Autumn 1 Blog
Autumn 2022
Early Years and Key Stage 1
This half term we have started learning Spanish in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
In Nursery and Reception, we began by learning how to say, ' Hello,' and following some simple instructions.
Escucha - Listen Mira - Look
Arriba - Up
Abajo - down
In Year 1 and Year 2 we also learned how to say, good morning, good afternoon and goodnight.
This week in Early Years and Key Stage 1 we have been learning family member names. We learned a finger rhyme to help us with the names, and said hello to the family using all the different greetings we have learned.
This week we had a visitor! We had to find out what his name was by asking him in Spanish.
We learned a song to help us.
When he heard our song, he told us his name is José.
We enjoyed meeting José and all said hello to him in Spanish.
Autumn 2022
Year 3
Today we began by looking at the map of Spain and the surrounding countries.
We also looked at other countries where Spanish is spoken.
What is your name?
This week we learned to ask, 'What is your name? and to reply with, 'My name is...' We looked carefully at how these phrases are written down and pronounced, and found out how some of the key sounds in Spanish are represented.
We learnt a song to help us remember the question.
Year 4
Where do you live?
Today we learnt a new question. We compared the way the question is written with the way it's pronounced.
We played Quiz Quiz Trade to practise asking and answering the question.
¿Dónde vives? Where do you live?
This week we learnt some new phrases to express how we are feeling. We sorted anagrams to help us remember them.
Today we have been learning how to say the numbers up to 31 in Spanish, so that we can say the date of our birthdays.
We looked at the structure of the sentence and slotted in our own birthday dates.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (When is your birthday?)
This week we practised asking each other the question in Spanish. We joined in with a rap to help us to remember the question.
¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
Finally, this half term we learned to tell the time (to the hour) in Spanish. We discovered that the pattern stays the same for all the times, except 1 o'clock.
Year 5
Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning how to count up to 100.
We learned to say the multiples of 10, and looked closely at their spellings and pronunciation.
Jungle Animals
This week we started to look at jungle animals and different ways to describe them. Before we looked at the names we listened and tried to spell them, thinking about the key Spanish sounds we know.
We sorted the animals into masculine and feminine nouns and described them with colours. Some of the colours have endings that change depending on whether the noun they describe is masculine or feminine.
This week we used the names of the jungle animals to look at the connection between the words 'the' and 'a' in Spanish.
Then we found different adjectives to describe the animals in the dictionary. We practised making these agree with each animal.
Finally, we wrote some sentences to describe jungle animals, using 2 adjectives.
Spot the sentence
Year 6
Numbers 100 - 1,000
This half term we began by looking at multiples of 100, up to 1,000.
We looked carefully at the spelling and pronunciation of the numbers.
Today we began to look at how to express some different feelings, using the verb tener (to have). We looked at the key sounds in these new phrases.
We looked at the whole paradigm (pattern of the verb), so that we could express how other people are feeling. We sang the paradigm to the rhythm of, 'We will rock you.'
Estar (to be)
This week we looked at a different verb that is used in Spanish to express feelings. We had to conjugate the verb (put it together in the correct order).
We played a game to see if we could spot which piece of the paradigm our partner had taken out.
¿Qué falta? (What’s missing?)
(Autumn 2021)
Year 3
Today we learnt how to say hello at different times of the day.
This afternoon we learnt how to say some farewell phrases in Spanish.
¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name?)
Today we learned how to say our names, and ask somebody else theirs. We looked at some typical Spanish names and learned how to pronounce them.
We sang a song to help us to remember the question and answer.
¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name)
The person who catches the bean bag says, 'My name is...' in Spanish.
We looked at the key sounds in the Spanish phrase My name is... and tried to write it from memory.
¿Cómo estás?
Today we learned how to ask somebody how they are feeling, together with four different replies. We played Quiz Quiz Trade to practise asking and answering the question.
Then we practised writing the phrases.
Today we learnt how to count up to 10 in Spanish. We learnt some actions to help us remember the numbers.
(Autumn 2021)
Year 4
Where do you live?
Today we learnt a new question.
We also learnt to say how we are feeling with some different responses.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? When is your birthday?
Today we learnt how to ask and answer the question. First we learnt our numbers up to 31 and then we practised the months of the year.
We practised by asking lots of different people.
Mi cumpleaños es el dieciseis de mayo. (16th. May)
Mi cumpleaños es el dieciseis de marzo. (16th. March).
Mi cumpleaños es el dos de mayo. (2nd. May)
Mi cumpleaños es el veinte de mayo. (20th. May).
(Autumn 2021)
Year 5
Jungle Animals
Today we listened to the names of some jungle animals and tried to spell them in Spanish before seeing them written down.
Then we looked at the spelling of each jungle animal, noticing how the key sounds are written in Spanish.
Next, we sorted the animals into masculine and feminine nouns.
Today we played Quiz Quiz Trade, to practise the names of the jungle animals in Spanish.
¿Qué tienes? (What have you got?)
Tengo un león (I’ve got a lion) Tengo una serpiente (I’ve got a snake)
Describing jungle animals with colours
Today we looked again at which colours in Spanish have endings that change, depending on whether the noun they are describing is masculine or feminine.
Describing jungle animals with different adjectives
Today we practised using the bilingual dictionary to find alternative adjectives to describe our animals with.
Once we had found some different adjectives, we used them in a sentence to describe the animals.
Today we practised reading aloud a rhyme describing jungle animals.
Walking through the Jungle
Una jirafa. (A giraffe)
Un mono. (A monkey)
Un elefante. (An elephant.)
Un tigre. (A tiger.)
Telling the time
We have been learning how to say half past the hour times in Spanish.
¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?). Son las dos y media. (Half past 2).
¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) Son las siete y media. (Half past 7)
¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) Es la una y media. (It's half past 1)
(Autumn 2021)
Year 6
Today we practised counting up to 100. We looked for patterns in the numbers to help us to write them down.
This week we sang a rap to help us to count in multiples of 10 in Spanish.
¿Sabes contar por decenas? (Do you know how to count in 10s?)
Today we counted in multiples of 100 up to 1,000.
We discovered that multiples of 100 have endings that change to match the masculine or feminine noun they describe.
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?
This week we learnt some new phrases to express how we are feeling in more detail.
At long last we played one of our favourite games, Quiz Quiz Trade to help us practise the phrases.
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?) Quiz Quiz Trade
Tengo miedo (I'm frightened) Tengo calor (I'm hot)
Tengo calor (I'm hot) Tengo miedo (I'm frightened)
Tener (to have)
Now we are learning to say how other people are feeling, by conjugating the verb tener.
We tried to memorise the paradigm (pattern) in 3 different stages.
First we copied it and practised reading it aloud.
Then we filled in the 6 boxes for each person in the right order, with the help of the words around the edge.
Finally, we tried to fill in each box with no help at all.
Then we practised using each part of the verb in different sentences to describe how other people are feeling.
Estar - to be
Today we investigated another Spanish verb - estar. We tried to put all the different parts of the verb in the correct order, before looking at the complete conjugation. We used clues from the pattern and the endings of the verb tener that we have already met.
Estar + adjectives
Today we explored how adjectives used with the verb estar must agree with the person or people they describe. We looked at the different endings needed for masculine, feminine, singular and plural groups of people.
(Autumn 2020)
Year 5 – Parts of the face
Las partes de la cara
This term we are learning about the parts of the face. We practised them by playing the game Simón dice, the Spanish version of Simon Says. We drew and labelled the main parts of the face.
Then we learnt how to describe the parts of alien faces with colours. We had to think about whether the parts were masculine, feminine, singular or plural, and make the endings of the colours agree.
We described one of the aliens to a partner, who had to identify which number alien it was. Then we wrote our descriptions.
Finally, we had to listen carefully to the description of an alien in Spanish, and draw and colour it correctly, before seeing the written description.
Describing our hair and eyes
We learnt some different adjectives to describe our hair, and joined two together to make the description more detailed.
We practised describing our hair and eyes with a partner.
Year 4
Cities in Spain
Today we looked at the cities in Spain and talked about some of their features.
Today we practised our key questions
We learnt a different way of asking and saying how we feel.
We practised some different instructions