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Year 1

Autumn: Map skills: Our School

In this unit, the pupils will continue developing their understanding of the World from EYFS and their locational knowledge through first-hand observation and use of basic specific vocabulary.

This unit is highly practical and allows the children to explore the geographical properties of their known environment (school) and some of the features present. The pupils will learn that sizes and locations can be mapped in plans and identified using aerial imagery and that the school has different areas with specific layouts and designated activity.  

The children will begin to expand their knowledge by talking about the journey from their homes to the school and they will build on this in Year 2 when making comparison with a school in Australia


Spring: Seaside

Seaside is a unit of work which takes the children’s previously learned map skills and experience of fieldwork and extends it beyond the local area while still drawing on their understanding of the world and life experiences.

The children will be learning about the unique nature of Britain as an island and the surrounding seas by looking at maps. This will prepare them for learning more about their country in Summer 1 Unit My Country as they will get increasingly familiarised with the outline shape of the UK.

Through the use of maps, pictures, photographs and aerial photographs, the pupils will be taught to recognise both physical and human features of the seaside regions and the importance of coastline both for recreation and habitat for fauna and flora that needs protecting.

The children will be able to revisit their learning during History topic and the role coastline defence played in the last successful invasion of Britain by William the Conqueror. In Summer 1, they will develop their knowledge of the UK further.


Summer: My Country

In this unit, the pupils’ understanding of the UK and their local area will be developed and they will be allowed to make valuable links between their own experiences (trips, news) and ways of recording location on a map.

Serving as a short introduction, the children will begin to understand what makes each of the 4 countries of the UK special and this will be later on developed in the KS2 UK knowledge studies.

Discussing what makes our country special and unique and some of the symbols associated with it will allow the pupils to start building a deeper understanding of some of the attributes of countries and prepare them for Year 3 unit of work UK as a part of Europe.

