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Year 6

Please use the link below to see all the fantastic work completed in our Spanish Lessons.. 

Week ending 12.7.24

What an amazing week. We had our production of "The Amazing Adventures of Superstan" and the children were amazing. I am so proud of all the children and the parts they played in making it so successful. 

We also completed our art work and looked at the Rainforest in geography. The children have started to create a double page spread after researching the area. 

Week ending 5.7.24

This week we have continued to practise our production and it is coming on great. 
The children have started to present their history information about Liverpool. We have some very interesting facts shared. 
Our Batik is finished and we have played rounders in PE. 
We were also part of a special Ethos day with the schools in LDST. We could see our Y6 Ethos group children as we watched the link. 

Week ending 28.6.24

This week was filled with lots of sport. We practised the events in PE and then completed Sports Day. 

We have started our rehearsals for the production. In art the children are finishing their Batik drawings. 

Week ending 21.6.24

This week we started with a celebration afternoon for Father’s Day. 

We have now completed our auditions for our production and parts have been given out. Run through sand practise is underway and I am very impressed with the talent in the class.

We have completed science by looking at life cycles and changes as we grow. The children have completed their Batik drawings and started to use the wax to create their artwork. A great week

Week ending 14.6.24

What a week we have had for our last term in Year 6. We celebrated Children's University on Monday and then visited the Anglican Cathedral for our Year 6 Leaver's Service. It is always a special day when we share with all the other year 6 classes thought and prayers for our next steps. we thought about how to be strong and brave like David when he fought Goliath. 

This week the children have been busy finishing off their writing assessments. They have been amazing and i am very proud of each and everyone of them with their hard work, dedication and focus. Well done everyone. 

Auditions for our production start Monday so get your acting and singing practise in. 

Our first day back of summer term and we are celebrating the whole class being awarded with the Children’s University celebration. It was an amazing afternoon. Well done everyone. 

Robinwood day 3

What an amazing time the children have had. They have made me very proud. Their enthusiasm and behaviour has been excellent. It has been an absolute pleasure. 

Wishing you all a very happy and safe half term. 

Robinwood day 2- afternoon session

The kids have once again shown resilience and determination. They have pushed themselves and overcome their fears. Well done. Cant wait to see what you do tomorrow for our last day. 


Still image for this video

Robinwood Day 2

The children have been absolutely amazing. They have been eager to complete and challenge themselves on all the activities. Memories forever!

Robinwood day 1

A great start to our residential. The rain has certainly not stopped the fun. The class are really taking up the different challenges. Here are just a few of today’s events.

Week ending 17.5.24

I am so proud of all the children and how they have approached their SATs this week. They have worked hard all year and they have tried their best on every assessment. They enjoyed breakfast club and settled right in. They have shown determination and resilience throughout well done everyone. 
We did our celebratory conga around the school to mark the end of the SATs. We had ice cream, cakes and were given scripts for our junior production. 
On Friday they took part in quidditch and had an amazing time. Mrs Gillies was a fantastic Golden Snitch. 

Week ending 10.5.24

We hope you all enjoyed the long bank Holiday weekend!

This week the children have been busy revising. We have had a quick look over of some previous objectives. The children have been amazing and have worked really hard this week. We continued with PE and researching our history topic which is looking at a historical landmark of Liverpool. 

Next week are the Key Stage 2 Standardised Assessment Test (SAT's) which the children are well prepared for. We are really proud of you  We all want you to “Shine Like the Stars That You Are” so just try your best and you will do amazing!


SATs don't measure sports, SATs don't measure art,

SATs don't measure music, or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don't see your beauty, SATs don't know your worth,

SATs don't see the reasons you were put upon this earth.

SATs don't see your magic, how you make others smile,

SATs don't time how quickly you can run a mile.

SATs don't hear your laughter, or see you've come this far,

SATs are just a tiny glimpse of who you really are.

So sitting at your table, with a pencil and your test,

Remember SATs aren't who you are, remember you're the best.


Good Luck from The Year 6 team.

Week ending 3.5.24

The children have been working very hard and completing revision on some maths topics such as time, shape and direction. They are working really hard on all their topics. In history, they have been researching their Liverpool landmark and I cant wait to hear their presentations. 

In science we looked at the pollination process as well as how seeds are dispersed. In PE we have continued to develop our tennis and basket ball skills. We used the net and are getting much better at directing the ball over.

In PSHE, the children are looking at mental health and how we can look after ourselves at times we feel low. 

The children had a great time at the PTFA disco. They danced all night and made lasting memories. 


All children received letters this week about Children's University. All year 6 children have gained an award. How amazing. Well done everyone. 


Week ending 26.4.24

This week we have completed our Balanced argument writing. We used our class book to write about the character Carla and whether or not she should lose her job. The children used lots of ideas from the text to create the argument. We have started to read our new class text Wonder by R J Palacio. 

In maths we completed position and direction. We have looked at plotting coordinates and also completed transitions and reflection using the four quadrants. 

In History we looked at why people in Liverpool have Irish ancestors and began to look at different historical landmarks in Liverpool to complete a presentation about. In Science, we looked at pollination and how the process happens to create new seeds. 

Art continued with some amazing designs for their Batik. They have created samples and have once again been very creative. In PE the children have continued to developed tennis and basket ball skills.

I hope the Red Team enjoyed St George's day

Week ending 19.4.24

Another busy week in Year 6. In maths we have completed to look at angles in different shapes as well as the parts of a circle and triangles. 

In English we finished our class book and quizzed. we will be using the story to write a balanced argument. 

in history, we have looked at the slave trade and how it made travelled from the Liverpool port to Africa and them to America. 

In Science we looked at asexual and sexual reproduction in plants. We labelled the parts of the plant and found the advantages and disadvantages of each reproduction type. 

In PE, we have learnt about basket ball and tennis. The children are learning the skills to apply to a final game.  in art, The children have started to look at Batik and began their designs. 

On Wednesday, We got to experience the Jerusalem Journey with the Grace Church. It was amazing to experience the important parts of Jesus's journey to give us the biggest gift ever. 

The children finished their charity work this week by having a toy and book sale. It was very popular and it was a sell out. Well done year 6. We will tally up all the money and share to total for charity. 

Week ending 12.4.24

Welcome back to Summer term. The children settled back into their learning and have completed their documentary narrative. They have used excellent vocabulary and really thought about the success criteria. 


In maths we have started to look at angles around a point as well as on a straight line. we have looked at clockwise ad anticlockwise when using the compass points and identifying the angles turned. 

In science, we are looking at the reproduction in plants and for history we are looking at  Liverpool and the slave trade. We have looked at vocabulary and completed a mind map. 


The children finished the week by drawing the prizes for their charity raffle. we had lots of great prizes and the children prepared for their toy sale.




Week ending 29.3.24

What a very busy week. This week we completed all our end of unit tasks and quizzes for our science ( Light ad sound) and geography. ( settlements and migration) The children have remembered lots about their learning.

In English we have continued to write a documentary narrative. The children all became like David Attenborough and wrote a narrative about wolves in the wild.  We are nearly at the end of our story and can't wait to find out what happens. 

In Maths, we are looking at data and drawing information from double bar charts, line graphs and pie charts. Their knowledge of fractions and percentages have helped in this area. 


We had visitors in this week and the children were amazing as usual. We are very proud of our school and the children. 

The week ended with a easter bonnet Parade and the children did not disappoint. Well done to everyone who took part you all looked amazing. 

Finally, we said a sad goodbye to Mrs Allison, who was has been an important part of our school for so long. We will miss her very much. 

Hope you all enjoy your Easter holidays and look forward to seeing you all back safe. 

Week ending 22.3.24

Another busy and fun week in year 6. We have continued in maths with volume. We used the 3 dimensions of a cuboid to find the volume. We did a lot of practical making cuboid to understand the concepts before using this knowledge in our reasoning questions. 
This week, the children became teachers and wrote a school report for our character Bradley Chalkers. He doesn’t always make the right choices in school and the children really described his disruptive behaviour. We are looking forward to seeing how his character continues in our class book. 
In PE, the children have continued to develop their skills in both dodgeball and multi skills. The children looked closely at the term refugee and the reasons for becoming one. We retold the story of Rachel and how and why she became a refugee. 

In science we completed some scientific enquiry for pattern seeking on pitch and use data to identify patterns. We also had a great afternoon with  Mr Souter who shared with the children about Money Management for their future. We always enjoy a visit from Mr Souter. On Friday, we celebrated maths with our rock star day. The children completed some TTRS battles and times table games. We even had a guitar solo from Mr Tunstall which was amazing. 

Week ending 15,3,24

Another busy and exciting week as we celebrate Science Week. It has been jammed pack with lots of learning. We started the week with a visit from our local Secondary school who created a carousel of science activities. The children fully embraced each activity and actively engaged in all the science experiments. 

We had a visit from a parent who has background in science research and shared this with the class. On Tuesday we had an important message from a dance and drama workshop which helped us learn about carbon monoxide and the dangers. 

WE had visitors from Cronton College who shared with us a variety of science specialities. The children could move around and ask questions. We even had a previous pupil take part.

We also had a great afternoon with our very own Dr Randle (Millie's mum) who shared with us how to get DNA out of a strawberry and how DNA is unique. The children were able to make up a unique sand jar showing different layers of their DNA by answering questions. It really was an exciting and fun afternoon. 

We had our Mad Science Assembly which was once again very exciting. The children finished the week with  a coding class looking at how we can use coding in science to create a variety of new innovations.


During all this exciting work we still completed our maths on area and perimeter and continued reading our class book. We have started to create our vehicles in DT.

Finally, A massive thank you to all the parents who generously donated cakes for the year 6 charity cake sale. We had so many donations that we are able to complete another sale on Monday. Thank you so much. 

Week ending 8.3.24

This week the children have shown confidence and perseverance in completing our spring assessments. They have applied all the work we have been completed over the term. Well done everyone. 


In maths, we have completed our work on fractions decimals and percentages and will be moving to area, perimeter and volume. 

In English we have continued with our class book and we are really enjoying learning about Bradley in "There's Boy in the Girls Bathroom". 

In geography we have looked at important migrations in the past that have shaped countries such as the Windrush Generation,  Australia migration and Oregon Trail.

In RE we looked at how Jesus was thought about on the different days leading up to Easter. 

It was a great Thursday with the children looking amazing in their World Book Day costumes. We focused on the Kapok Tree as a class linking it to South America and the Amazon Rainforest and the fight to save it. It is a wonderful book that makes the children think about how and why we need the rainforest. 

It was lovely to see all the mums, nans, aunts on our coffee morning. I hope you have a special Mothers Day, 


Week ending 1.3.24

This week the children have completed work on Fair Trade. We looked at the chocolate farmers and how they produced the cocoa beans for chocolate but could not afford to buy a bar. We looked at how the Fairtrade symbol represents the farmer being paid a fair price for the product do they can afford education for their children. The children created persuasive posters about Fairtrade. 

IN maths we have looked at changing fractions to decimals and then to percentages. We are feeling confident with this and ready to move on to fond percentages of amounts. 

In English, we have stated to read the Ways of the Wolves to complete our writing this term. We have immersed and looked at the vocabulary in the text and the Waggol. 

We have continued with Dodgeball and looked at the skills needed to show, catch and dodge the ball. In our multi skills session we are looking at keeping healthy and different activities we can do. 

In geography, we have looked at settlements patterns and learnt that there are three main types. These are Linear, nucleated and dispersed

In science we looked at refraction and how Newton discovered that white light is made up of different colours. 

Isaac Newton - carried out experiments about light. Using a dark room and a prism, Newton was the first to discover that light is made up of different colours. 


Welcome back to Spring 2 term.

This week we finished off writing our newspaper report about rescuing the character from our flashback story. The children used their own character to write a new ending showing hope in the genre of a report. 

In our Whole Class Shared Reading we have started a new book called "A Boy In The Girls Bathroom" by Louis Sacher. The children made lots of good predictions. 

In Maths we finished our work on decimals and the children showed good understanding and confidence in their work. We will be moving on to Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. 

In PE, the children have practised their dodgeball skills and gymnastics. 

In Science, we are looking at Light and Sound. We started by looking at the reflection of light through a mirror and used Pattern seeking enquiry to show the how light travels in a straight line and reflects at the angle shone into the mirror.

The children were given time to complete their Mayan artwork. They worked so hard to enlarge their drawing either using a grid or free hand and have completed some amazing detailed drawings.

IN RE, we have started to look at Jesus and who he was to different people in the Bible as we look towards Easter. The children have also been working hard on their Archie Bishop award and began to collate and design items for their charity event. Thank you for all you help. 

Week ending 9.2.24

This week the children have completed their Flashback story, edited it and wrote it up for display. They are amazing. Lots of good description and details about memories.

In maths the children have looked at adding and subtracting decimals. It is so important to line up the decimal point for this. history topic on the Mayans was completed with a comparison between other ancient civilisations. In science the children looked at how the environment is changing with the green house effect and how we can begin to change it. 

In PE, they complete their last dance session. In art they are nearly ready to paint their Mayan mural. They have shown very good artistic skills. 


Week ending 2.2.24

This week has been very busy once again. In maths we have continued with algebra and the children have learned to create a formulae, understand an expression and substitute an integer into the equations.


In English the children have now planned and written their flashback story. Before we write up for display the children will edit and up-level. The stories are amazing and show good description and use of punctuation. In computing, the children have continued to work on Scratch In history, we have looked at the legacy of the Mayans and the children wrote about some of the most important thigs we are thankful for. They all agreed that chocolate was one of the favourite. 


In PE, they have continued to create an excellent dance routine. In art, the children are linking history to create a Mayan Frieze. They have looked at the art of the period and started to design their own. In science this week, we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy and started to look at the effects of renewable and non renewable on the environment, 

Week ending 26.1.24

This week in maths we have been looking at ratio. The children grasped the concept really well and were able to apply the strategies to some tricky questions. In English, we have now analysed or story and beginning to plan by creating a character for our story. Our whole class reading book has taken Jude to America and all the changes that brings to her. She does not know anyone or speak the language. A new home for her to get used to. 
In history, the children looked at the homes, clothes and trade that the Mayans had. In PSHE, the children looked at how to reach their goals and what they need to do achieve them. 
The children’s dance sequence is also coming together.  I look forward to seeing the finished piece. 

This week we had a visit from the community police. They talked to us about our British Value - Rule of law. They talked about rules and laws in Britain. 

Week ending 19.1.24

Another week full of learning. We have moved on from fractions  and are now looking in at measures and conversions. These are really important skills to use in the real world. 

In English, we have immersed ourselves in our story with flashbacks and found lots of important details using synonyms and antonyms to show how we move from past to present. In our shared reading we are intrigued by the story of Jude who is travelling to America to escape the conflict in Her home of Syria. 
In history, the children researched who the Mayans worshipped and created some amazing double page spreads. 
In RE, we looked closely at the Exodus and why this is important part of the Jewish religion. We looked at the Passover meal and the important parts of the Seder plate.
In PE, the children have completed dance are are showing excellent rhythm. 

Week ending 12.1.24

Wishing all our families a happy New Year. 

We have had a great start to the new year with children coming in focused and ready to learn. They had a great funday Monday with a pantomime to settle them back in. 


We have started a new book in our Ready Steady Write work as we start to look at stories with a flash back. This is A story like the wind by Gill Lewis.  As part of our our WCSR we are looking at the book called "Other Words for Home" by Jasmine Warga. A story of a refugee from Syria and how her life changes as

she moves to America. 

In maths, we have looked at fractions of amounts. The children are becoming more confident with their fractions as we move onto measures. 

In History, the children are starting their new topic of the ancient civilisation of the Mayans. They became historians by looking at artefacts and predicting what they were used for. They found out where the Mayan's lived. In DT the children got to complete their memory boxes and they were very creative and worked hard. 

Week ending 22.12.23

Our last week of Autumn term and what a busy one it has been. 
This week we completed our Malamander book and quizzed. We are currently winning in the word count.. Well done. In PSHE, we looked at protected characteristics and how it is important to be ourselves. 
We had our Christmas party and had lots of fun. Our school talent show also entertained us and showed lots of amazing talent by all the children. We even had a visit from a little elf. 

On behalf of the Year 6 team - Mrs Gillies, Miss Unsworth and myself we would like to wish all our children and families a very happy Christmas and we look forward to a happy and prosperous new year. 

A huge thank you from the Y6 staff for all your kind and generous gifts and cards.  Thank you so much. 


Week ending 15.12.23

Another week of activity. The children continue to develop their understanding of fractions by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. We have nearly completed our class book and the children can’t wait to find out what happens. 
In DT, the children have started to build their frame for their memory boxes. The concentration to secure accuracy in marking and cutting was amazing. 

It was a pleasure to be part of the Ecumenical service with Holy Family. The children from year 5 and 6 did an amazing job. Well done to those who recreated the Nativity scene as well as ended with prayers and our amazing choir. 

We ended the week with a Christmas dinner and a Santa dash. In science we worked scientifically to observe the different effects of evolution on the finches using Darwin’s theory of evolution by experimenting with a variety of beak like clasps. 

Week ending 8.12.23

What a jammed pack week we have had. The week started with a fun-day for Christmas. The year 6 children were so responsible and helpful throughout the day delivering the activities. Well done. 

We have completed writing our Discovery story linked to our text and ready to edit and write up for display. In maths we are looking at adding and subtracting fractions and applying them to reasoning and problems. 

IN RE, the children thought about the topic and the message of Christmas. In geography we looked at trade around the world and imports and exports from the UK. 

The children are really enjoying our class book and completed some comprehension based around Malamander. 

The children have planned their memory boxes and are ready to create them.


Week ending 1.12.23

This week, we have continued with our adventure writing using Darwin's discoveries. The children had lots of fun and used their imagination to create an animal that they will discover in their stories. They have now completed a plan ready to start writing next week. 

In Maths, we have started to add and subtract fractions.

In science we looked at how fossils are made and how they can show us the evolution of some animals. We looked at the change in horses over time. In geography, the children used an atlas to look at the different countries trade for some products.  The children have looked at what makes a good website  in computing.  

In our Whole class text book the children are really enjoying learning about Herbert Lemon and the Malamander. 

Some of our children took part in the art work. They were chosen from the drawings they created about our school curriculum. We cant wait to see the finished piece. 

In RE, we looked at the role of Mary and how she felt about her son being God's son. 

The blue team celebrated St Andrew's Day by wearing blue.

Week ending 24.11.23

Another fun week in Year 6. We have continued to look at kindness and carry on our 30 day challenge. We have been busy completing our autumn assessment and I am very proud of how the children have approached them. They are showing a great attitude and I am very impressed.

In between, w have continued to look at our new book Malamander. The children are really getting into the story of Herbert Lemon and a young girl called Violet. What will happen next?

We had our favourite visitor in class on Wednesday - Mr Souter. He helps the children learn about money management in his debt awareness lesson. This week was about wages, tax and how setting goals can help if you want to be in a good wage bracket. All this while making the children giggle. 

As part of our Kindness challenge, we read and listened to our seedlings. The children always love to spend time as a gardener and they do such an amazing job. 

As well as all of this we completed some work in science about the advantages and some disadvantages of adaptations. Ask about the giraffes. In maths we continued with fractions and how we can compare and order using either the denominator or numerator as well as equivalent. In English, we looked at using dialogue in a story to move the plot and characters on and analysed a WAGOLL. 

In geography, we looked at natural resources and where they can be found in the UK, In RE, we learned mre about John the Baptist and how important he is in the lead up to Advent. 

This week we have also started our creative work with an artist. She will used the children’s designs to create a new piece of art in the foyer and main corridor. We have had some children from each class create work and this will continue next week. Can’t wait to see the finished piece. 

Week ending 17.11.23

This week we started with a whole school worship to start our 30 day kindness challenge. We want our children to be kind to each other and everyone in our community. As part of our anti bullying week, we have explored how words can hurt and how we need to be kind to each other in as many ways as possible. Being kind by using our manners, helping each other and showing our kindness in lots of other ways. 

In maths, we have started to look at fractions and finding and ordering equivalent fractions.

In English, we have immersed ourselves in our new text and wrote some descriptive settings using images from the text. 

In science, we looked at inheritance and DNA. The children enjoyed creating an offspring from a Mr men and little Miss. 

In geography we have looked at minerals and by using an atlas found the countries they are found. 

In PE the children are using different techniques to pass the ball in High Five and in gymnastics showing the forward roll and using it in a sequence. One of our children shared their gold and silver wards from a recent gymnastic competition. How amazing!


This week we held our annual Open Evening. The year 6 children were our ambassadors and they did an amazing job. Well done 👏 

This week has really been about highlighting how we need to be kinder to people and recognise our words can hurt whether we realise we are doing it or it is on purpose. Bullying is never acceptable in any form.

"In a world were we can be anything be KIND" - Wonder. 
We placed purple ribbons around the school to highlight our commitment to anti bullying. We all received an anti bullying bracelet. 

Week ending 10.11.23

A great start to our Autumn 2 term. We completed some WCSR looking at some war poems. We looked at Flanders Field by John McCrae. On Sunday, some of our children represented the school and presented our school wreath on the Cronton Memorial - We will Remember.



We have started our new vehicle text on Darwin's journey - Origin of Species, which links with our science on Evolution. We created some poems linked to the different animals focusing on adjectives and verbs. 

In RE we have started to look at Advent and what that means. The children learnt it is the countdown and preparation for the return of Jesus. In Science we have started to look at Evolution and Adaptation by looking at how some animals and plants adapt to their environment.   

On Wednesday the children enjoyed a PTFA disco. They had an amazing time and made some great memories. 



The children have also started their new DT topic - memory boxes. In geography - Resources and Trade Links, we looked at the economic activity in Cronton and learnt about Primary, Secondary and Tertiary activity. 

On Friday, we celebrated Diwali and learnt about the Hindu celebration of light. We got to work with our seedlings, which the children always enjoy doing. 

Week ending 27.10. 23

What a great ending to our first half term. 

In English, we finished out book " Hana's Suitcase". The book shares the story of Hana who was a victim of the Holocaust. She fulfilled her dream of becoming a teacher through the book by teaching us tolerance and hope. The children enjoyed the book so much one child created the suitcase at home. The children have enjoyed the history topic and brought in lots of their own artefacts. 


This week we completed all our topics. In Science we investigated circuits by changing voltage and the effect on brightness. 

We completed our Class worship with the help of B Tales.  It was an amazing day and the children created an amazing worship about Service.

Week ending 20.10.23

This week in maths we have been looking at long division. It has been a bit tricky to start with but we are digging deep and showing our resilience. It is important to show the children a variety of strategies so we can choose the one that fits best for each individual. We started by looking at factors and how we can use them for some two digit numbers before moving on to a written formal method. We looked at chunking out the dividend with multiples of the divisor. We then did a drop down method that is similar to short division but is expanded and written below to subtract easier. This was a popular method. We will be continuing to look at division next week. 

In English we have been looking at bravery awards and looking at the writers knowledge. We have focused on informal and formal language and using passive and active sentences. 

Our history is all complete and the children completed some excellent double page spreads about the end of World War 2. In art the children have completed their drawings based on Lowry. They are very artistic and show perspective in their drawings. 


The end of the week was an amazing visit to the Imperial War Museum. We were immersed in the sounds and artefacts of war. The children were excited and engaged as we watched videos of different aspects of war from the animals to remembrance. We looked closely at the WW2 section and saw the yellow star the Jews were made to wear. The children were excited to see the link from our vehicle text and Hana's suitcase. An exciting and interesting way to complete our history topic. 

Week ending 13.19.23

This week, we said a sad goodbye to Reverend Bob. He has been with the school for many years and supported us in worship, in the classroom and as a governor and we wish him well as he moves onto retirement. 

In maths, we have been looking at written methods for multiplication and division. We are moving to the formal written method. The children can use their knowledge of factors and their times tables to help them. 


In English , we have moved onto our Anne Frank book and looking at how we can write a Bravery Speech. We watched some very brave children in the Pride of Britain and immersed ourselves in a WAGGOL (what a good one looks like) to see the writers knowledge. 

We had a good move to our Super Mover video about parenthesis. click the link below to dance and learn.

In science, we began to plan an experiment to look at how voltage can change the circuit. Two of our children brought in an exciting game they had made linked to circuits. It was amazing and the children had a go at beating the buzzer. 

Our all important school council voting took place this wee. Well done to everyone who spoke clearly and with passion to earn their vote. Well done everyone. Well done to the new councillors. 

Please look at the work the children have completed in their Spanish lesson with the link below. 

We won the Attendance and punctuality trophy. Amazing!

Week ending 6.10.23

On Monday, we had the pleasure of Reverend Bob visiting our class. He talked to the children about his journey as a Christian and about how he felt chosen to become a vicar. The children asked lots of good questions and it was an interesting lesson linked to our RE.

In maths, we looked at prime numbers and prime factors and the children could see the link from previous learning on multiples and factors. Next week we move onto multiplication and division.

In our English genre writing, we have now written and edited our diary as Rose Blanche. The children have used the edits and written it up for display. We will be moving onto our Anne Frank book and looking at a bravery award speech. 

In history, we looked at how WW2 ended and the important battles that took place. We placed these on our timeline and will be completing a double page spread about the end of the war. 

In science, looked at a simple circuit and how as scientist we use symbols to show the different components. In PE, we continued to do our athletics and tag rugby were we learned to defend. 

IN computing, we were able to use scratch and upgrade an existing image.  This is to show how we can work with each other on projects. In art, the children created self portraits using pastel and then evaluated each other’s work. 

Thank you to all the year 6 children who came along to the Harvest Festival on Sunday. You did an amazing worship. 

Week ending 29.9.23

this week we have celebrated European Day of Languages by looking closely at Germany. We looked at their culture, famous buildings and food. We tasted some of German meats, pretzels, cheese and sauerkraut. Some of the children really enjoyed it while others not s much. I am pleased for those who had a go and found a new taste they enjoy. 

IN maths we have looked at factors, common factors and multiples in preparation for our multiplication and division work. Times tables are really important so keep practising on TTRS. Who will be the first to challenge Mrs Thomson to a battle?


In English, we have completed our plans and started to write our diary entries as Rose Blanche. We are using the writers knowledge from our analyse section to make our writing interesting and well developed. 

In computing, we looked at data packets to identify how messages are sent. In PE, we continued with tag rugby and developed our passing skills. In history, we looked at the Battle of Britain and why it was an important event on WW2. The children watched first hand reports of the battle (primary sources) and  wrote a news report based on what they had heard. 


Week ending 22.9.23

Although it has been a very wet week, I am so proud of how the children handled their Bikeability sessions. They went out each day and showed resilience and determination to complete the course no matter what the weather was like. Well done Year 6 all of you who took part have passed.

In maths, we have completed our place value and began our four operations. This is very important to help with our arithmetic and our three main aims of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Learning our vocabulary is very important in maths. 


In English, we have been analysing the writer’s knowledge to help us understand the grammatical features they have used which will help our writing. We have continued to read Hana’s suitcase.
In history, the children looked at what it was like for evacuees in WW2. They have written a letter home as an evacuee using the information they have found out.
In science, the children looked at atoms and the flow of electrons. They enjoyed the song we listened to to help remember the names and actions. 
They have continued to learn about the artist Lowry and have completed some drawings in the style in preparation for their final piece. 
In computing, we looked at IP addresses and how computers use this information like an address on a written letter. 
Another very busy week. Well done 👏   

Our Peer Mentors are doing a great job around school.

Week ending 15.9.23

This week we have continued with our place value in maths. We have looked at ordering and comparing numbers to ten million. In English we have continued to analyse Rose Blanche in preparation to writing our own diary entry. 
in history we looked at how Britain was affected by the Blitz and did a research focus on Liverpool. In PE we started our rugby tag as well as continuing our athletics. 

Welcome back everyone. It has been a great start to Year 6. We have settled in to our new routines and I am looking forward to the year ahead. 

Week ending 8.9.23

This week the children have started working on their place value knowledge. Lots of revision and problem solving and looking at number up to ten million.  In English we have made predictions about our Ready Steady Write book “Rose Blanche” by Roberto Innocenti and our WCSR book “Hana’s Suitcase” by Karen Levine. 
The children have all received their home reading book and the reading challenge has begun. Keep reading.

In history, we looked at how and why WW2 began. Looking at the chronology of the start of the war. In art, the children have researched the artist LS Lowry and began to complete athletics in PE. in music the children enjoyed their lesson and had a dance to the song “Happy”. 

It has been a great start to the week for our Peer Mentors and prefects who have stepped up to the roles and responsibilities well. Fantastic!

Welcome to Year 6! 

This is the home of Miss Roberts, Mrs Gillies and Miss Unsworth and also our wonderful Year 6 children. 

We are really looking forward to the year ahead and all the new and exciting learning, adventures, residential and trips to support our learning with our KEYS Curriculum.


With our Christian Vision “I can do everything through God who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13 I know we will strive to do our BEST.


All the information your child needs will be given on their return in September. Please make sure you continue to read what we do weekly on this page.


Enjoy the summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you in September.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Roberts

