Rose Blanche Prediction Activity
Today we used the front cover of our new class text, Rose Blanche to make predictions. We looked carefully at the illustration and made predictions about what we thought the book might be about, where it might be set and in which time period.

Accelerated Reader Word Count Trophy Winners
Well done for another week with the trophy, Year 6!
Can we keep it til Christmas?

Autumn 2
Introducing our new Whole Class Shared Reading text- Rose Blanche written by Roberto Innocenti and illustrated by Ian McEwan.
This text is a bit different to those we have studied so far this year as it is a picture book. The detailed illustrations give us just as many clues as the writing does. This book will be great for Year 6 to develop their inference and deduction skills and is a very powerful story.
Does the front cover give you any clues about what the book might be about or where it is set?
Autumn 2
During our 'Immerse' sessions of our biography unit we read a range of biographies about interesting people alongside our class text, Hana's Suitcase.
We particularly enjoyed the Little People, Big Dreams series and learned about the lives of Anne Frank and Jesse Owens.
Are you excited for our new high quality class text, Year 6? You will find out what it is on Monday!
Hana’s Suitcase Prediction Activity
We used the front cover and blurb of Hana’s Suitcase to make predictions. Were we correct?

Autumn 2
Our second class text this year is the moving true story of Hana Brady, Hana's Suitcase by Karen Levine.
Year 6 are enjoying reading this book in our daily Whole Class Shared Reading lessons and have developed their vocabulary and literary language along the way.
One of our favourite examples is:
'Autumn brought a chill in the air, as well as more restrictions and hardship'.
Year 6 will be using this book as a stimulus to write a detailed biography of Hana Brady's life.
Autumn 1
Year 6 have been enjoying our daily Whole Class Shared Reading sessions.
Our first class text this year linked in well with our history topic on World War One and the Christmas Truce.
We read the brilliant War Game by Michael Foreman.
In our English genre lessons, we focused on journalistic writing. We were able to use our class text as inspiration to produce some wonderful and informative newspaper articles.
Reading at Home
Reading regularly at home is really important. Regular reading practice will help to improve your child's fluency, comprehension skills and vocabulary.
We follow Accelerated Reader and also run a reading challenge, which is collated weekly.
Please see below for more information.