12th March
It has been lovely to have everyone back in Nursery this week. Everyone has settled back well. It has been number 8 week this week and we have been learning to recognise it as a numeral and also that there are different ways to represent it for example it is 1 more than 7 and it can be split into 4 and 4.
We have continued to learn about African animals and read some animal stories. One book the children really enjoyed was We’re Going on a Lion Hunt. We made some crazy creatures which you can see on our class blog.
We have been recapping the seasons of Autumn and Winter and been looking for signs of Spring , finding that lots of daffodils are growing in our playground and that the leaves are starting to grow again. Maybe when you go on a walk you could see what signs of Spring you can find with your child.
Hope all the mums have a relaxing and enjoyable day on Sunday.