Summer 2 Blog
Early Years and Key Stage 1 2023
Today we learnt a new song that uses the parts of the body and the parts of the face we have learnt. See if you can join in!
Cabeza, cara, hombros, pies (Head, face, shoulders, feet.)

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Today we learnt the Spanish version of the song, 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies (Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

Today we learnt a new question.
We sang the question to the tune of the, 'Happy Birthday' song.
¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?)

Then we learnt how to say the reply.
Here is an easy way to remember the word Tengo.
Tengo seis años. (I’m 6 years old)

Tengo cinco años. (I’m 5 years old)

Year 3 2023
This half term, we are going to read a story about going on a picnic.
Finally, we learnt how to ask politely for various picnic foods. The phrase changes slightly depending on whether we are asking for a singular or plural item
This week, we learnt the names of some picnic foods.
We also learnt how to say the word some in Spanish.
Today, we looked at the nouns, adjectives and verbs in our story. We learnt actions to go with each verb and looked at their spelling patterns.
This week we started to learn the names of some locations we will see in the story. We matched the place names to the pictures, then we played pairs.
Year 4 2023
Finally this half term, we had to ask for the ice cream we wanted in Spanish!

This week we learnt the names of different flavours of ice cream. We practised asking politely for them.
Then we learnt how to give different opinions of the flavours.
Mi Familia - My Family
22.6.23 ¿Tienes hermanos? Have you got brothers and sisters?
This week, we learnt how to talk about brothers and sisters.
This week, we started to learn the names of some family members. We looked at the patterns in the names.
We matched the picture to the name and we played pairs with the cards.
Finally, we sang an action song to help us remember the names.
Mi Familia (My Family)

Year 5
This half term we are learning about the seaside.
Finally, we designed a poster about going to the beach, showing the different things you can do there.
Today we thought about travelling to holiday destinations. We talked about the places we have been to in Spain, and looked at the names of the Balearic Islands. Then, we looked at the different modes of transport.
We practised asking and answering the question with a partner.
¿Cómo vas? How are you getting there?

Today we researched the names of some items you may need in your beach bag.
We started by revisiting some Spanish verbs that we already know.
Then, we listened to the story and looked for familiar verbs and some we don't know. The story helped us to guess their meaning.
Year 6
Tapas/Going to the Restaurant
This week we made menus for a Spanish cafe.
Today we listened to a story about going to the restaurant. We read our questions first so that we knew which bits of information we had to find. We listened to the story several times.
Today we learnt about the origin of Tapas.
This week, we looked at the typical ingredients of Spanish Tapas. We used a phrase that we already know to practise ordering different tapas.
Year 3 - Numbers 11-15
Today we learnt how to say, read and write the numbers 11-15, in preparation for a story that we are going to read. First we matched the digits to the word. We noticed that all the numbers from 11 to 15 in Spanish end in 'ce' (thay).
Then we played pairs.
Going on a Picnic
This week we looked at the different settings in the story, Going on a Picnic, and learnt how to say them in Spanish. We described each setting with a colour.
Finally, we had to listen and hold up the correct setting that we could hear in Spanish.
This week we learnt the names of some picnic food. We looked at how the words 'a' and 'some' can change in Spanish, depending on the picnic food you are referring to.
Year 4
La familia
This half term we are learning how to say the names of family members.
We looked at the patterns in family names and how they differ for masculine and feminine nouns. Then, we looked at how to go about saying groups of names.
Buying ice cream
Today we learnt how to ask politely for different flavours of ice cream.
Quisiera un helado de vainilla por favor. (I would like a vanilla ice cream please.)

Vamos a la Playa
(Let's go to the beach)
Today we listened to a story in Spanish about the Aliens who went to the beach. As we listened, we had to put the sentences in the story in the correct sequence.
Beach bag items
This week we looked at items we would need for a visit to the beach.
Beach activities
This week we made posters about different things you can do at the beach. We used the phrase
se puede + the infinitive of each verb
eg. You can sunbathe, build sandcastles, swim.
Year 4
Parts of the body
We have already learnt how to say the parts of the face in Spanish, so today we learnt how to say the parts of the body.
We practised giving instructions to a partner, telling them to turn, move or lift a certain part of the body.
Gira la cabeza (turn your head)

Levanta el brazo izquierdo (lift up your left arm)

Levanta la pierna izquierda (lift up your left leg)

Today we learnt how to make each part of the body plural and describe them with numbers and colours. We looked carefully at how the adjective (colour) endings can change according to the gender of each body part, and at the strange word order. Then we built some sentences.
Mi alien tiene 3 piernas amarillas. (My alien has 3 yellow legs)

Mi alien tiene cuatro manos azules. (My alien has 4 blue hands.)

Mi alien tiene cuatro brazos rosas. (My alien has 4 pink arms.)

Mi alien tiene dos cabezas moradas. (My alien has 2 purple heads.)

Today we had to listen to a description of an alien in Spanish and draw and colour what we heard. We couldn't see the written description until the end.
Me duele or Me duelen
Today we learnt how to say which part of our body is hurting. We learnt that the phrase changes slightly depending on whether the body part is singular or plural.
Me duele la mano. (My hand is hurting.)

Me duelen las piernas. (My legs are hurting me.)

Me duele la cabeza. (My head is hurting.)

Me duele la espalda. (My back is hurting me.)

Me duelen los brazos. (My arms are hurting.)

La Familia
Today we are learning the names of family members in Spanish.
Mum and Dad.

Daughter and son.

Grandma and Grandad.

We played Pairs to practise the names and looked at the patterns in the masculine and feminine names.
¿Quién es? Who is it?
Es mi... It's my...
Today we practised asking and answering the question, using the family member names we have learnt.
¿Quién es? (Who is it?)

Today we have been learning how to say plural groups of family members.
Brothers and sisters
Tengo un hermano. Se llama Andrew. (I've got a brother. He's called Andrew.)

Tengo una hermana. Se llama Abbie. (I've got a sister. She's called Abbie.)

Tengo una hermana. Se llama Alice. (I've got a sister. She is called Alice.)

Tengo dos hermanas. Se llaman... (I've got 2 sisters. They're called...)

Los helados - Ice cream
Today we learnt how to ask politely for different flavoured ice cream. We noticed the words are in a different order.
We practised a short conversation with a partner, pretending to buy an ice cream.
Hello, what would you like?

Then we had to ask Mrs. Kimmins for the ice cream we would like.
Quisiera un helado de vainilla por favor. I would like a vanilla ice cream please.

Quisiera un helado de chocolate por favor. I'd like a chocolate ice cream please.

Quisiera un helado de fresa por favor. I'd like a strawberry ice cream please.

We learnt some new phrases to give our opinions of the different flavours.
Year 6
Today we practised our key questions in Spanish, using the dice.
Jugar - to play
We learnt how to ask each other which sport we play, and how to reply with 5 different sports.
¿Qué deporte juegas? Which sport do you play? Juego al… I play...
¿Qué deporte juegas? Juego al...

¿Qué deporte juegas? Juego al...

¿Qué deporte juegas? Juego al...

¿Qué deporte juegas? Juego al...

Jugar - to play
Then we looked at the verb jugar more closely, and learnt how to describe the games that other people play using he, she, we and they.
Hacer - to do
Today we looked at sports that we do rather than play, and investigated the Spanish verb hacer.
We put together (conjugated) the whole of the verb hacer and practised using it for all groups of people.
We tried to memorise each part of the verb.
Hacemos gimnasia. (We do gymnastics.)

Hace baile. (She does dancing.)

Hago ciclismo, hacemos judo. (I do cycling, we do judo.)

Hacemos ciclismo, hago footing. (We do cycling, I do jogging.)

Expressing opinions about sport
Today we learnt how to give our opinions about sport, using five simple phrases.
I love to play tennis because it's exciting.

I don't like swimming because it's difficult.

I hate playing tennis because it's boring.

I love dancing because it's energetic.

Today is your last Spanish lesson Year 6! To celebrate we had ice cream and had to ask for the flavours we wanted in Spanish.
I would like a vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice cream please.

іBuena suerte Clase seis! Good luck Year 6! |