Well done for a fantastic year, Year 3! Enjoy your summer!
In English, we have been exploring positive and negative language through role play.
We have enjoyed practising for the production!
Wow! What a talented bunch we have in Year 3! We have finished the year off by celebrating our out of school hidden talents.
Year 3 has braved the weather and we went for our wall around Cronton Village. We were able to locate the community centre, the stocks and the Cronton Cross. Then, we explored the local area.
In Science, we have been looking at the digestive system. Check out some of our hard work!
Sports Day!
Should the little boy go through the forest or should he listen to his mum? The children had to create for and against reasons to create a balanced argument!
Week ending 24.5.24
What a fantastic term! Year 3 has been absolutely amazing and their progress has been outstanding. They have finished their swimming on a high and something that will be truly missed until next year.
In Maths, we have been carrying on with our telling the time to one minute. This has been extremely tricky and we will keep practising this next term.
We have been creating pictures based on the amazing, local artist 'Jazz Stan'. The children have created outstanding pieces of work!
Here are some snaps of Year 3 using an analogue clock!
We have been developing our questions to create even better branching databases.
Swimming has been brilliant this week! Well done Year 3! Enjoy your weekend and have a well deserved rest.
Some of our amazing description letters!
What an amazing day playing Quidditch!
Year 3 have been creating picture frames in DT. Here are some final products.
In computing, we have been looking at branching databases.
Week ending 3.5.24
What a fantastic week we have had! The children have fully enjoyed the sunshine this week and have loved our 'Save the Bees' topic. Here are some examples of our work!
In English, we have started to write a description letter to Earth. We discussed the current problems that our planet is experiencing right now.
We have been on a walk in school to see if we could find any bees pollinating flowers!
In Maths, we have started our money topic. We have looked at using pounds and pence.
We have been using role play in English to ask questions about our beloved environment and how we can look after it.
Week ending 26.4.24
What a brilliant week Year 3 have had! Our trip to Chester was absolutely fantastic and the children were truly amazing. It truly did bring our learning to life.
In Maths, it has been extra tricky this week as we have been looking at working out fractions of amounts.
In English, we have been continuing with our story and started to write a diary extract from our main character who is called Tessa. We started to write about all of the beauty in the world around us.
In R.E, we have been looking at God's ten commandments. We looked at how he created a new commandment and used the story of the Good Samaritan to explain this rule.
In P.E, we have been practising our Athletic skills.
Our walking tour in Chester. What a fantastic day!
Year 3 trip to Chester for a day of the Romans!
Week ending 19.4.24
What a fantastic start to the new summer term! Year 3 have been brilliant this week and settled back into the last full term of the year.
In Maths, we have been looking at our fractions topic. We have started to add and subtract fractions and we have looked at partitioning the whole in a variety of ways such as: bar models, the part whole model and equations.
In English, we have started our new vehicle text called, 'Dear Earth'. This is an environmental unit so we have been looking at our planet and how amazing it can be! We started with an immersive lesson trying to predict what our story could be about. Then, we created spine poems to celebrate our beautiful planet!
We have also started our new Science topic which explores how we can save bees! We have started to look at the lifecyle of a bee and labelled parts of it!
What a special day as the children celebrated with the 'Easter Experience' and explored Jesus's journey!
In P.E, we have been working on our throwing and catching skills.
In Geography, we have finished our topic by the children creating documentaries to explain what mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes are!
Our first book club of the summer term! Year 3 are enjoying showing and sharing their books to the rest of the class.
Happy Easter from Year 3!
Year 3 have been busy continuing to work on their fitness challenge!
Week ending 22.3.24
In English, we have started to explore the feelings of our character 'Jemmy Button' as he travels to a new setting. We looked at his actions, feelings and how he was finding the hectic city.
In Maths, we have moved onto our new topic and we have been looking at mass. The children have looked at grams and kilograms and even experimented with measuring equipment around the classroom!
Happy Maths Day!
In P.E, we have continued to work on our fitness challenge for PSHE.
In Science, we have started to experiment with what a plant needs in order to be health and to grow strong.
We have been looking at how plants transport water by the xylem.
Week ending 15.3.24
What a fantastic week we have had! We have thoroughly enjoyed Science week! Alongside this, we have started our new vehicle text called, 'Jemmy Button'. The children had to create predictions about what they think the story might be about and what might happen throughout. After this, we created a simile poem based on the sea and the sky.
In Maths, we have started our new topic 'Mass and Capacity'. The children have started to look at number lines and how to label them correctly.
A drama workshop about carbon monoxide!
Year 3 are thoroughly enjoying Science week. We were lucky enough to have OCA high school in that had us exploring different stations!
Well done to our fantastic performers for their class worship on 'forgiveness'. The children worked extremely hard all day and the performance was fantastic!
Week ending 8.3.24
Well done to Year 3 for a fantastic week. We have worked extremely hard in our tests and the results have been amazing.
In English, we have been busy creating a report about rivers. The children have used creative language and superb grammar skills in their reports.
In Maths, we have been looking at fractions on a number line.
We have been carrying out our PSHE fitness challenge to see if we can improve our results!
Happy Mother's Day to all of our amazing mums/carers/nans and aunties!
Happy World Book Day 2024!
We were lucky to listen to Michael Mopurgo read an extract from his book, 'The Butterfly Lion'.
World Book Day Quiz!
Thank you to our mystery readers this week! We had lots of fun listening to your favourite stories.
Drop and Read!
Our PSHE fitness challenge!
In Computing, we have been looking at scratch and how to create algorithms.
Week ending 23.2.24
Year 3 have enjoyed being back for the rest of the spring term. We have been extra busy!
In Maths, we have started out fraction unit. We have looked at the numerator and denominator and what the actually mean. We then went on to compare fractions and worked out that the smaller the denominator, the bigger the fraction as long as the numerator is the same.
In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the '7 Natural Wonders of the World'. We spend time researching them and even pretending we were tour guides!
In R.E, we have started to look at the 'Easter Story' and what different emotions are present at this time.
Year 3 were busy painting painting their Roman thumb pots