Summer 2
Year 2
This term, we have started to learn the months of the year. To help us to remember them, we learnt an action for each month.
Year 1
This term, we have been learning about sea creatures. First, we learnt how to say the names of the shark family.
Then, we learnt the names of some other sea creatures.
Summer 1
This week, we learnt how to say which fruit we would like to eat. We used the key and the aero to help us with our pronunciation.
I want to eat an apple.

Today in Yr 1 and Yr 2, we have been learning the names of fruit in Spanish. Some of their names are very similar.
Some have names that look completely different.
We sang a song to help us remember them.
La cancion de las frutas - The song of the fruits

Spring Term 2
Today, we practised our song, Un Pequeño Dedo (One Little Finger).
Un Pequeño Dedo (One Little Finger)

Then we looked at the spelling of the days of the week in Spanish, and sequenced the days.
Days of the week
This week, we have started to learn the days of the week in Spanish.
We noticed that the Spanish days of the week do not have capital letters! We sang a song to help us remember them.
Los días de la semana.

Parts of the body
This half term we have been learning how to say some different parts of the body. We learnt some actions and put them all together in a new song.
Un Pequeño Dedo. One Little Finger.

Spring Term 1
This week in Year 1 and 2, we counted the animals from our song. We practised answering the question, How many ..... are there?
How many snakes are there? How many frogs are there? How many monkeys are there?
Hay dos. Hay cuatro. Hay cinco.
(There are 2.) (There are 4.) (There are 5)
Then we listened to a new song about some farmyard animals.
Escucha, escucha, ¿Qué escuchas? Listen, listen, what can you hear?

This week in Year 1 and 2, we learnt the names of the last 3 animals in our Mexican Animals song.
The crocodile was our favourite.
Crocodile - Cocodrilo

Jose enjoyed being a mono (monkey).

Today, we started a new topic about animals. We learnt the first 3 names.
We had to listen to the instruction and do the actions for each animal.
İFeliz Navidad! Happy Christmas!
Feliz Navidad - Happy Christmas

Elena tried Mrs. Jones's Christmas hat on!
Today we practised wishing each other Happy Christmas in Spanish.
Feliz Navidad

This half term we have been learning about items of clothing.
el gorro (hat) el abrigo (coat)
la bufanda (scarf) las botas (boots)
We also learnt a Spanish song about a snowflake.
Copo de Nieve - Snowflake

Autumn 1
This week, we looked back at our weather phrases and learnt how to say it's cloudy.
We listened to a Spanish song for relaxation, called Yo soy una nube (I am a cloud). As we relaxed pretending to be clouds, we listened to the different Spanish words and sounds in the song.
Yo soy una nube - I'm a cloud

El Viento Sopla - The Wind Blows
This week in Year 1 we learnt a Spanish lullaby about the wind. In the song, the wind blows the baby's feet, hands and face.
Listen to the music below and try to join in with the song.
El Viento Sopla - The Wind Blows

In Year 2, we learnt how to say it's raining.
We listened to the Spanish version of Rain, Rain, Go Away. We learnt the names of the family, who are fed up with the rain because they want to play out.
Lluvia, Lluvia, Vete Ya. (Rain, Rain, Go Away)

This week, we learnt how to say 3 more weather types in Spanish.
It's sunny. It's cold. It's hot. It's windy.
Fantastic pronunciation today Year 2! İFantástico!
Hace sol. It's sunny.

Hace frío. It's cold.

Hace calor. It's hot.

Hace viento. It's windy

Practise with our weather rap.

Today we started a new topic, The Weather. We started by learning a song about the sun.
Here's a short clip of the song.
Señor Sol - Mr. Sun

During our first week back, we have been practising all the Spanish greetings we learnt last year. What a lot you remembered! We also learnt a different way of saying goodbye. Now we know 2 phrases.