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Cronton Church of England Primary School

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At Cronton CE Primary School our KEYS Curriculum is built around the National Curriculum, enriched to reflect the children and community we teach in. As a church school our Christian ethos and school values are the heart of everything we do.

We believe every child can be their BEST with our Vision statement reflecting this.

“I can do everything through God who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

At Cronton our school values underpin everything that we do in science and the science curriculum is designed to create independent, confident and highly motivated learners with a life-long love of science. Cronton's challenging science curriculum has been planned to include all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum.


We believe that a purposeful, accurate and imaginative science education from EYFS to Y6 provides the foundations for interpreting the world and we also firmly believe that an understanding of environmental science is vital for the Earth’s future. Based on this, we include in our science curriculum, an environmental topic linked to biology, chemistry and physics, for each year group. The children are also taught to become more environmentally aware by becoming a Cronton Eco-Avenger and representatives are chosen to meet up as part of our Eco-Team.  We were very proud to receive our Bronze Eco-Award for the children’s efforts and we are starting to work towards our silver. The children are also given the opportunity for extracurricular science through Mad Science which takes place in school. In science we constantly strive to provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning both inside the school and in our outdoor classroom found in our school woodland area.


Science Capita  

We aim to take our pupils beyond the National Curriculum and promote their science capital in many different ways. As teachers we notice what scientific experiences the children bring to school and we aim to build a rich environment in which the children can develop and share their science capital. Trips to a variety of sites and visitors to school, from our links with Knowsley Environmental Rangers to visits from parents and relatives are an important part of our children’s scientific experience. To promote scientific knowledge at home the children can use their KEYS—key knowledge organisers for each topic that can be found on our curriculum page. There are also some ideas on this page that can be accessed at home.


We welcome visitors into school that can add to the children’s scientific experience (science capital) e.g. opticians, engineers and would love to hear from any parents or relatives that would like to share their experiences with our children. Your experience is needed. Please contact the office on

KEY Science at CRONTON

Our Science Principles



Lessons allow for a wide range of scientific enquiry and children are encouraged to “work like a scientist” at KS2 and “work scientifically” in KS2. Children will be taught to describe processes and key characteristics in a common language across school from Y1, to help the children decide how they ate going to carry out an enquiry and remember the different enquiry types. The children are introduced to our school science enquiry scientist.

Do you want to know more about our scientists and some more? Read on. You can also find out about some amazing scientist through this link.

Lesson Structure

This lesson structure has been designed to ensure the children learn more and remember, combining recapping with learning new knowledge and allowing children to make links. They will develop an understanding of scientific vocabulary and knowledge.  They will be able to use scientific enquiry skills to learn work like a scientist or work scientifically.  



The science curriculum ensures that our children will have a greater understanding of how the world works: based on the scientific disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry, and through environmental science will be aware of, why we need to, and how we can help to, take care of the Earth.

Impact will be measured through assessment throughout the science lessons, end of topic tasks and marking of books. The impact of the science lesson will ensure that all children make good progress from their starting point and have the opportunity to learn more and remember more. They will use scientific language and share their knowledge about the world around them.

Please tell us more about our science curriculum. If you or your child would like to tell us more about science please fill in a questionairre. 

Helping your Child at Home

Please find below some websites with videos, learning resources, games and quizzes that can be used to support your child's learning in science.


ECO Avengers

Our Eco Avengers have been very busy so far this year. We have been looking at ways to help the environment in our local community and wider community. Our first task is to collect batteries as part of the Big Battery Hunt. We have collected a lot of batteries so far and want to keep on helping this important cause.

The Eco Avengers have also drawn lots of notices to remind everyone to save electricity by turning of lights. We are also collecting empty tablet blister packs. These will be melted down to be reused. The best thing about this is that it is also supporting Claire's House Charity.

Another project we are involved in is the planting of trees on Pex Hill. The children have been helping with the digging to help the environment. I am so proud of their determination and dedication to help our planet. 

Our Eco Avengers continue to collect tablet blisters for recycling. Look how many we have collected over the last two weeks. The children recycled plastic bottles and an old shoe rack to make bird feeders. Trying to ♻️ while helping our birds. 

Our Eco Avengers did some litter picking around the school grounds. They did an amazing job and where pleased with their find. Well done. We are going to be doing our local community next time. 

Eco Avengers 2023 - 2024

Out new Eco Avengers have been doing a great job since the start of 23-24/ We have written our first eco newsletter and started our first environmental campaign of this year. We are collecting plastic lids and recycling the school pens and glue-stick containers. Each class has a container to collect in. 

Eco Newsletter - 1

Newsletter 2

The Eco club have created a wildlife area to support the environment and hep mini beast and nature thrive. 

The Eco club are collecting plastic lids to create a piece of artwork. Please send in any type of lids and we will sort them into colours. We are trying to create a large poster for Help Our Earth by creating art about the sky, land and sea. 

