Covid - 19 Testing and School attendance
We appreciate there is a bit of confusion around sending children in to school or not. Please remember:
If anyone in your household shows any Covid symptoms, they should have a test done - - a high temperature - a new or persistent cough - loss of taste or smell .
All members of the household must self-isolate until the results of the test are known even if other members of the household have a test done and theirs returns negative. You should not send your child to school at least until the results of all the tests are known.
If all tests come back as negative you do not need to continue to self-isolate and your child can return to school
If a test comes back as positive do not send your child to school. Everyone in the household must self-isolate for 14 days from the onset of symptoms or from the date of the test if they showed no symptoms, even if anyone else in the household has a negative result.
The person who tested positive must self-isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms or from the date of the test if no symptoms
If you are uncertain please check the DfE or Gov website for advice. Or if you are still unsure, ring / email us in school. Thank you.