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Children's University

Another year over and another celebration. The children were rewarded for their extra curricular activities. Hope University was once again an amazing backdrop to the celebration. Thank you to the educate team for making the day so special. A big thank you to Mrs Thomson and Mr Doyle for their exceptional words of wisdom. Another thank you to Mrs Wilson who has logged and recorded and counted all the hours to make this possible. 


Still image for this video

What an amazing end to our Children’s University for this year. A wonderful celebration of all the children’s dedication to extra curricula activities. A wonderful celebration held at Hope University and supported by John and his team at Enrich. We are so fortunate to have so many amazing children and families. Thanks to Mrs Thomson and Mr Bell for their inspirational speeches. A big thank you to Mrs Wilson who works so hard to make the day so successful. Keep collecting hours and hopefully some of you will be back celebrating next year.

Letters have been sent out to the children receiving awards this year. Look on the table below so you can see how many hours you have earned for your extra curricular activities. Well done everyone. 

Easter 2023 Challenges

Holiday Challenges

The holiday challenges are a range of quick, fun and engaging activities that can be completed by children at home during the holiday periods, enabling participating children to gain Children’s University credits while away from school.

The activities have a range of different focuses i.e. art, literacy, maths, science, geography etc. It is a great way to provide children with an opportunity to gain those extra hours needed to reach a national award.

Depending on the length of the holiday will dictate the number of activities and hours available i.e. Half Term / Full Term Holidays – 9 hours available, Summer Holidays – 14 Hours. In order to have the credits allocated children must return the sheet challenge sheet and evidence to the school Children’s University coordinator after the holidays.

Children's University 2022- 23 

The year has started well with lots of hours being calculated for the Autumn term. 


A little reminder all clubs completed in school will be automatically calculated by us. All you have to keep a count of are you out of school activities. You can do this by using a CU passport. 

Children's University Celebration 2022

As always a wonderful celebration of the children's achievements. It was lovely to be back at Hope University to celebrate an amazing amount of children. Every child in Y6 graduated this year. Well done. 

Easter Activities 2022


Just a quick reminder about the free virtual master class taking place this Saturday at 10:00 am.

 Home Based Virtual Masterclass – Saturday 2nd April

We are hosting a free virtual mini masterclass this Saturday 2nd of April at 10:00.

The subject is Science, and the masterclass will focus on plants. The session will touch on the origins of plants, how they have changed the world and the ways in which they are essential to life. It will then look at some amazing and fascinating aspects of individual plants and will finish with some suggestions for practical activities with a plant theme that children can do at home.

Full details on the weekend based mini masterclass is available below (please click the link below provided) or see attached document:

Please find a range of Children’s University Easter challenge activities; these activities are a great way for children to gain additional credits over the holiday period. Children will simply complete the activity and then provide the schools coordinator with evidence of the activity.

Children’s University – Home Learning Portal

Christmas activities - Christmas Challenge 2021

Children's University Ceremony 2021

In this unprecedented year of changes and adaptation, we have again celebrated the hard work of the children. Although we could not come together in our usual way, we wanted to celebrate the excellent dedication and resilience of our children who have continued to complete after school activities.  This year, we had 67 children from KS2 taking part which is amazing amount. We had a virtual ceremony and we welcomed Reverend Bob who delivered, in a covid safe way, the certificates to the children in their class bubbles.


Thank you for all the parent that attended and made it so special. Each child was presented with a Children's University Sash to mark the occasion, certificate, pencil set and service sheet. It truly was an amazing morning. We had special video messages from a variety of famous people including Frank Cottrell Boyce,  Graham Stewart from Everton, Carly Skelly, Adam Hills, Jayne McCubbin and Curtis Jobling to name a few. Each gave their congratulations to the children. A big thank you to John McBride from Children's University for all his support. Remember if you want to be a part of the ceremony next year you can start collecting the hours from Year 1 and begin to take part in the ceremony from Year 3. 

Go to the office and collect a passport and ask your clubs to be affiliated to the Children's University at no cost. Well done everybody and keep having fun and collecting hours. 

Here is more information about Mini Classes available to gain CU Credits

Please find attached The CU offer for 7.11.2020. An online mini masterclass in art for you to take part in. You can gain CU credits.

Children’s University

As a school, we have been part of Children's University for many years. This year is unlike any other year and changes have been made to accommodate this. Please see the message below from Enrich who run the Children's University. 

We, as a school will continue to count the hours for children completing after school clubs as usual. 

We want to reassure parents that hours accrued before the closure will still be honoured this year and we will be asking for passports in due course. Please continue to log any hours for this year.



At present with the current restrictions in place children may not have access to the usual extracurricular clubs and provision to gain Children’s University credits like in previous years. As part of the Children’s University we want to make sure that children still have an opportunity to access and benefit from a wide and varied amount of enrichment activities and experiences.  

We have enhanced and developed the Children’s University programme this year to provide families with different ways to collect credits that will count towards the children’s graduation next summer. Below are a couple of ways you can gain Children’s University credits:


Enrich Education - Activities/Resources - Home Learning

The Home Learning section on the Enrich Education website has a range of Children’s University accredited activities that can be completed at home. The activities are broken down into different subject (Sport, Art, Science, Geography, Maths, English & STEM). New fun and engaging activities are being created and uploaded every week.

Throughout this school year will have the opportunity to earn over 100 credits if they undertake these activities. Children’s University hours will be credited once the session/work has been completed and evidence provided to school’s children’s university coordinator along with the activity’s individual ‘Activity Stamp Code’. The code is usually a colour followed by 4 numbers i.e. purple5017 The code can be found at the bottom of the activity session sheets.

To access these activities please visit:

In addition to the Enrich Education activities, National Children’s University Trust has an online learning activities page. There are lots of validated activities for children to engage with and gain credits for.

To access these activities please visit:


Enrich Education - Online Mini Master Classes

To provide further learning opportunities Enrich Education will be hosting a number of free, informal, fun, and engaging online Mini Master Classes that children can participate in. The Mini Master Classes will be hosted Live on our Youtube channel and will take place on Saturday or Sunday mornings. Working with teachers with specialisms in a range of different subjects from Art, Crafts, Drama, Maths, English and History. Children will have the opportunity to participate in the sessions in the comfort of their own home. All of the resources for the sessions will be posted on the Enrich Education Home Learning section on the website in the Master Classes tab.

A full timetable of events will be released on the events page on the Enrich Education website here:

The first master class will be held on Saturday 7th November at 10:30 this session will have an art focus.


Enrich Education – Learning Destinations

Many children are still accessing enrichment activities away from the school, in their local communities. For the organisation’s activities to count towards a participants Children’s University credits they must have undertaken a short validation process.

We have taken the decision to relax the validation process and allow children to gain hours from organisations that have not yet undertaken the validation process yet. This will enable children to gain a maximum of 30 hours from any non-validated activities/organisations. For example, if a child attends a drama group and a football that are not validated, they will be eligible to receive up to 30 hours attending these organisations.

If possible, these hours should be recorded in a Children’s University passport to learning, this is the official process of logging hours for external hours. However, there are some school that are not currently utilising the passport to learning and we will work with these schools to ensure their pupils are still benefiting from attending external activities. Providing some evidence and maybe even a piece of work (report, scrapbook, medals, photographs) will be acceptable as evidence of attendance.

There are already lots of validated Learning Destinations, both locally and nationally, that children are accessing to pursue their interests and hobbies. These organisations are a great way for children to participate in enrichment activities and gain CU credits through the Children’s University Passport to Learning. To find validated activities/organisations in your area please visit the ‘Find an Activity’ section of the Children’s University website:


Enrich Education – More Able Online Sessions

Enrich Education will be offering a number More Able (formerly ‘Gifted and Talented’) online workshops in English & Maths in the spring term. The sessions will take place on a Saturday morning and last for between 1 & 2 hours.

The sessions will be of a dynamic and challenging nature, aimed at enhancing the skills that some young people have already displayed signs of possessing in Maths or English. Schools will be able to select a number of year 6 pupils to benefit from these sessions and full registration details will be provided via school closer to the time.




Enrich Education - Tailored School Offer and Credits

Enrich Education will be working with each school individually and assessing where children are engaging in enrichment activities within the school timetable. Some curriculum activities will count towards Children’s University hours, for this year. This could come in the form of enrichment lessons that can be temporarily classed as CU modules i.e. music, arts, crafts, drama, sports, computers etc. The school will use their best judgment to choose the areas of the curriculum that will count towards the child’s Children’s University credits for this year.


If you have any questions about the Children’s University programme for the coming year please contact Enrich Education.

