Year 3
Here are some games that you can play to practise your Spanish vocabulary. See if you can beat the computer at noughts and crosses! Visit the educandy website and type in one of the codes below.
Summer 2
Going on a picnic
This week, we learnt how to say the word some. In Spanish this can be different, depending on the noun you are describing. We described some picnic foods.
Today we learnt how to ask and answer the question, Where are you? We used the picnic locations to practise with.
This week, we performed actions to match the different verbs in the story.
We identified the verb, noun and adjective in each sentence.
This week, we began our journey to the picnic. We learnt how to describe the different locations we pass through on the way.
Something strange happened to the word yellow when it was describing the sand.
We played pairs with the locations and their Spanish descriptions.
Summer 1
La Fruta - Fruit
Today we made our own books in Spanish about the Hungry Caterpillar (La Oruga Muy Hambrienta).
La Oruga Muy Hambrienta
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Today, we read a simple version of the story in Spanish. We practised the main vocabulary in the story and joined in with the repetitive phrases.
Today we learnt how to say whether we like or dislike certain fruits.
¿Te gustan las fresas? (Do you like strawberries?)

Today we looked at plural nouns in Spanish, using the fruit names we have already learnt.
This week, we looked at the word 'the' in Spanish.
The Spanish have 2 different words for 'the', depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine.
Today we started to learn how to say the names of some common fruits in Spanish. We learnt that the Spanish people have 2 different words for 'a'.
Spring 2
Las Mascotas - Pets
This week we learned how to describe animals with colours. In Spanish, the colour (adjective) comes after the animal (noun). This makes the word order very strange.
Today we learned how to use the Spanish bilingual dictionary.
We looked up the names of some pets.
¿Tienes una mascota? Have you got a pet?
This week, we learnt how to ask each other if we have pets, and to reply to the question.
No I haven't got one.
We practised the question and different replies during Quiz Quiz Trade.
Names of pets
This week, we have been learning the names of some pets. We found out that nouns can be masculine (boy words) or feminine (girl words).
Mardi Gras
Today, we have been learning about the Mardi Gras Carnival that takes place in Spain.
Spring 1
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? When is your birthday?
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? When is your birthday?

Today we joined in with the rap, and then learned how to say which month our own birthday is in.
Then we looked at all the words we have met so far that contain the letter 'u'. In Spanish this is pronounced as 'oo'.
Classroom Instructions
Today we learnt some instructions that are used in the classroom.
We learnt a song to help us remember them.
Abre el libro - Open the book

This week we learnt the second group of months of the year with actions to help us remember them.
We noticed a pattern in the spelling of September, October, November and December in Spanish.
Los meses del año - The months of the year

Feliz año nuevo
Feliz año nuevo

Feliz año nuevo

Feliz año nuevo

Today we wished each other Happy New Year in Spanish.
Then we learnt how to say the first six months of the year, using actions to help us remember them. In Spanish, the months do not start with capital letters (just like the days of the week).
Autumn 2
This week we have been learning about the importance of Epiphany in Spain.
SANTA es su nombre. (Santa is his name.)

This week, we learnt a new Christmas song in Spanish, containing vocabulary that we already know.
Hola Reno - Hello Reindeer

Today we began to talk about Christmas celebrations in Spain.
You can go to the Christmas market and buy traditional shortbread and nougat.
Christmas Eve
Decorations and presents
This week, we looked back at some Christmas vocabulary that we already know. We looked at the strange word order in Spanish for the words snowflake, snowman and Christmas tree.
We learnt a new song about SANTA. In Spain, he can also be called Father Christmas, or Santa.
SANTA es su nombre. (Santa is his name)

This week, we have been learning how to say the days of the week.
Days of the week in Spanish, don't have capital letters. We looked at the pattern of the ends of the days. We sang a song to help us remember them.
Days of the week song.

Find Someone
To play this game we each started with one Spanish day of the week written on paper. We then had to find 6 other people to make a group of 7, showing all the days of the week. We then had to stand in the correct order.
The Winners! The Runners Up
Autumn 1
This week, we have been practising how to say how old we are.
This week, we have been practising our colours and learning how to read and write them in Spanish.
We learnt how to ask the question What colour is it? in Spanish. We practised asking and answering the question with a partner, using the colour fans.
¿De qué color es?

¿De qué color es?

We looked at the spellings of the colours and spotted some of the key sounds we have already met.
We started our Sounds Collection Book, grouping words together that contain the same spelling and sound.
Today we tried to remember the phrases we learnt last week to express how we are feeling, using some letters as clues to help us.
We played some games using the numbers from 0-10 in Spanish that we already know. Then we looked more closely at their spellings and pronunciation.
We discovered that in Spanish the letter c is pronounced as th if it comes before an i or e.
The letter z is also pronounced as th.
We practised reading and writing the numbers.
Today we practised asking and answering this question, using actions to help us remember the different responses.
We played Quiz Quiz Trade to ask each other how we were feeling.
Good afternoon. How are you?

Finally, we practised writing the phrases.
Today we looked more closely at the sounds in Spanish farewell phrases.
This week, we practised the greetings we have learnt and then looked at their spellings.
Welcome Back!
It's been great to hear that some of you have spoken Spanish on your holidays! Today we talked about other countries where Spanish is spoken.
We practised our, What is your name? song to help us remember how to ask and answer the question.
We practised the question on lots of people in the class.
Then we looked at the phrases written down, to see how the sounds are represented in Spanish.
Finally, we practised writing the question and answer. We discovered that in Spanish, there is an upside down question mark at the beginning of a question, as well as the ordinary one at the end.