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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

This is the home of Mrs Mooney, Mrs Green and Mrs Gillies

We have had a fantastic first half term with lots of learning and fun.

This year in Year 6, we are focusing on developing our independence more and being responsible whilst in and out of the classroom.  We are taking on our roles as Prefects and Peer mentors to be excellent role models for the School. Our Christian Value this half term is Responsibility. 

This term, spellings are sent out every Friday and we have our spelling test on the following Friday.  We have two lots of homework each week.  Homework will generally be English and Maths but it might also be around other areas that we cover. Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be returned on the following Wednesday. 

Our P.E lessons this half term will be on a Monday with Mr Noblett.  It is important to have our P.E kit in school every day. 

Enjoy looking through our photographs and blog to show what life is like in our class.


Kind regards

