Year 4
Please use the link below to see all the fantastic work completed in our Spanish lessons.
Week ending 28.6.24
The children have had another busy week in school. We have been practising our skills on the violin in preparation for the summer concert, the children have come such a long way in their talent! We had a very sunny sports day on Tuesday, well done to everyone who took part! It was a spectacular event from start to finish and we are very proud of everyone! In English, we have been analysing the structure and language features in our Example Text: Fly. In Maths, we have started our topic of Time, where the children have been learning how to convert time from an analogue and digital clock. We continue to explore our WCSR book: Destruction of Habitats - we have gained lots of important information about the human environmental changes that are impacting habitats. In History, we have been remembering Widnes as a holiday destination during the 19th century! The children have really enjoyed comparing Widnes previously to the present. In Science, we are looking at local and global sustainability. The children have really impressed me with their research skills! In computing, we are looking at repetition in games - the children have been reading codes in order to create movement on SCRATCH. They have really enjoyed this topic so far, even teaching me a few things!
Week ending 21.6.24
What a busy week we have had! We started the week off by celebrating father's day, thank you to everyone who came along and made the children feel special! In the classroom, we have been delving into the life of Jacques Costeau and looking at his childhood memories. The children then wrote their own childhood memories in English which were lovely to read! In Maths, we have finished learning about money. The children answered problem solving questions really well this week! In Science, the children have been researching endangered animals and creating informative posters on them. In RE, we looked into the life of a Rabbi which was very interesting! We have been preparing for sports day in PE, the children are definitely prepared! We have been reading the non-fiction book Destruction of Habitats in WCSR, year 4 have done so well working on their retrieval skills!
Week ending 14.6.24
We have had a lovely week back in Year 4.
In Maths, we are Learning about money and converting pounds into pence. The children have really impressed me with their knowledge and they have really enjoyed this topic so far. In English, we have been exploring our new book ManFish, which is all about Jack Costeau and his invention the aqualung. in geography, we have been learning about local history and looking at what the witness coat of arms represents. In science, we are learning about the destruction of habitats and exploring man-made versus natural environmental changes. This has prepared us and excited us for our trip to Knowsley Safari Park on Friday! In PE, we have been Learning the rules of hockey and have learnt how to control the ball. A big well done to all the children who completed their multiplication tables check this week, their hard work has certainly paid off and I am very proud of everyone!
We went on our trip to Knowsley Safari Park on Friday, we had so much fun! The children were really good at linking our science topics of habitats and geography topic on biomes to our experience. We enjoyed a Savannah story, sealion show and show and birds of prey display as well as a guided tour around the Safari. The children’s behaviour was exceptional and we had such an interesting and fun day, well done year 4!

Week ending 22.3.24
We have had a lovely week in year 4!
In Maths, we have started our new topic of fractions. We have been learning about mixed numbers and how to partition them. In English, we have been looking at building sentences including language features and predicting what our text will be about based on clues from the book. In WCSR, we have been looking at vocabulary chosen by the author of Anglo Saxon Boy and their effect on the reader. We have finished our Science topic of Vision and Movement, investigating how our muscles and skeletons work together to help us move. In History, we have been learning about the legacy of the Anglo Saxons, focusing on places, religion and language. In RE we are making good progress on re writing the story of Easter. This week, we have wrote about The Last Supper. The children have been working on their accuracy skills in golf for PE. We have been interpreting data in computing, looking at how we can gather information from data tables.
We celebrated international maths day on Friday with a TTRS day! We really enjoyed dressing as rockstars and playing maths games in class, as well as using our times tables knowledge to add up our points in PE!

Week ending 9.3.24
We have had a very busy week full of learning and fun!
I would like to start by saying a massive well done to all the children for working so hard on the Spring assessments this week, I am so proud of their perseverance!
As well as working hard in the assessments and in lessons, the children have been creating pop up books this term with Mrs. Gilles, and we’re able to show them to Reception this week! The children have worked really hard on this project and the reception class loved seeing their final pieces!
We had a great day celebrating World Book Day! The children’s costumes were brilliant and we enjoyed learning about African Tales this year. Thank you to all the mums who came to celebrate Mother’s Day with us this Friday, we hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday!

Week ending 1.3.24
We have had a super week of learning in Year 4!
In Maths, we have been using concrete resources and place value charts to solve multiplications and divisions. In English, we have planned our instructional guides on how to slay a Viking Monster. We are reading Anglo Saxon Boy in WCSR, focusing on inference skills. In History, we are exploring who the Anglo Saxons were, learning about where they came from and why they settled in Britain. In Science, we have been learning about how light travels in straight lines so that we can see. In RE, we are learning about the trust between Jesus and his disciples, and how betrayal plays a part in the story Easter. We have been practising our precision skills in golf, as the children have been learning how to hit the ball carefully to reach targets.
We performed a fantastic worship on Compassion with BTales this week. The children worked brilliantly and enjoyed performing to the rest of the school, well done Year 4!
Week ending 23.2.24
We have had a wonderful first week back for Spring 2!
In English, the children are preparing to write an instructional guide on how to defeat a Viking Monster. Their creative ideas around features, summoning and weaknesses have been very interesting to read! In Maths, we have completed our Multiplication and Division unit - this week we have been dividing three digit numbers and working with remainders. In Science, we have started our new topic Vision and Movement. The children enjoyed labelling the different parts of the eye and looking at how the pupil changes size in different lighting. In History, we are delving into the Anglo Saxon era, learning about who the Anglo Saxons were and where they came from. We have also started reading Anglo Saxon boy in WCSR, the children have loved finding connections between the book and our History work. In RE, the children created some informative pieces of work on the Jewish day of rest, Shabbat. We have been working on our accuracy skills in PE as we have started our new unit of work, Golf.
Week ending 26.1.24
This week year four have enjoyed starting their swimming lessons! It has been lovely to watch them progress and learn new skills. In English, we have enjoyed writing setting descriptions in preparation for writing a myth narrative later this term. In WCSR, we have been making predictions on our book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. In Maths, year four have been using a variety of working out methods to complete multiplication and division calculations. The children have had the opportunity to apply many different methods including part whole models, bar models, place value charts and base 10 – this has helped the children to discover which working out methods they prefer to use which has been a great success!
Week ending 19.1.24
This week in year four we started off with a visit from the dogs trust! The children learned so much about how to be safe around dogs and really enjoyed learning more about the charity. In English, we have been looking at a new vehicle text – Arthur and the golden rope. We have created abstract noun poems in preparation for writing a myth narrative later this term. In Maths, we have been applying our place value knowledge to work out multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. In Science, we have been learning some new vocabulary relating to our topic ‘Sound’, the children interpreted data from a bar chart to investigate how sound travels through different mediums. In Geography, we have continued to explore world capital cities and the children had the opportunity to research a capital city of their choice. We also explored how nations work together by working in groups that represent different countries surrounding the North Sea. The task was for the children to debate which country should act first if there was an oil spill in the North Sea and why – they really enjoyed this activity and have developed their oracy skills so well!
Week ending 12.1.24
Year 4 have had a fantastic first week back after a well deserved break over the Christmas period!
In English, the children have finished writing and information report on polar bears and began our new book Arthur and the Golden Rope. In Maths, we have moved on to our second unit of multiplication and division, focusing on factor pairs. We have been using atlases in Geography to locate countries around the world for our new topic World Capitals and Countries. In Science, the children have been learning about sound and how it travels from its source to our ears. In RE we have started our new topic Jesus, reading stories from the Bible which help us to understand that Jesus is the Son of God. We have started a new topic of Celebrating Differences in PSHE.
Well done on a great start to the year Y4!
Week ending 8.12.23
We have had a very busy and exciting week in Year 4. On Tuesday we had a very fun day in school celebrating Christmas and playing lots of fun games in the hall. We finished the evening by performing in a concert at St. Edmunds Arrowsmith. Well done to all the children who attended the concert and played their violins beautifully!
In English, we have been planning our Outsider Narrative by choosing appropriate language features to include. In Maths, we have been delving deeper into our Multiplication and Division unit, looking at multiplying by 1 and 0, and even multiplying three numbers! In WCSR, we are enjoying our topic of national geographic magazine - Year 4 have really enjoyed discovering new facts about animals. In Science, we have explored the water cycle, building on prior knowledge to understand the process. We enjoyed having Science visitors from Cronton college again - this week the children were investigating how ink is absorbed!
Week ending 1.12.23
We have had another great week of learning in Year 4! Well done to all the children who completed their assessments this week - you all worked so hard and should be very proud of yourselves!
In English, we have been writing character descriptions in first person, in preparation for writing our Outsider Narratives. In Maths, we have moved on to multiplication and division of 7,9 and 11 times tables. In WCSR; we have started a new genre of text as we explore national geographic magazines. In History, we have been researching what life was like during Ancient Greek times. In Science, we have been learning new vocabulary relating to our topic of States of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases. The children have worked hard to include key vocabulary in their writing, including - evaporation, condensation, boiling point, melting pointing, water vapour, freezing and melting. We enjoyed an afternoon of dance to finish the week off as we explore our theme, ‘The Spy’. The children were fantastic at following the choreography and dancing in counts of 8!

Week ending 24.11.23
This week in English year 4 we have been creating prepositional sentences to accompany illustrations from our text ‘Leaf’. In Maths, we are making fantastic progress on multiplication and division, working on our 3,6 and 9 times tables. We are exploring poetry in WCSR, identifying language features such as personification and emotive language. We have been describing materials as they change state in Science - the children have really enjoyed this topic so far! In History, we have been researching Greek Gods and Godesses. In PE the children continue to develop their hand eye coordination in netball. In RE, we listened to the story of Terry Waite and explored how he found Jesus’ light in a time of need.
Week ending 17/11/23
This week in Y4 we have had another fantastic week of learning. In Maths, we have begun working on our times tables, looking at the relationship between the three and six times tables. In English, we are continuing to explore our new text leaf, the children have focused on writing setting descriptions. In science, we have started a new topic looking at states of matter. The children enjoyed investigating water as a solid, liquid and gas. In history, we are continuing to learn about ancient Greece, this week we looked at the origin of the Olympic Games and compared them to the modern Olympics. in PE we are continuing to develop our coordination through netball and the children have enjoyed our new dance unit of work. We have been exploring the symbolism of light in RE as we approach the countdown to Christmas, the children have worked hard to discuss how Jesus brings light into peoples lives. Well done year 4!
Week ending 10.11.23
We have had a super week of learning in Year 4 after a well deserved half term break!
In Maths, we have been learning about area of shapes. In English, we are exploring a new text titled ‘Leaf’. The children have been making great predictions and applying language skills by using prepositions to form sentences. In History, we have started our new topic of Ancient Greece. The children are well prepared for this topic as they have been using knowledge from our Geography of the Mediterranean topic and our Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief book in WCSR. In Science, our new topic is States of Matter: Solids Liquids and Gases. We enjoyed learning passing skills in PE as we have started Netball.
We have been very lucky this week as students from Cronton Sixth Form College came to do an experiment with us. The children enjoyed building sturdy rafts and counted how many marbles their raft could hold. The children were fantastic at this activity, with the winning raft holding a total of 68 marbles!
We had a wonderful time at the disco on Wednesday, the children had lots of fun! We also ended the week with a Diwali celebration in class, were the children made cards to the person that brings light into their lives.
Week ending 20.10.23
Another fantastic week of learning in year four!
In Maths the children are working hard to subtract two 4 digit numbers And are enjoying using column subtraction to I understand exchanging. In English, the children have been able to identify the structure of a newspaper reports and identify formal language and similes in preparation for writing their own newspaper report. We have completed our geography topic of geography of the Mediterranean, the children worked well this week creating a brochure for tourists who want to visit the area. We also finalised our science topic on the classification of living things by completing a classification key on animals, the children loved this activity and have got a great understanding of this topic! In RE, we have read the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, the children were able to see the difference in praying for different people and write about this independently. We have had a rainy week in school so finished the week off with our PE lesson using the apparatus, where the children were able to show off their impressive balance skills we have learned in gymnastics!
Week ending 13.10.23
i’d like to start off this week by saying a big thank you to all the children that attended the harvest festival on Sunday, the children led the worship beautifully in support of our local food bank.
This week in class we have started a new topic in Maths and English. We have started looking at addition in Maths gradually building our understanding of exchange, the children are working well to add two 4 digit numbers together. In English, we have been exploring and analysing newspaper reports as the children prepare to write their own newspaper reports on a sighting of a rare sea creature, based on our vehicle text The Whale. We are focusing on explanation skills in whole class shared read. I have seen a big improvement in confidence when tackling explanation questions which is lovely to see. In science, we have been looking at decomposers within the food chain and understanding their role in our environment. We have also been learning about micro organisms and plants, looking at ways in which these living things can be classified. In geography, we have been learning about the Peloponnese peninsula and the Corinth Canal, exploring the different places to visit and the purpose of the canal when it was built. In computing, we are developing our understanding of networks, the internet and the World Wide Web.
Week ending 6.10.23
We have had another busy week in year four!
In English the children have been identifying the structure and language features of a setting narrative and have started to use these in their own writing. In maths, we have been comparing and ordering numbers beyond 1000, and showing our working out in a variety of ways, including bar models, part whole models, place value charts and number lines. We are continuing to explore Percy Jackson and the lightning thief in whole class shared reading, and making links between ancient Greece and famous landmarks in Greece in geography. The children have enjoyed researching famous landmarks such as the Acropolis. In science, we have explored food chains and the children have worked really hard to identify producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and predators. We have been practising agility in PE when dribbling the ball in football and improving our balance in gymnastics. The children worked brilliantly in RE when learning about prayer - year four have each written a personal prayer which were lovely to hear.
Week ending 29.9.23
This week in Year 4 we have entered the plan section of our English unit, the children have been working hard to include the language features we have identified and use them in their plan. In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of place value by comparing number beyond 1000. We are enjoying Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. We have enjoyed exploring Greece in Geography and the children really impressed with their dedication to International Day of Languages!

We have enjoyed gymnastics in PE and finished the week off with a hunt around our school grounds looking for livings things. This ties into our Science topic in preparation for exploring food chains next week. Year 4 found lots of evidence of living things, from plants to insects!
Week ending 22.9.23
This week in year four we have continued working hard on all of our topics.
In English, we have been learning about words and phrases relating to our story and identifying the language and structure features in our example text. In maths, we have started to order and compare numbers beyond 1000, and the children have been using different methods of working out including place value charts and part whole models. In WCSR, we are up to chapter 4 and the children are really enjoying learning about ancient Greece and Greek gods. In geography, we are continuing to use map skills to look at the Mediterranean region, identifying countries in the area and the importance of the Mediterranean Sea historically. In PE, the children have been showing their flexibility, learning different gymnastics moves and working on balance in groups. In computing, we are exploring the difference between World Wide Web and the Internet, understanding what different services each of these provide.

Week ending 15.9.23
We started this week in year 4 with our very first violin lesson! The children were so excited to be assigned their violin and many have been practising at home which is fantastic!
In English, we have been analysing our book The Whale, the children have written setting description using fronted adverbials and similes. In Maths, we are consolidating our understanding of place value using manipulative such as dienes and counters. In WCSR; we having been utilising inference and retrieval skills. The children are enjoying exploring Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, making links to our geography topic. In Geography this week, we have been using atlases and applying our map reading skills to find significant places in and around Greece, including seas, countries surrounding, cities and the capital city. In Science, we have completed our very own classification key on animals. The children loved answering the questions by using their knowledge of vertebrates and invertebrates. We have been learning about networking in computing. In PE, we have enjoyed gymnastics and football.

Week ending 8.9.23
We have had a super week of learning in Year 4! The children have settled into our new classroom and are already showing their love of learning.
In English, we have worked together to analyse illustrations from our picture book ‘The Whale’ - we made some interesting predictions and wrote simile poems. In Maths, we have made a great start on our topic of ‘Place Value’, using manipulatives to represent and partition three digit numbers. The children have enjoyed the start of our WCSR book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif, we have been focusing on vocabulary and the meaning of words.

In Science we are learning about the classification of living things and the children worked fantastically to group animals based on their common characteristics. We explored the theme of classification deeper on Friday afternoon, as the children had fun putting themselves in groups based on things they had in common.

We enjoyed looking at Networking in Computing and why it is important to keep our network safe. In our prayer topic for RE, we explored what Jesus taught us about prayer and read passages from the Bible to find information.
Well done Year 4, you have all made a fantastic start to the year!
Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to our new class blog for 2023 - 2024. We cannot wait to have some wonderful times learning new things together.
We are really looking forward to the year ahead and all the new and exciting learning, adventures and trips to support our learning with our KEYS Curriculum.
With our Christian Vision “I can do everything through God who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13 I know we will strive to do our BEST.
All the information your child needs will be given on their return in September.
Enjoy the summer holiday and look forward to seeing you in September.