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8th June

I hope everyone has had a good half term and enjoyed some of the lovely weather (for the first week!) There are a lot of different things on here this week.


As some of you get ready to return to Nursery. I have put some information that I thought would be good to read and show your child in preparation for their return. 

For those of you who are not returning, I hope you are all well and please send us some photos/pictures/cards/ messages  in to school and I will show the children in Nursery them.


This half term in maths we will start by recapping numbers. This week it is time to concentrate on all numbers 0-5. I know many children can recognise the numerals but there is so much more than just that so please have a look and see if your child can do all of the suggestions  confidently. If not choose 1 or 2 things to concentrate on each day to practice. I have put some numbers on here to help with these and you can use them to make any number of games.

  • Recognise all the numerals  0 1 2 3 4 5
  • Order the numbers 0-5 Can they order them if some numbers are missing e.g 3 1 0
  • Count backwards 5-0 and check they can still count backwards when you start at any of the other numbers eg 3
  • Write all of the numbers 0-5
  • Represent the numbers using their fingers Challenge them to represent five but they have to use two hands to do so ( many children may show you 10 fingers altogether instead of 5  )
  • Count out groups (there are two different skills here firstly give them a group to count to get a total and secondly ask them to count out an amount from a larger group. Some children forget to stop at the given number! 
  • Can they count- real objects? Pictorial representations in a line? Randomly positioned objects both real and in a picture? Check your child’s strategies for counting. Do they use a counting finger ? Do they have 1-1 correspondence? Do they move objects to help them  count? Do they recount objects?
  • Recognise a small number of objects by sight without the need to count (subitise)
  • Recognise the dot pattern on a dice for each number
  • Find different ways to split up a group of objects into 2 groups . E.g. 4 can be split into 3 and 1 or 2 and 2 or 4 and 0
  • Practically add two small groups of objects – remember we are only concentrating on  0-5 this week
  • Say 1 more and 1 less than each of the numbers eg what is 1 less than 4? What is 1 more than 2?


There are so many counting songs to help practice numbers too. Here are a few the children should know.  

Five little ducks went swimming one day

Five little speckled frogs

Five little men in a flying saucer

Five little monkey jumping on the bed


We are starting a water based theme too this half term and this week we are thinking about the seaside. Maybe you managed to get to the beach when the sun was out or you went last year and can remind your child about it.  It would be lovely to see some of your beach pictures. Can you do a seaside collage drawing or painting? I have put some spot the difference pictures on here for you to have a look at. See if you can find them all.


