Year 1
Please use the link below to see all the fantastic work completed in our Spanish Lessons.
Computing- 07.02.25
This week’s computing focus was left and right turns. We made predictions about where our beebots would end when we programmed them using left and right turns. Using the maps, we planned different routes using forwards, backwards, left and right turns.

Art- here are some of our amazing self portraits!

31.01.25- Computing
We followed instructions to move our beebots around the maps. We used different routes to get to different places on the maps. This week we focussed on moving the beebots forwards and backwards.

Week ending 24.1.25
This week in English planned our own detective narrative. We had to think about our main character, a detective animal, and how they were going to help the people who live on their street.
In maths, we have been exploring number lines to 20. We have used number lines to help us order numbers, find more and less, compare numbers and we have also been estimating using a number line. When we were estimating, we noticed that the space between the numbers on the number line was very important. We then made our own number lines, making sure we had the correct spacing between each number.
In science this week, we sorted lots of different objects into their different properties. We had to test the objects to help us decide which group they went into. In RE, we discussed our favourite parts of the creation story and created artwork to represent this. In Geography, we thought about our own experiences at the coast. We discussed where we went, what we did there and what we saw. In computing, we acted as human robots and gave our friends instructions on how to move around the classroom. It was really important to give clear, step by step instructions so our friends knew exactly what they needed to do! In art with Mrs Hill, we experimented with paints. We used paints to stamp and block print. We experimented with lots of different techniques to help us create our paintings.

Week ending 17.1.25
A very busy week in year one this week! We have continued with science week and had a great session with Stephanie, who works for the NHS.
This week in English we have been exploring our new text Hermelin. We have written questions to Hermelin the deceive mouse to find out more about him, remembering to use questions marks and question starters. We used the question starters, who, what, where, when, why and how. We also looked at the prefix un and explored what happens to words when the prefix un is added. We discovered it makes the meaning of the word the opposite.
In maths, we have been exploring numbers to 20. We have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones, as well as thinking off all the different ways we can make numbers to 20. We then used resources to prove our answers. We used tens frames, part whole models, counters and cubes to help us explain our answers.
In science this week we have started to explore different materials and their properties. We matched materials to their properties. We noticed some materials were see-through, hard, bendy, soft and lots more! We even tested to see if some materials were waterproof. In RE, we discussed the creation story and ordered the story. In Geography, we looked at different coastlines and thought about the features that you would find at each coastline. We explored harbours, piers, cliffs, beaches and ports. In computing, we experimented with beebots and discussed the different uses of robots in day to day life. We had a play around with the beebots, discovering the jobs of each button. We discovered that it was very important to clear the beebot before giving it instructions! In PE, we used our bodies to dance and move like different weather types. We added some more weather moves to our class dance and even added in some poses to end our dance!
We have have a great week and we are all looking forward to our learning next week!

We continued our science week and we had a great workshop with Stephanie this morning learning about our bodies, bones and x rays.

Science Week- WC 06.01.25
We have been learning lots of interesting things this science week.
A big thank you to Dr Laura who came into year 1 to teach us all about medicines! We had lots of fun experimenting and learning about how new medicines are made and tested.

Breakfast with Santa!

Christmas Dinner!

B Tales Christmas Performance- The story of Jonah 10.12.24

Santa Dash

St Andrew’s Day- Blue Team!

DT- practising using a knife and fork to cut play dough. We were refining the skills for when we make our fruit salads!

Fruit tasting in DT to help us decide what we would like to put in our fruit salad.

We had a fantastic day at the Museum of Liverpool! We started our day with a workshop, Toys: then and now. We found out lots about toys from the past and how we can compare old toys to toys now. We compared them by the materials, condition and the technology they use. After lunch we had time to have a look around the museum and we saw lots of interesting artefacts!

Week ending 15.11.24
A very busy week in year one this week! It has been anti bullying week which we have been learning lots about, as well as having odd sock day on Tuesday.
This week in English we have been thinking about how Old Bear would have felt in the attic by himself. We created speech bubbles, describing what we think Old Bear might have said to himself. We have also explored adjectives and written character descriptions of Old Bear.
In maths, we have been subtracting, thinking about missing parts. We used part whole models to work out the missing parts. We played a game where we held different amounts of counters in our hands and asked our friends to work out how many is in the other hand if we knew one part and the total.
We used the stem sentences:
If the whole is _ and _ is a part, then the other part is _.
_ minus _ is _.
In science this week we continued looking at the different senses, focusing on hearing and how our ears work. We looked at the different parts of the ear and what their role is in helping us to hear. In RE, we thought about Jesus being a gift and how he was a gift to us. In history, we looked at toys from the past and discussed how they were different to toys we might play with now. In music, we continued to learn our song ‘Hey You’ and played the glockenspiel in time with the music. We looked at all the different notes on the glockenspiel and listened to how they all sound different. We had so much fun playing the instruments this week! In computing, we designed art work in the style of the artist Matisse. We had to make careful choices to create collages using different shapes and colours.

Week ending 08.11.24
We have had a fabulous first week back after half term!
This week in English we introduced our new class book ‘Old Bear’. We made predictions about what we thought was going to happen. We then read the story to see if our predictions were correct. Lots of us made great guesses! We have been exploring sentence structure and making sure our sentences always make sense by putting the words in the correct order.
In maths, we have been exploring number bonds to and within 10. Ask us how we make ten and we will be able to tell you lots of number bonds.
We have also been answering addition word problems. We have created pictures to match the problems to help us work out the answers.
In science this week we have began to look at the difference sense and we started with how we see. We looked at the different parts of the eye and their uses. In RE, we introduced our new topic of Christmas and discussed why people give gifts, how we feel when we receive a gift and how we feel when we give a gift. This week in DT with Mrs Hill we were discussing healthy eating and what our favourite fruits are and why. In history, we have been exploring the vocabulary past and present. We looked at different timelines and created our own timeline. In music, we listened to our new song ‘Hey, You’. We found the pulse and started to sing along with the words. We discussed how there is a rap section and a singing section and how they sound different. In computing, we designed art work in the style of the artist Mondrian. We had to create different lines that overlapped then use the fill tool to fill the different size squares/rectangles with primary colours.

Week ending 18.10.24
This week in English we have been planning our instructions on how to catch a witch. We thought about the equipment we would need and the order of the steps. We had to make sure the steps were in the correct order so that they would work!
In maths, we continued using the part-whole model to make addition sentences.
Part + part = whole
We explored about fact families and discussed how we can write number sentences in different ways.
Whole = part + part
In science this week we have been tracking the weather. We have had use use observational skills to watch the colour of the sky each morning and use a thermometer to measure the temperature. In RE, we continued looking at the Sukkot festival and why it is important in the Jewish faith. We found it that the festival started this week and will last for a week. In PE, we took part in a yoga session and enjoyed stretching and trying different poses. This week in Art with Mrs Hill we were adding our features to our self-portrait paintings from last week. We used mirrors to look at our features, to make sure we mixed the correct colours and sizes. In history, we started our topic of The Gunpowder Plot and the connection with bonfire night. We discussed the story of the Gunpowder Plot and learnt the rhyme “Remember, remember the fifth of November”.

Week ending 11.10.24
Another great week in year 1!
This week in English we received a letter from Rapunzel, who told us she needed help to capture the witch! She suggested that we write instructions to help her. We have explored instructions and the use of imperative verbs (bossy verbs) in instructions. We really enjoyed playing Mrs Bossy says to practice identifying imperative verbs.
In maths, we introduced the part-whole model, which helped us to add parts to make a whole. We use equipment to make our own part-whole models and used stem sentences to identify the parts and the whole.
_ is a part.
_ is a part.
The whole is _.
In science, we explored recycling and ways we can help the environment. The children came up with some great ideas like using our recycling bins more often and going litter picking around the community and on the beaches. In Geography, we identified our favourite areas of the school and thought of some ways we could improve the school environment. In RE, we discussed the Sukkot festival and why it is important in the Jewish faith. In PE, we worked as a team to play the game ‘me and my shadow’, where we had to copy different actions that our partners did while changing directions.
On Thursday it was World Mental Health day, we thought of different ways to keep our brains healthy and happy, which included doing things we love doing, listening to our favourite music and exercising. We really enjoyed painting with Mrs Hill and yoga with Miss Nesbo.

Week ending 04.10.24
In English, we finished our stories, writing in the style of a traditional tale. We read our stories out loud, checking it made sense and if we wanted to add more details.
In maths, we have been exploring comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. We used special symbols to compare the numbers as well as finding greater and less than on number lines.
In science, we looked at how paper is made. We watched a video of paper being made in a factory and talked about the all the different equipment needed. We then put images in the correct order of how paper is made. In Geography, we thought about our journey to school. We made a class pictogram of the different modes of transport we use to get to school. We then created maps to show our journeys to school, we had to think about what features we pass on our way, such as schools, churches and playgrounds. In RE, we continued looking at Harvest, thinking about those who have a failed harvest. We explored the work of the charity Christian Aid and the work they do to help others. We thought about the different ways we can help those in need at Harvest. In computing, we created class rules of how to use technology. Some of the rules the children suggested were, holding the iPads sensibly, only using apps we are told to use and using kind words when we are typing. In PE, we practised our jumping, hoping and skipping. We found that bending put legs and swinging our arms helped use jump the furthest.
Overall, we had an amazing week in year 1. We all worked really hard and we are looking forward to next week!

Thursday 26th September
European day of languages and Harvest Festival
Today we have had an amazing day! First we started the morning celebrating European languages day. Our country was ITALY.
We learnt some phrases in Italian, we looked at the flag and made some of our own, as well as looking at where Italy is on the map. We listened to some songs from Italy and looked at images and videos of different landmarks.
In the afternoon, we performed in the Harvest festival. We sat beautifully listening to year 2 and sang our songs really well! Well done year 1!

Week ending 20.09.24
What a great week in year 1!
In English, we have been exploring the characters in our class text Rapunzel. We used adjectives to write a character description about Rapunzel, including the conjunction “and”. We have started to plan our own Traditional Tale style narrative and we are looking forward to writing this next week.
In maths, we have been exploring one more and one less. We used counters and cubes to show adding one more and less. We also counted backwards and looked for patterns, adding missing numbers.
In science, we compared objects made from paper and wood. We described what they feel like and the differences in the materials. In Geography, we used an aerial map of the school and walked through the school, labelling each room. We saw some rooms that we hadn’t been in before and used the labels on the doors to help us find out what happens in there. In RE, we continued looking at Harvest, comparing how we harvest food now to the past. We also enjoyed singing songs for our harvest festival. In computing, we developed our drawing and keyboard skills. We created a self portrait and labelled it with our names using the keyboard.
Overall, we had a lovely week in year 1, filled with lots of great learning. We are looking forward to next week!

Week ending 13.09.24
We have had an amazing first full week back in school and worked so hard getting back into our routines.
In English, we have introduced our class text, Rapunzel and compared the characters we found in the story. We built Rapunzel’s tower and wrote sentences about what makes a good tower. We thought of words such as, strong, stable and tall.
In maths, we have been exploring numbers to 10. We have counted forwards and backwards, as well as making them on ten frames.
In science, we explored different materials and described how they felt. We felt paper, which was smooth, pulp, which was wet and wood, which was hard. In Geography, we have been exploring different types of maps. We used two different types of maps to find our school and compared which map we thought was easier to use. In computing, we began to look at technology and found different types of technology in our classroom. We then labelled a computer and a laptop with their key features. In RE, we have began exploring harvest and the harvest festival. We drew pictures of the foods we would like to thank God for. In PE, we worked on our balancing and moving around the hall balancing beanbags on different parts of our bodies. We found some body parts very easy and some very tricky!
Overall, an amazing week in year 1. We are very excited to keep on learning next week!