Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement
Good evening
In the event that we need to use remote learning through online platforms such as Team, please read the Acceptable Use Policies on our website under the Remote Learning tab on the Class Pages tab.
Children Acceptable Use Policy - please read through the relevant one/s with your child / ren,. Staff will be covering this with the them in school.
Once you have read and accept the Policy please complete the agreement using the link below. Once we have received your agreement we can send your child's email user name and password. Please ensure you keep these safe as they will need these to access the remote learning should this be needed. All agreement responses need to be returned by Friday 20th November 2020.
The link to the agreement is Acceptable Use Policies (Agreement). This link has been emailed to parents and it can also be found on our Facebook page
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Mrs S Thomson