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Year 4

Here are some games that you can play to practise your Spanish vocabulary.  See if you can beat the computer at noughts and crosses!  Visit the educandy website and type in one of the codes below.

La  Familia - The Family




Ice Cream - Helados

This week, we learnt how to ask for different flavours of ice cream, politely.





I would like an chocolate and vanilla ice cream please.

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Today, we learnt how to say the family member names in plural groups.


Then we learnt a song.

Mi Familia (My Family)

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This week, we started to learn how to say the names of some family members.  We practised them in a game of pairs.





Summer 1

Parts of the Body



Today, we learnt how to say that different parts of the body are hurting us.

The phrase changes, depending on whether we are referring to a singular or plural part of the body.


   Me duele el brazo (My arm is hurting).     Me duele la rodilla. (Knee)                        Me duele el hombro. (Shoulder)


Me duele la mano. (My hand is hurting.)

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Me duelen los brazos. (My arms are hurting me.)

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Today, we described and created some very strange looking aliens.  We described their bodies using numbers and colours.




Today, we learnt how to give our partner 3 different  instructions with different parts of the body.  

We also learnt how to describe each part as left or right.





Today we started to learn the names of the parts of the body.  

To help us remember them, we played a game called 'Back to Back.'  Each name is read out in Spanish and we had to touch that part with a partner.

Espalda con Espalda (Back to back)

Spring 2

Las Partes de la Cara - The Parts of the Face


Today, we read a book about a  monster in Spanish.   


We listened out for parts of the face and colours that we already know, and used the picture clues to help us decipher new vocabulary.  Then we listened to a Spanish lady telling the story.






This week, we had to listen and identify the alien that our partner described.

Mi alien tiene cinco narices rosas. (My alien has got 5 pink noses)

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Then we described our own eyes. 



After that, we looked at ways to describe our hair.




This week, we practised writing descriptions of our aliens, using plural parts of the face, adding  numbers and colours.  We had to make our colours agree with (match) the plural nouns.




Mi alien tiene...     My alien has got...

This week we described aliens with very strange  faces.  We practised using plural parts of the face. 


Mi alien tiene seis orejas. My alien has got 6 ears.

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Mi alien tiene cuatro bocas. My alien has got 4 mouths.

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Today, we started to learn the names of the parts of the face.  Two of the parts have the 'j' sound in them, and we looked at other words that we have met before that contain this sound.

Next, we described some alien faces with colours.  We had to make each colour agree with (match) the gender of the noun.





Spring 1


Today, we looked at the vowels in Spanish.  We practised the sounds they make in a song.

Las Vocales - The Vowels

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Today we learnt how to give simple directions.  We started with left and right.



We did a simple dance to practise left and right.



Amiguito baila conmigo. Dance with me little friend.

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Then we practised giving directions, using a simple school map and footsteps.




Finally, we wrote down some of our directions.   





Where's Wally?

Today we practised the names of parts of the school, but this time we had to say where Wally was.  For this, we need a different part of the verb estar which means to be.





¿Dónde estás?  Where are you?

This week, we started to learn the names of the parts of the school.  We practised them in response to the question  Where are you?

Estoy en la clase una - I'm in Year 1.

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Estoy en la oficina - I'm in the office

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Roscón de Reyes – The King’s Cake

Today we learnt about the special cake that is eaten during Epiphany in Spain. 


The cake is shaped like a crown and decorated with sweets to create the effect of jewels.

Autumn 2


El Gordo

This week, we have been learning about the famous lottery  that takes place in Spain.






Today we practised describing classroom objects with colours. We already knew that the colour comes after the noun in Spanish, but  we have discovered that some colours have endings that change, depending on whether they describe a masculine or feminine noun.







En mi mochila roja. (In my red backpack). Sing the song and practise describing the objects with colours.

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Today we looked really closely at the different words for 'a' and 'the' in Spanish.








This week, we learnt a new question and answer.

In pairs, we practised asking each other for different classroom equipment.




¿Tienes un sacapuntas por favor? Have you got a pencil sharpener please?

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¿Tienes un pegamento por favor? Have you got a glue stick please?

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Today we used the Spanish bi-lingual dictionaries to help us find the words of other classroom equipment. 




¿Qué hay en tu mochila? What have you got in your back pack?

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Classroom Equipment

This week, we have started learning the names of some classroom equipment. We practised matching the objects to their names.


We looked at the difference between the spellings and pronunciation.


       Then we practised asking our partner to pass each object in a short conversation.

Pásame un boli por favor. Pass me a pen please.

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Autumn 1


Today, we read a poem about fireworks.  We followed the text first as it was read out to us, and then we practised reading it aloud with a partner.


Los fuegos artificiales - Fireworks

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We practised our colours in Spanish, by solving some anagrams.


We also collected a group of words  that we have met so far, which all contain the letter i.  In Spanish this is pronounced as ee




This week, we looked back at everything we have done so far this half term.  We sang some songs to help us.

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

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Counting to 30

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To finish, we listened to the Spanish version of The Gingerbread Man.


We joined in with the repetitive phrases, and listened out for the new bossy words we have learnt recently.



Today, we have been learning some new commands and adverbs.




We practised giving and following the instructions with a partner.



We sang an action song to help us to remember the commands.

Camina con Cosmo. Walk with Cosmo.

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This week, we learnt how to tell the time to the hour.

We sang a song!

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

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Today we had a new question.  We practised the pronunciation of the word birthday.  Then we looked at how to say when our birthdays are.






Today, we sorted anagrams of the new phrases we learnt last week, to express how we are feeling.



Then, we learnt the Spanish numbers from 16-31.


We tried to guess our age in the Headbanz game, using Spanish numbers.



Practise your counting with the rap below.

Counting 1-30

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This week, we looked at a different way of asking How are you?  Then we practised some alternative replies.

We noticed that 2 of the phrases contain the letter u, which sounds like oo in Spanish.







Bienvenido de nuevo - Welcome back! 

I have enjoyed hearing about your holidays in Spain - well done to those of you who tried your Spanish out!

Today, we started by looking at some of the cities in Spain and their famous landmarks.



Then, we learnt a new question and answer.




We joined in with a rap to practise the question.



¿Dónde vives?

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