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Year 4

Spring 1




This week, we looked at the words 'a' and 'the' in Spanish.  

We practised using the words, with the classroom equipment  vocabulary we have been learning.



Autumn 2


This week, we have been learning about the special lottery that takes place every December in Spain.








This week in Year 4, we have been learning the names of some classroom objects.


We used the bilingual dictionary to help us find other classroom objects.


Today we learnt a new song in Spanish.



Camina con Cosmo - Walk with Cosmo

Still image for this video

Then, we learnt how to use the adverbs quickly and slowly with each of the verbs.





Then, we practised giving each other instructions.





Today, we played a game of noughts and crosses to practise our colours in Spanish.  You can play this game at home.  The activity code is 9ffb.


Then we read a Spanish poem about  Fireworks.


We practised reading the poem with a partner.

IMG_9241 - Trim.MOV

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Autumn 1


This week we learned how to tell the time on the hour.


Que hora es - What time is it?

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This week, we have been learning how to say when our birthdays are.






When is your birthday?

Still image for this video


This week, we learnt the numbers from 11 to 31 in Spanish.  We looked closely at the sounds and patterns.





counting from 1-30

Still image for this video


Today, we learnt some new phrases, expressing how we feel.



Click on the link to practise some of these phrases and more.



Today we looked at the map of Spain and some of the larger cities. 


We looked at some of the famous buildings in the larger cities like Barcelona and Valencia.



Then, we learnt how to ask and answer a new question.






