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Cronton Church of England Primary School

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26th Feb

This week has been number six week. We have been practising writing 6 and making representations of 6. We know that six is 5 and I more and it is also the same as 3 and 3.

Our traditional tale for this week has been Jack and the Beanstalk and we have retold  and listened to slightly different versions . The favourite one seemed to be Stinky Jack and the Beanstalk! We looked at some bean seeds and  learnt about how seeds are like being asleep and to wake them up they need to be planted. We learnt two new words, roots and shoots and realised they rhymed. We talked about our daffodil bulbs that are just big seeds and remembered planting them a long time ago in October. We have been very patient and they have now started growing. It was exciting to find some daffodils that had flowered in our playground. 


