite songs and had a dance to relax.
This week, we once again had Mr Souter in to help the children with their money management. The children always enjoy his exciting delivery with an important message.

Another good week for our reading in year 6. We won our reading trophy again for the highest word count. Well done to Ninja Readers. Keep it up everyone. #welovereading
Week ending 3.2.22
What another busy week we have had. The children have been working hard on their Mayan art and history. The children looked at the different artefacts and predicted what they would have been used for. They came up with some great ideas.
We had a lovely surprise visit from Mrs Musil and her daughter. It was great to see her and the children enjoyed seeing her again.
In maths, we have looked at decimals and fractions and comparing them. In reading we have enjoyed writing our balanced arguments based around our class book. We asked the question - Is Bradley Chalkers a bully?
Look out for our new display next week.
To end the week we won the reading trophy for our home reading. Fantastic. Well done to our star badge winners and Reading Ninjas.
Week 31.1.2022

Week ending 21.1.22
This week we have being doing work on coordinates within four quadrants. The children have grasped it very well for finding the coordinates, translating shapes as well as reflecting them in all quadrants.
in English, we have been finding out more about the main character in our class text in preparation of writing a balanced argument. The children are really enjoying the book as part of our WCSR as well as story time.
we are continuing to learn about the Mayans in our history and art lessons. The children created excellent double page spreads about the Mayan’s beliefs.

In our Environmental science we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.

We had a great start to our after school revision club. We looked at factors, multiples and prime numbers. Well done everyone. You are superstars

Week ending 14.1.22
This week has been another productive week. We have completed our maths work on fractions and I am very proud of the children's work. In English, we have analysed different balanced arguments to prepare for writing. In Science started looing at our Environmental science by looking at renewable and non renewable energy.
In art and History, we are looking at the Mayans. We looked at the different types of art and crafts and looked more closely at the images and used proportion in our drawings.

In Computing, we have been looking at money and different currencies.
One of our children was chosen to be the special host on our Friday Star Bade assembly. They helped Mrs Thomson deliver all the certificates and rewards.
Well done to all our winners from star badges to reading Ninjas. Well done everyone.

Week ending 7.1.22
Welcome back to all our families. I wish you al a very happy New Year.
As we enter our Spring term with lots of learning ahead. The children started the week of with a focus on our learning attitudes of perseverance and independence. We have looked at how these important attitudes will help with out learning. We will be looking at curiosity, teamwork and responsibility next week.
In science the children completed an investigation using the theory of Charles Darwin and evolution. We experimented on different types of beaks using different apparatus to see what was the best for the different food types, just like on the Galapagos Islands. The children had a lot of fun with the experiment.
In maths, we are continuing with fractions and multiplying and dividing them. In English, we have started to look at balanced arguments by immersing ourselves. IN our WCSR, we have started our new book " The Boy in the Girls' Bathroom" by Louis Sacher. The children are already enjoying it and want to read more each day.
In DT. The children finished their memory boxes. They have created such wonderful boxes and each with a unique design. I am very proud of all the children and their hard work.
Week ending 17.12.21
Our final week of the Autumn term and WOW what a busy and fun week it has been. The children are so wonderful and have continued to work hard on their learning to the very end. We have mastered adding and subtracting fractions and also wrote our own flash back story. In geography, we did some fieldwork looking at our environment and the primary and secondary resources we use and the economic activity in the Village. We had to have a working conga at Christmas time.