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Year 5

Week ending: Friday 12th July


A superb week from Y5 who were brilliant during our performances of Superstan! Thanks for all singing so well. 

In between all of the chaos we have managed to do some maths, English, reading, geography, PSHE and PE! Great work everybody. 

Apologies for the lack of pictures this week!


Do enjoy a video of our wonderful singing though! Continents are definitely secure in Y5! 

One week to go. We can do this!


Mr Tunstall

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Week ending: Friday 28th June


Well done this week Y5. You’ve worked really hard in a week with lots of things going on, working in the heat… never mind assessments! You’ve managed to focus and have all done your absolute best. 

We enjoyed sports day this week! It was a lovely morning and it was great to see all the children smiling, laughing and enjoying competing together. Well done to each of the teams but especially the blue team who got the victory!


We enjoyed a morning with Mr Soutter this week who did our next unit of money management. This is always a highlight for the children!


We have completed our end of year grammar and maths assessments this week - all of the children should be really proud of themselves. 

We looked at types of cloud in geography and went outside to see which types of clouds we could spot. Perhaps have a look this weekend at which types of clouds you can see on your travels! 

In science, we explored different habits and their impact on the heart. We decided that if we looking after our hearts… we in turn are looking after our whole body! Ask the children what they discussed. 

Well done everybody!


Week ending: Friday 14th June


Well done this week Y5. A good start to our final half term of the year!


In maths, we continued looking at decimals and have become experts and multiplying and dividing by powers of ten. Well done everybody! 

In English, we have enjoyed beginning our final topic based around the King Kong story. We’ve been immersing ourselves in the story, making predictions and thinking about character. 

We really enjoyed cricket and rounders this week, with lots of children making great progress with their batting and fielding skills. Well done to Jude who won our “luckiest (perhaps most skillful) player of the week” award with two quite extraordinary strikes! You will have to ask him about them both. 

In Geography, we began looking at our new topic which investigates water distribution around the world and ways to improve the quality of water. We looked at the facts behind water - how much is salt and how much is fresh… concluding that actually only 0.03% of the water on earth is: a) drinkable b) accessible. Crazy!


We were also happy to spend some time with our seedlings, talking to them and helping them with their cards. What a lovely experience!


Well done everybody ☺️

Week ending: Friday 24th May


Well, another half term has come to an end! Well done on all of your hard work year five. You have gone above and beyond when asked to and have made so much progress.

It has been a pretty crazy week and I have been out of class a lot. However, it’s been lovely to come back to positive comments from the teachers in class about your great attitudes. Attitude is everything!


It has been a real joy to see lots of children applying all of the things we have been learning in English whilst writing a survival guide. Well done!


You really have all made such progress and I’m really looking forward to our final half term of the year. Let’s make it a good one! Enjoy a wonderful two week break. 

Mr Tunstall

Week ending: Friday 17th May


What a super week in Y5! I am so proud of all of the children for their hard work and focus during an important week for Y6. You really supported them well!


In English this week, we have been planning and writing our stories based on the Lost book of Adventure. I have been so impressed with the children’s accuracy with punctuation and their creative ideas. Such progress is being made!


In maths, we looked at 3D shapes and the properties of each. We then moved on to looking at coordinates. The children blew me away with their understanding so we moved onto reading coordinates without grids and numbers on the axis. This was a real challenge - the children did so well!


We continued our learning looking at bridges in history. Ask the children all about the bridges across Mersey from Widnes to Runcorn and the history of these. They will be thrilled to tell you! 

We also continued our unit on vector drawings with some creative pieces. We looked at the functions of each part of the plant during science, and also looked at plant cells and what each part is called. Ask the children who the bank manager of the cell is… it will make sense to them!


We finished the week with a game of quidditch and a very magical day. We also enjoyed another session singing with Mr Holland. We’re really looking forward to performing in July!

Well done on a fantastic week Y5! Have a great weekend.



There are no words! What a trip and what a class. You all did yourselves proud. A real joy to take such a wonderful group away and so many happy memories made.


Please have a look at the video and pictures below to see what we got up to! smiley

This video is unlisted and is only viewable via this link.

Week ending: Friday 3rd May


Year 5 have really worked hard over the last two weeks.


We have spent time learning about angles and rotations in maths, as well as learning how to measure and draw angles accurately. In English, we have spent time writing and then editing our writing with a real focus on how important the editing process is in making a quality piece. It has been great to see children passionate about maths and English!


In history, we began looking at our local area and looking at the history of bridges between Runcorn and Widnes. In Science, we began our new topic learning about plants and have been looking at the parts of vascular flowers. We even went on a flower hunt to find some examples of our own!


In art, the children started to look at William Morris and created artist pages about him, inspired by his love for nature. 

In PE, we continued to improve our netball and tennis skills. 

Well done Y5! ☺️

Week ending: Friday 19th April


Well done this week Year 5! Lots of hard work and a number of different teachers in class who all said how brilliant you were. 

On Wednesday, we enjoyed taking part in a Jerusalem Journey and were walked through the Easter story. It was a really powerful experience which displayed the amazing news of Easter to each of us. Well done for your brilliant listening skills!


On Friday, we enjoyed taking part in our first singing session with the cathedral. Thank you to Mr Holland! We are looking forward to the big sing at the cathedral in July.

In maths, we focused on statistics this week. Children enjoyed interpreting line graphs and charts. They also did an exceptional job drawing a line graph!


In English, we started our new topic based on the story “The Lost Book of Adventure” and wrote some great setting poetry around some of the brilliant images that are found in the book.


In reading, we started our new novel: The Nowhere emporium. We are looking forward to getting into the text properly over the next month! Also, well done to all children who are giving their best efforts with reading at home. It really does make a difference! 

We did some vector drawings using Sketchpad in computing. The children had lots of fun doing this! We thought about being eco-friendly in science and finished off with our exit task creating a poster around this. In Geography, we were using six figure grid references to locate places in Llandudno. 

Well done everybody!


Llandudno: if anybody does have any concerns or questions, please do get in touch. 

Mr Tunstall

Week ending: Friday 12th April


We have had a brilliant start back after our Easter break. We’ve brought great attitudes back in to school and it’s really shown in lots of the work completed.


We welcomed Mrs Hill into our class this week and are looking forward to working together.


In English, we have planned and written our final writes for our character narratives. I am so proud of the progress the children have made with their writing. They are brilliant!


In maths, we followed on from our work on perimeter and moved onto area. We spent some time measuring the area of our classroom as Mrs Hill wasn’t a fan of the carpet. 76m squared incase anybody wants to buy us a new one! The children really engaged with the learning and enjoyed calculating the perimeter of different rectilinear shapes.


In reading, we had the thrilling finish to Warrior Boy and all quizzed on this. We’ve loved reading this book!


In Science, we finished our final lesson in our unit on pollution and thought about ways we can contribute towards global sustainability. In Geography, we looked closely at the Llandudno region and explored OS maps and symbols. 

We also started our new computing unit - this involves vector drawing.


The children enjoyed playing tennis in PE. We had a real focus on hand eye coordination this week.


Well done Year 5!

Happy Easter! End of Spring term.


Well done to each of our children on a fantastic spring term. It has been such a joy getting to know you all! Your Easter bonnets were fantastic today. 

Have a restful and fun time over Easter, spending time with family and friends. Eat lots of chocolate and everything else that comes with Easter and don’t forget the real meaning of that first Easter - Jesus’ death and resurrection for each of us so that we can have eternal life with Him. 

See you after Easter!

SCIENCE WEEK 2024: Week ending 15th March


Wow! What a week we have had. We have been having such fun exploring a variety of different areas of science and expanding our minds and imaginations. We had a number of different workshops - some based around electricity, some carbon monoxide, some coding, some medicines and some biomimicry. It really has been a jam packed week of fun! See lots of the images below for more details. 

In the midst of all the fun, we did manage to do some other subjects including maths, English, Spanish and DT. We also did some geography. 

Well done Y5 on a fantastic science week. Thank you for your engagement and energy. 

Week ending Friday 8th March 2024:


This week has truly been a week of hard work by each of the children! We have shown real perseverance in completing our spring assessments - well done to each of you for doing your best. And all with a smile!

Aside from tests, we found time to complete some more work on tenths, hundredths and thousandths in maths and also did some editing of our character descriptions in English. 

We started our new learning about Llandudno in Geography as we prepare and get excited for our trip there. In Science, we began our new learning on pollution and started to think about the different types of pollution we see in the world. 

Earlier in the week, children enjoyed painting in art and finishing off their Spanish work.


Thursday was a great day celebrating reading - the children’s costumes were brilliant! We took part in an online quiz and researched the Spanish festival “La Tomatina” before designing a book cover for the festival. We also spent a lot of time reading. 

Wednesday and Thursday had many interruptions from the whistle as children took part in “drop everything and read”. A real challenge for teachers! 

Thank you to all Mums and grandparents and aunties who came in on Friday to spend time with their children and celebrate Mother’s Day. We hope you enjoyed it.


Well done to all of the children this week. Have a great weekend and come back recharged and ready to learn next week.


Mr Tunstall

Week Ending: Friday 1st March 


A huge well done to Y5 this week - it has been fantastic to see everybody in and working so hard. Let’s keep pushing ourselves to be kind everywhere we can be, and in every way we can be.


The children have made great progress in maths this week, exploring decimal and fraction equivalences for tenths and hundredths as well as other fractions. Our week ended with our usual timestable and arithmetic challenge!


In English, we spent time writing a poem using concrete and abstract nouns… this was great fun and the children were so creative. We also explored our character further from our text ‘The Promise’ and wrote a character description about this. 

In History, we looked at Viking gods. We also continued with our current topics in Spanish and art. 

In PE, we were led through many challenging gymnastics stretches and exercises by some of the girls in the class. The children loved this. We also spent time in PE playing fast paced warm up games, as well as some calmer games of boccia and curling. 

We spent time in PSHE asking ourselves what it means to be healthy physically and mentally and are looking forward to developing this as we learn over the next number of weeks. 

Thank you to all of those who brought back their forms for bikeability. Group information will be sent out soon. We will also have a Llandudno meeting soon for final details - Mr T and Mrs A went on a trip today to make sure everything is in order for the trip… And it is!


Have a lovely weekend. 

Week Ending 23rd February


This week has been a fantastic week of learning in Y5. The children came back in with good attitudes so well done everybody!


In maths, we looked at fractions of amounts and moved onto looking at decimals. The children also had fun doing an arithmetic on Friday - will you beat your score next week?


In English, we finished our writing from before half term and this is now up on the wall. We began our new unit - this is all around the book ‘The Promise’.


We had fun starting our new units of gymnastics and inclusive sports in PE. We completed our final lesson in our earth and space unit and are ready to do our exit quiz next week. 

The class have also enjoyed doing Spanish, Art and History this week. In PSHE, we had a visit from the nurses and talked about growing up and all of the changes that come with that. Very informative! 

Well done this week Y5.

Week Ending: 9th February 2024

Happy half term! What a brilliant half term it has been. The children have really settled well and made huge progress with their learning and attitudes. It’s been a joy to see!!

This last week it has been a real joy seeing children applying lots of things we have been learning and practising into their writing. You have come so far already! 

In maths, we started learning about fractions and the children have all worked hard trying to multiply fractions and then convert their answers to mixed number fractions. We enjoyed linking this to our previous work on short division. Maths connections are fantastic!

During our non-core learning, we learned about solar eclipses (the last one visible from where we are was 20th March 2015). In history, we learned about why the Viking invaded monasteries. During PE, we did some final dancing before finishing the week with some really competitive dodgeball and benchball. 

The highlight of the week, though, has to be the worship that the children led in St Luke’s. Each of you spoke, acted and sang so brilliantly and confidently. We are so proud! You shared a really powerful and meaningful message about compassion and the importance of it. Don’t forget it this week. 

Thank you to all the parents who came to encourage us. We hope you enjoyed it!


There is no SATs companion homework this week, nor are there spellings (we have not managed to test last week’s due to some lessons missed practising for church). It would be amazing if children could keep up their reading and practise their times tables lots. Also, make sure to sleep, smile, laugh, relax and recharge your batteries ready for another half term of learning. 

Well done everybody. 
Have a lovely half term break.


Mr Tunstall

Week ending: Friday 2nd February 2024


Well done this week Y5 - lots of brilliant work and brilliant attitudes! And lots of lovely singing too.


In maths this week we finished division. The children are becoming increasingly fluent! In English, we finished our plans ready to do our final writes next week. Very excited to see this.


We enjoyed playing dodgeball and volleyball in PE. Exceptional skills on display! 

In RE, we looked at the links between our Christian values, British values and the teaching of Jesus. We know the importance of loving one another… Jesus’ greatest command. We have also spent two afternoons practising for our St Luke’s service next week. We are excited to see you there!


In PSHE, we thought about jobs and tried to rank these in order of importance. Then, we looked at how much we thought each got paid and whether they were paid fairly. We then thought about our own futures and the jobs we might want to do, and the steps we would need to take to get there. 

Well done everybody ☺️

Week Ending 26.1.24


Year 5 have worked really hard this week. In maths, we finished multiplication and started division. We have also been working hard on our timestables and trying to improve our fluency. The children have been enjoying competing with themselves and trying to beat their previous week's scores. Why not have a go on TTRockstars this weekend?


In reading, we have been enjoying reading more chapters of Warrior Boy. The children are loving this book! In writing, we were in our 'analyse' stage of the writing process and we looked at the different writing features in the example text and realised that we have been already applying these each day in our sentence accuracy part of the lesson. The children wrote a great setting description yesterday and tried to include a number of these features.


We enjoyed a Science online workshop all about satellites and space exploration as we enhanced our space topic. We also looked at the moon and the different phases of the moon... and may have eaten some tasty snacks along the way (it was all part of the learning process!).


In History, we continued looking at the Vikings. We enjoyed  looking at how the Vikings invaded and what made them so successful. In art, the children began their new unit by sketching some longships - these were exceptional.


We have also enjoyed PE, RE and Spanish this week.


Mrs Gillies had the class on Thursday morning and was really complimentary of the children's attitudes to learning and their listening skills. Well done everybody!


We are going to continue working on our listening skills, our positive learning attitudes and getting the most out of each day in school. Keep up the good work Year 5!



Week ending: Friday 19th January 2024

It has been a good week of learning in Y5. We have been working hard on our learning attitudes to make sure we can get the most out of each lesson. 

In maths this week, we have been continuing with multiplication. We have been looking at 2 digit x 2 digit long multiplication questions - consolidating the area model and the moving onto the formal long division method. We then moved onto 3 digit x 2 digit numbers. It has been wonderful to see great progress in presentation and accuracy with lots of children getting these tricky calculations consistently correct. Ask your children what they can’t forget when doing long multiplication!


In English, we looked in detail at the different ways we can tell a character (or person!) is feeling. Ask your children to draw around their hand and then tell you the five ways!

We also explored our example text and dug deep into the vocabulary used. It was great to see children applying this new vocabulary in their short character feeling writes at the end of the week. 

We enjoyed an online space workshop on Thursday and continued our space learning as we looked at each of the planets and what each planet is like. We listened to a rap and the children worked in groups to create posters about each planet. These are going to be presented next week and then put into a booklet in the children’s books. 

In History, we explored further the reasons for the Viking people to leave Scandinavia and where they settled. Ask the children if they know any current cities/towns that were originally Viking settlements.


In RE, Y5 explored Jesus’ teaching by looking at a number of different parables that Jesus taught and what these tell us about our own lives but, more importantly, what they teach us about God.


The whole class involved doing dance and volleyball in PE this week. Some great progress in volleyball already with the children becoming increasingly confident. 

In DT, the children enjoyed finishing their sarcophagus project. This linked to the ancient Egyptians!


Well done Year 5 ☺️

Week Ending: Friday 12th January 2024


Happy New Year! 


It's been a great start to the year for Y5. A new teacher isn't always easy to adjust to, but the children have done a fantastic job coming in with a smile, working hard and getting used to me. So, thanks everyone!


We have been looking at multiplication this week. We started with short multiplication and moved onto the area model. Great attitudes from everybody - we'll be continuing with this next week. In English, we started our new piece of work as we begin to look at creating an explorative narrative based on the book 'When we walked on the moon'. We created a contrast poem about the difference between the Earth and the Moon. The children used lots of brilliant metaphors in their poems!


Tying in with the space theme, we began our topic on Earth and Space in Science and explored how we know that the earth is spherical. The children showed lots of strong prior learning and were able to demonstrate retention of knowledge from Y3 and from an earlier Y5 topic. Great job!


In reading, we began our text 'Warrior Boy' which has been very exciting. We are currently two chapters! Why not ask the children what they know about Ben? Also, ask them what a sucking chest wound is and where that fits in our story...


In History, we started to discuss the Vikings and where they came from. Ask the children what 'viking' and 'norsemen' mean. In PSHE, we discussed and thought about our future jobs and our dream and goals for the future.


Finally, in PE, we started our topic of volleyball and thought about how to serve the ball. 



I have set homework tonight which is due in on Monday 22nd January. From then on, homework and spellings will run Monday to Monday.

PE will be on a Monday and Thursday.




End of Autumn term


The end of an excellent term for Year 5. Sadly this is my last post as class teacher and what a pleasure it has been to get to know the children over the last 4 months. I want to thank all the parents for their support and well-wishes, I’m sure I’ll be in to visit! Good luck year 5, you will all be great! Fun times ahead and keep smiling. 


Mr Bell

Week ending 8/12/23


Another fantastic week of learning in Year 5. 

We completed a brilliant cliffhanger narrative in English relating to our vehicle text about Sherlock Holmes. In maths we have also finished our fractions unit of work. 

Geography involved looking at Texas and its surrounding states. Finally, in computing we created our own videos reviewing our class book Who Let the Gods Out. 

Week ending 1/12/23


Year 5 enjoyed an amazing trip to Liverpool this week. It linked to our computing work as firstly we visited the Apple shop in Liverpool One. Whilst here we learnt about coding and also got to explore the shop. After that we visited the world museum to explore Egyptian artefacts and also begin to understand a little about space. 

Week ending 24/11/23


Lots of learning in Y5 this week. 

On Tuesday the children produced an amazing worship in a day with Bible tales all about humility. On Wednesday we were visited by money management to learn about needs and wants. 

We have started completing our assessments this week in maths and English. 
For our kindness challenge this week we went and read to our seedlings. We also spent some time examining our daffodil bulbs and making sure they survive the incoming cold weather. 

Finally, some Y5 pupils spent time with an artist this week creating a curriculum piece for the school. 

Week ending 17/11/23


Busy week of learning in Year 5. 

In maths this week we spent time converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. 

We have continued examining Hound of the Baskerville in English. 

This week has also been anti-bullying week, we decorated the play ground in purple to show our solidarity with the key messages. 

Week ending 10/11/23


A great start to Autumn 2 for Year 5. 

We have started many new topics to enjoy over the next half term. In English we started a new vehicle text focusing on Sherlock Holmes. Geography involved mapping the world and looking at lines of longitude and latitude. Finally in science we have been focusing on geology of the Earth. 

For Diwali we spent time in reception creating art work outside. 

Week ending 27/10/23


The end of a wonderful half term in Year 5. 

This week has been full of fantastic activities. A small group of Y5 represented the school at a debate competition, showing great maturity and communication. We were visited by Knowsley aspirations to think about future careers. Finally, we have started our Edwina Trust planting project. 

In History we enjoyed learning all about who Nelson Mandela was. We also finished our science and computing topics. 

Week ending 20/10/23


Fantastic week of learning in year 5 this week. 

We finished our second piece of writing for our vehicle text FArTHER by writing a letter from the perspective of the father. In maths we continued multiplication and division by learning about square and cube numbers. 

We had an amazing visit from Knowsley aspirations to learn about careers and future choices. In science we were testing different properties of materials. Finally, we finished our history topic on Ancient Egyptians which we’ve loved. 

Week ending 6/10/23


A fantastic week of learning in Y5. We have been swimming Tuesday to Friday afternoons and the children have been superb with their swimming skills. 

In science, we completed an exciting experiment looking at irreversible changes. 

Finally, in PSHE we focused on team work and how we need certain roles to be most effective. 

Week ending 29/09/23


Another brilliant week of learning in Year 5. 

The highlight was European Day of Languages when we learnt all about the Netherlands. We looked at their culture, language and tourism within the country. 

We also finished our first piece of writing, a setting description, all based around our vehicle text FArTHER. 

In maths, we moved onto addition and subtraction. Finally, in History we have examined why the Egyptians had pyramids. 

Week ending 22/9/23


An exciting full of learning in Year 5!

In English we have began to write our own setting description based on the vehicle text FArTHER. Whilst in maths we have finished our topic of place value. 

Science involved looking at how to separate mixtures using a range of methods including sieving, filtration and evaporation. 

In History we learnt how Egyptians worshipped and researched some of their many gods. 

Finally, in PE we looked at sprinting techniques. 

Week ending 15/9/23


Wonderful first 9 days in Year 5! The children have settled superbly and all enjoyed their learning.


We have started some magnificent topics so far this half term. In WCSR we began to read Kensuke's Kingdom which has provided us with lots of discussion points and left us curious as to what happens next. In Ready Steady Write we have been using the text FArTHER as our vehicle text and looking at setting descriptions. 


History has been very exciting as we study the Ancient Egyptians, this included looking at how the Egyptians lived and looking at some artefacts. Science involved an experiment investigating whether different materials were soluble or insoluble.


Finally, Year 5 were very excited to meet their seedlings this week from Reception. This is a great responsibility for Year 5.

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to our new class blog for 2023 - 2024. We cannot wait to have some wonderful times learning new things together.


We are really looking forward to the year ahead and all the new and exciting learning, adventures, residential and trips to support our learning with our KEYS Curriculum.


With our Christian Vision “I can do everything through God who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13 I know we will strive to do our BEST.


All the information your child needs will be given on their return in September.


Enjoy the summer holiday and look forward to seeing you in September.

